Sunday, January 21, 2024

Allergies Suck

 Today we finally figured out why I was not sleeping and so miserable lately.  It was my new hand lotion and perfume.  So we washed everything including my sleeping gloves and sweater. They are still drying because we are having a rare rainy day today. I also took down my spare pillow and am starting the night with a perfume free pillow. 

This whole thing left me completely bummed out  I really liked the scent of the new lotion and perfume. However I like my sinuses and sleep more.  

I will have to check my other sweaters for perfume residual. If they have any, they will be washed one at a time. When that sweater is completely dry, I will wash the next one. I only really need 2 winter sweaters in Tucson.  

So I am 12 hours lotion and perfume free.  I already feel better. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Kohlrabi Pasta

 This is a new recipe that is so good that John wanted it 2 nights in a is gluten free and counts towards your vegetables. It also cooks in 1 pan.  This recipe makes 2 servings. It takes just 3 ingredients. If you go to Trader Joe’s or a grocery store that have the ingredients prepared for you there is virtually no prep time required. 

Kohlrabi is also know as a German Turnip despite the fact that is not a root vegetable. It belongs to the Brassica or mustard family  and is related to cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower making it a cruciferous vegetable. It is also a good source of vitamin C.  It is also low in calories, and sodium. It even provides 2 grams of protein per cup of raw kohlrabi. 

So here we go. You will need:

10 ounces of clean and grated kohlrabi 

10 ounces of white mushrooms, cleaned and sliced.

2 tablespoons of olive oil

Optional: Yo Mama’s Pasta Sauce. This is our preferred brand.  It is sugar free and tastes great. 

Microwave the kohlrabi for 4 minutes.  Sauté the mushrooms in a large skillet with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add the freshly microwaved kohlrabi to the mushrooms. Sauté until the mushrooms are well cooked.  Serve immediately   You may add pasta sauce on top, but be sure to warm it up first. 

You may also top it with the protein of your choice. 

Serves 2. 

Please be aware that these are my personal favorites. I have not been paid to promote any of the above products. We always keep a jar or 2 of Yo Mama’s pasta sauce in the pantry, it is a household favorite.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

A Roller Coaster Kinda of Day

 I was having a fantastic day until I was not. I got so angry at a sibling for being unwise and unwilling to help himself.  I got so mad I was literally shaking.  There are 2 ways to deal with this. I was proud of myself for making a healthy stress eating option. The first is eating until I feel better, but after 2 bowls of fruit it as time to go to the next phase.  The next phase is  more stress cleaning. I managed to clean an entire 2 food square area down to the bare wood.  Some things went to their proper places. Some things got tossed.  Some things landed in the Bookman’s trade bag.  By the time I was finished I put on over 3,500 steps around the house.  I used up all my spoons for the day and then some.  I still had dinner to cook. 

We were both so tired and stressed that we skipped the chicken dinner that was planned. We had even gone to Trader Joe’s for more kohlrabi before things went south. We then went to our new plan B. A vegetable omelette with fruit for dessert.  On the plus side I managed to flip the 12 inch omelette without having it break apart.  So for 2024 I am flipping omelettes at a flipping average of 500.  Meaning that we have had 4 vegetable omelets and I flipped 2 without them failing into a scrambled eggs mess. 

I was planning to spin some yarn after dinner, but was too tired. I then thought about some knitting.  Again my hands were too tired.  I then resorted to some retail therapy by ordering for delivery a few things we needed for the house.  On low energy days home delivery is a great option for me.  

I should mention that kohlrabi is a turnip which  can be shredded to and cooked to make a great pasta substitute.  I will put the recipe in another blog post.  

Monday, January 15, 2024

My Weight Loss Journey

 This will be a short and sweet blog with pictures of my weight loss journey. My before and yesterday’s pictures.  


The second picture is an accidental picture of me. I was really taking a picture of the dresser and I just happened to be standing in front of the mirror. I know that the clarity of the picture is not the best. What is so different is my size. Yes, I am down 4 sizes as of right now. It is getting harder as I lose more weight, the rate of loss has almost stalled. Right now my body is doing the inches thing. The short dress that I am wearing just happens to be a shirt that use to come to just my hips.  It is one of the items that still fits from before.  It use ti fit like the gray top above. Now it is at my knees…

Friday, January 12, 2024


 Today’s blog is brought to you by spoons.  Spoons are what I never seem to have enough of.  Spoons are units of energy.  

As I am getting older my body is changing. This includes my feet.  I have changed shoe sizes. So I have found a brand of shoes that fit perfectly right now.  I can wear them all day.  So after buying 2 new pairs of shoes, I knew it was time to clean out my closet of the shoes and high heels which I can no longer wear.  I filled 4 boxes with shoes that no longer fit and are still in great shape.  So I think I moved ahead of the clutter curb.  I have also run out of big boxes.  John will take the boxes to Goodwill tomorrow.  I will see what else I can add tomorrow.  

This evening I also started putting my earrings away.  I plan on taking the earrings that are too uncomfortable to wear and the singles to make more stitch markers.  Not that I need any more stitch markers. I just thought it would be fun to do. That they would be more useful as stitch markers than collecting dust.  

Now I am too tired to do anything.  

Not to change the subject, but I am going to change the subject.  Have you ever noticed that the last 6 inches of a 6 foot long scarf seems to take forever.  Maybe I will finally finish it this weekend.  Which me luck.  

What is leaving forever, tomorrow.  Four boxes lined up to go   

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Just Medium

 I am doing the clothing replacement thing again.  I started trying on the larger sizes because I was feeling very fat.  Even though I really know that I am a lot smaller than I used to be.  So both pairs of pants and the sweater were a medium.  So I was very happy.  Right now the scale is not moving but my clothes are getting bigger.  So the next Goodwill box will be started this week.  

I have started a log book of unfinished projects.  I am up to 26 unfinished projects, including knitting, weaving and spinning.  I know that I have not logged them all yet.  Hopefully I can finish more than a few of them by the end of the month.  I am hoping that 2024 is my year of being more organized.  Here is to a year of less squirrels.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Volvo the next chapter

 John got on the phone yesterday with the dealership.  So long story short we arrived at the dealership at 7:30 am.  It’s very early, am I right?  They did a computer duomp and found an incident in the log but couldn’t find the actual problem.  

So they did a software update and my 4 year service on my car that has less than 11,000 miles on it.  They said that would fix the problem.  John talked to the service manager and found out when the technicians were available.  So the game plan is for me to drive straight to the dealership if the break issue pops up again.  Since it seems to be an intermittent problem I am betting on John being right that it is either a sensor issue or a broken wire.  Only time will tell.  

I have found out that 59 degrees is too cold on a low spoons day to eat outside.  I finished my chicken before my body said no more food for you. 

I drove the car home after lunch.  I spent the rest of the day solving craft supply issues and knitting.  Of course I did cook a new favorite dinner. A mixed vegetable and duck egg omelette.  Of course I managed to mess up the flip and feed the stove top some of our dinner.