Friday, February 3, 2023

Out and About

 We got out today.  We headed down to the Kino Sports Complex for a Tucson Gem and Mineral event.  I did get 2 shorter silver chains for 2 pieces that John got for me on our last vacation.  I also found a little mounted stone to make into a stitch marker.  

What I did not find were any great deals like in the past.  Charms that used to go for 5 or 10 dollars a scoop of about 20 were at the low end $1.00 a piece today.  Thank you big oil for raising the shipping costs, thus the overall cost of everything.  

We found a new out door lunch spot. Seis on River Road off of Campbell.  They had a salad called a Rustic. I then added some squash and chicken.  I of course left off the salad dressing.  I could eat that salad a few times a week.  

*Edited to correct the restaurants name   

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Something Different

 I am trying something different to try to change my perspective on life. I bought a journal today at Target, actually 2. I just could not decide which I liked better.  My goal before bed is to write down something positive that happened on that day.  I got the first entry in.  No, I will not be sharing most of them.  

I have got to climb out of my COVID19 burn out.  I have got to work my way safely out of isolation.  Maybe with an outdoor knitting or spinning group.  Unless the looms are smaller, it might be hard for outdoor weaving.  Even the smallest looms can be awkward to carry around.   Maybe just going to the park to knit or spin with a drop spindle might be in order.  

I am working on getting healthier and more active.  To be totally honest I don’t make my walking goal every day.  I came really close today, even adding a loop around Target before shopping today.  Although I did skip my favorite Starbucks tea and replaced it with a tangerine and cashews. They are about the same number of calories, but nutritionally the tangerine and cashews were a better choice.  No processed foods of any kind involved.  Everything in my life is about baby steps right now.  

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Shopping Smaller

 Has anyone else ever noticed that when clothing goes on sale they always have many more options in the size you are not looking for? Yes, it was shopping for smaller size pants today.  So far it has seemed to hold that for every 5 percent weight loss from my original weight, I go down 1 pant size.  At least tops and dresses are much more flexible in sizes, so they get replaced less often.  Usually after about a 10% loss.

I guess I expected something a little different when I hit the 20% weight loss.  I was really not envisioning trudging through 2 different malls across town from each other trying on loads of pants and only coming home with 3 new pairs. Which means that I will be wearing more of my dresses and washing dark dress clothes more often.  In addition to being tired, sore and hungry.  

Let’s me explain the hungry part.  I no longer eat fast food.  That leaves out the mall food court.  In addition to that, I still do not eat indoors.  I always wear my mask inside.  I have yet to figure out a system where I can eat with my mask on.   So it was a quick packet of peanut butter and ice water in the car before I went shopping for dinner.  Yes, I keep a few packets of peanut butter in my purse for things like today.  Then it was home for a very late lunch.    

Tomorrow is almost here so TTFN. 

If you want to know my origins of TTFN you will just have to read When WeWere Very Young by A.A. Milne. A Fun fact. On January 1, 2022 the  original Winnie-the-Pooh series entered Public Domain.  Although Disney still holds rights to its versions of Winnie-the-Pooh.  

Saturday, January 28, 2023

20 Percent

 This week I hit a milestone stone in my weight loss journey.  Since January of 2022 I have lost 20 percent of my total body weight.  My reward is going out to buy smaller pants.  I have also eliminated a lot of medication and cut the amount in half for 2 others.  

They say the first 20 percent is the easiest.  I still have more work to do.  Let’s see where I am next January.  

I am following the book “A Pound of Cure” available on Amazon.  I will not get a commission on any books sold. I just like the theory behind the lifestyle changes.  Please consult your medical professional if you want to follow this program.  Not every program is right for everyone.  


Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Award Goes To…

 The Award for Lack Luster Quality Control in a Mid Range yarn goes to Cascades Yarns, Eco Cloud.  For a mid range yarn going for $14.95 a skein when I bought it. I give this award in the spirit of everyone gets awards for everything now a days.  

Please note the store I bought it from is no longer in business.

 With a 75% failure rate. I bought 4 skeins for a shawl.  Only 1 skein had no breakage. It was stored in a plastic tub. There are no pets in my home. 

Let’s be clear about something up front.  The yarn industry standards allow for up to 5 knots per skein.  I only had 1 knot in the 4 skeins. Which is very good.  It exceeds industry standards. I am not sure of the industry standard for the number of loose strands of yarn allowed per skein.  I will have to look that up someday when I am not so frustrated. In my small sample it ranged from zero to 4. As seen in the picture below. 

This yarn gave my squirrel cage a hard time today. I have never seen yarn knot in the middle with my squirrel cage. I have never seen so many loose ends in a single project worth of yarn.  There should have been a total of 8 ends, instead ther were 26. Yikes. That averages out to 3 separate pieces per skein.  I even had pieces of yarn fall to the floor. I sure hope it knits better than it caked up.

I will spend a lot of time doing European joins so that I have less ends to weave in.  

Please be aware that this is my opinion of the yarn. I bought the yarn because it’s so soft and natural. If you have had a better experience with Cascades Yarns, Echo Clouds please be sure to tell them.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Getting Scrappy

 After a busy day of organizing yet again.  Some day I will finally be organized, I hope.  Then listing things no longer needed on eBay, Raverly, Facebook and Instagram.  Then selling and packing the boat shuttles that I just listed. It was time to listen to a book and knit.  I am currently listening to Glass Houses by Louise Penny. I am not listening to the books in order from the library, I just get them when I can.  They are very good books. There is also a Television series on Amazon Prime called Three Pines which I highly recommend.  

You know if you have been reading my blog for a while that I am obsessed with knitting The Stash Dive Scarf by Summer Lee Designs.  So I have mid sized basket of smaller skeins and bits.  Single skeins too. Since I am using 2 strands of yarn I am making the newest one as colorful as possible by blending colors.  Letting one yarn go through several smaller colors.  The central portion of the scarf will be longer color ways.  The ends will be very colorful to say the least.  This is from the last 2 days of knitting.  I think I am going to break it down into 2, 24 inch segments at the beginning and end with the center section being 26 inches.  These are more or less measurements depending on the yarn in my basket.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Day 3

 I have been knitting for 3 days now. Not more than an hour a day.  Just what am I going to do with the other 23 hours? Just kidding, I am starting more projects around the house that have been neglected. I am using U.S. size 11 knitting needles to make it easier on my hand.  I have some fabulously soft 100% cotton yarn that I am using.  This is the start of my holiday knitting for charity this year.  Yes, I knit all year long to make sure as many kids as possible get gifts. 

As you can see I am working on a broken rib pattern.  This is one of my favorites to knit.  It takes a little counting so it is not boring.  If you would like to knit along with me, just cast on in multiples of 4 plus 1 extra stitch at the end of the row.  Then it’s knit 2 Purl 2 across the row ending with a knit 1.  Repeat this row until you have the desired length or run out of yarn if length is not that important. Cast off in the pattern for a nicer looking finished piece.  Use the knitting needle sized for your yarn. If you are a loose knitter go down one needle size. If you are a tight knitter go up one needle size.

If you knit this scarf for Operation Gratitude it should be 4 to 6 inches wide and be 48 to 50 inches long.  It should be made of nice washable yarn.  If you do use super wash wool, please label its wool content. Also include a small card say that you made this for them and appreciate their service.  You can get the mailing address off the web.  

Yes this is really 3 days of knitting for me. I am starting off really slow.  Really, really slowly. It should take about 7 to 10 days to finish.  I am using knitting as part of my physical therapy for my hand.  This scarf is going to the Flowing Wells SD Clothing Bank.