A blog about my life, my fiber arts and pictures of my finished work. I will also throw in the very occasional recipe or shopping tip.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Projects 37 to 67
Thursday, October 26, 2017
After a very successful fundraiser for Eric’s day program I am still trying to get Eric to go to sleep before tommrow. I was at the JCC from 7 am to 4 pm. It’s been a long day. 11:30 pm is to late for such a long day, but John was on Eric duty last night so it is my turn. Wish me luck. I may go for the caffine if it is a very long night.
Monday, October 16, 2017
This is what 2,444 rows looks like. There are 3 hats, 7 scarfs, 2 shawls, 2 cowls and 5 kitchen things. These will all be at the Taglit fundraiser.
The other score for the day Arthritis 1 Sheri 0. John an A+ for a great dinner. Last but not least I think Eric is doing better..

Tuesday, November 1, 2016
A Busy Day
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Slow Progress
This weekend while putting up the Halloween decorations we decided to clean out the Halloween storage box. Some was trashed, but the best part was that some was passed on to someone else. I got very creative. I made a FREE sign and taped it to the box. Then I left it by the mail box. When we got back from dinner all of it was gone. Somewhere our unwanted decorations will be decorating someone else's house. How cool is that?
I am also cleaning out my closet very slowly. I put a bag by the closet and every time I go to pick out my days outfit, if I find something that I do want or need I just put it in the bag. This weeks total is 10 empty hangers. It's a slow start, it it is a manageable pace for me. And then it will go on to charity for its next life.
I have also also decided not to try create anything else for the November 10th fundraiser at the Tucson JCC. I will just be finishing what has already been started. I will suggest getting there early for the best selection. Now it's time to finish the next project.
Monday, October 24, 2016
This and That
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Quilt Layout
Friday, November 13, 2015
A Good Day
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Divide and Conquer
I on the other hand spent the entire day at the Tucson JCC for a fundraiser for Eric's Taglit group for special needs young adults. The good news is that I came home with one less 40 quart bin of handmade creations. We raised a lot of money but I would like to have raised a couple of thousand dollars more. If you were not able to make the fundraiser and would like to help you can go to this secure website and donated directly to the program, https://www.tucsonjcc.org/support/donate .On the pull down menu you will use the line that says Other and that will give you a place to type in Taglit. No donation is too small, every dollar helps. This will be a tax deductible donation in the United States. Eric and his friends would like that very much.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
1975 and More
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
One Step Back
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
The First Change
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Busy, busy, busy
Monday, February 24, 2014
A Busy Day
Another Day at Home
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Slow Progress
I had a pretty good day today. I started on my pile of finishing work. The pair of slippers, 2 kerchiefs and mini wash cloth will be available at the Next Taglit Fundraiser for Eric's day program. Because of the I-cord on the scarfs you will notice my counter is up over 1000 more stitches on the million row challenge. I am also blocking 2 wash cloths (not counted yet) that will go in my Etsy store when they are dry.
Besides the finishing work I did get another square finished on Teri's blanket, that makes 193 squares done and some where around 50 to go plus the border. I am almost finished with another kerchief. I spent the night spinning small bits of fluff, mostly 1/4 ounces samples from my last Phat Fiber box. I even spent a few minutes cleaning in the craft room. We are having company in November and I am not sure they want to sleep in a bed of yarn and fluff. I need an early start. I can give them some closet space, but the drawers a full of yarn.
Tomorrow I will do some more finishing work with the goal of listing a few new items in my on line store. What would you like to see first hand spun yarn or hand knit items? I only have a small backpack full of things to be finished for tomorrow with most destined to be sold on line or at the next fundraiser.
While cleaning I found the pattern that I was looking for, so tomorrow I will pair it with the yarn. Well I think since Eric will be home again tomorrow I should get a little extra sleep tonight.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
A Short Catch Up
Tuesday was a day full of appointments. Followed by an afternoon of making jewelry and packing up for Wednesday.
Yesterday was a big day for Eric's Day program, the Taglit group. The fund raiser was to try to earn enough money to fund the garden and nutrition program. The very good news is that the goal was achieved. There are still a few plants and hand knit cotton soap bags available. So Just drop by the JCC between 8 am and 3 pm. Monday through Friday. Stop by the front desk and say that you would like to buy a plant or a soap bag to support the Taglit program. Sixty three items left my stash of handmade items to help the cause. Just think about how much yarn was used from my stash.
This means I have a chance to create more items and will have a lot of room for them. My to do list will go as follows:
- Teri's shawl ( a home project ). 1 1/2 skeins to go.
- Project Gratitude scarfs ( my on the go project )
- Teri's queen size blanket that I started her 1L year. This project has gone a little slower than I would have liked. Yes Teri has finished 3 years of law school and passed the California Bar. But in my defense I did finish the pair of socks that I started when Teri and I were looking at law schools. Yes a very poor defense. ( a dining room table project ) 2/3 left to knit.
- Some things for me that I have wanted to knit for me.
- Adding some more shawls to my inventory. ( knitting with girls friends)
- Knitting a few different style hats.
- Make some more pretty jewelry and possibly make some shawl pins.
- To card some of my own batts.
- Type up and take photo's of new pattern designs.
- Finish a few new designs.
- Last but not least to find some time to spin.
Since I spent the entire day at the Tucson JCC yesterday house cleaning started at 6 am today. I am so lucky that John did the windows and all of the polishing. This let me do the laundry and other work that I needed to do. I got the last skein of Yarn for Teri's shawl wound, but I was much to tired to knit today. Tomorrow will be full of cooking and cleaning. Since Eric is asleep I think I will end the blog post here tonight.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Can You Donate Your Spare Change?
Since we have been with them a very long time let me tell you what they have done for us recently. When Teri graduated Law School and got sworn into the California Bar, they provided round the clock care so we could both see Teri accomplish these wonderful things. We usually just do the parent thing with Teri one at a time. Eric's case Manager Lisa thought we should both be there for those 2 special occasions. Lisa moved heaven and Earth to make that happen. When Teri need help back in July and I was gone for a week they helped John get through the week.
For the the past several years the state of Arizona has cut back on the money they pay to providers such as UCPSA. Here is where the simply wonderful people at Circle K come in. On their counters they have canisters for spare change. I know we all have spare change laying around the house and in car. What I am asking you to do is gather the spare change from your car and drop it in the canister when you drive by Circle K. Go through the couch cushions and old purses. We all know that we are all guilty of this, and since you were not using the money anyway why not drop it off at Circle K. That jar of pennies, nickles and dimes that you pull out of your pocket or wallet would make a good donation too. That spare change laying around in your desk would work too. The canister is right on the counter. You can say hi and say that I told you about the canisters or you can sneak in and just drop it off.
Please don't worry that it is only a few coins. A few coins from a few hundred people really add up. With Washington at odds with one another right now we don't know if this vital service will be trimmed further. So please do you part and drop that spare change off a Circle K. There are over a million people who live in Southern Arizona, just think what we could do if we all dropped off our spare change at Circle K.
If you live outside of the Southern Arizona area and would still like to help here is the link to Support UCPSA.
Please feel free to pass this on to friends and family. If you can post this blog at work please do so, but ask first. Feel free to tweet, face book or use any social media the link to this blog too. We as a family would like to thank you in advance for all your support.
Full disclosure time. I am not employee of UCPSA or Circle K or receiving any compensation for this blog post. All money raised by Circle K will go to UCPSA. For the foreseeable future Eric will continue to receive services from UCPSA.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Moving Along
Since dinner is cooked I am off to knit.