My spoons were out of balance this weekend. I spent too many spoons on Saturday with a day full of activities. I do have to say in my own defense , that I had a great day. I also was keenly aware when my spoons ran out on Saturday. I violated my one activity per day rule. So today I paid for it. My plan was to have a quiet cup of tea and then knit afterwards. Instead I had my cup of tea and took a 3 hour nap. There is a cost to everything in life.
We did manage to go out to lunch and thank goodness I took my knitting with me. We ordered as soon as the waitress came to offer us water and then waited an hour for lunch to arrive. This is not unusual for this restaurant chain, it has been going on for years.
It was then off to a local art collectives show. It is being to seem redundant with the same people and identical work shown 3 times a year. Don’t get me wrong, there was some really nice art work there. However they seem to lack the ability to attract new members and expand the breath of their shows. With a town like Tucson that takes real work to do. We seem to get a fresh crop of retirees each and every year. There must be an artist or 2 in each crop.
We even managed to get to dinner early enough to miss the yearly crowd from the gem and mineral show in town for the next 3 weeks. We planned our dinner to start before the shows ended for the day.
All in all we had a great weekend.
*Spoons are units of energy. I have only so many spoons a day to use. If I use less that ok. If I use more it can wreck havoc with me for the next day or 2.