Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Update on my Volvo

 There is an update on my Volvo.  John called to ask for the service manager this afternoon.  There was no service manager available. No wonder the service department is such a mess. They repeated that there was not a sooner appointment.  However we could drop the car off and they would try to find time to fix it. 

Really it’s going to sit outside in the elements waiting to get fixed instead of my secure garage.  Ok, we will give it a try. This does not leave me with a good feeling.  

Did I mention that they also cancelled my appointment for the routine service for my car too?  Why would they cancel the appointment for routine service when we were trying to get it done before the 4 year mark?  

You have to remember that this dealership had an official unveiling ceremony with a box of roses less than 4 years ago.  

Wish me luck.  

Sunday, December 31, 2023

A Rough night ahead.

 As I go to sleep tonight, I know it’s going to be a difficult night.  It is never a good sign when my skin hurts.  Yes, I am tense.  It’s a sibling issue.  Those of you who are still naive about this.  At some point in time as a grown up you may be required to step in and help.  No it’s not fun. 

Wish me luck on sleep tonight.  


Friday, December 29, 2023

You Want What for your Volvo?

 My Volvo started flashing an urgent warning light on the dashboard on Thursday afternoon.  So today I called my local Volvo Dealership to get a service appointment.  I can’t believe for an urgent brake problem they booked the appointment out 3 weeks.  My almost 4 year old car does not even have 11,000 miles on it yet. 

I then  asked if the car was still safe to drive. 

They replied that they were not sure.  

So I will be without a car for 3 weeks. Between the Snowbirds erratic driving and the college students it is a better choice not to take any unnecessary risks.  I have not been without a car at my beck and call since I was 16, so last century.  So I will make sure my Lyft app is updated.  I will renew my Shipit subscription.  Sit down with calendars out so John and I can mesh our schedules. Do much for independence. 

This will require more planning than I am use to for things like shopping.  Going out to knit with friends.  Running the odd errand. 

If you can’t already tell, I am quite miffed at my local Volvo Dealership. I really wish we had a second Volvo dealership in town.  We don’t trust the brakes enough to drive to Phoenix. This is the only time since so last century that it took more than a few days to get my car serviced for an urgent problem. If I had an urgent problem with my GM, Toyota, VW, Mazda or Honda all the dealerships got me in the same day I called or the next day.  I really don’t know what the deal is in making me wait 3, yes 3 whole weeks for service.  Are they trying to say that they are too elite to service what they sell? 

My question is, does anyone else have this problem with their Volvo dealership or is our dealership just especially not good at their basic function. The function being to service what the sales department sells in a timely manner.  

This leads to the next question to ask when buying a new car. How soon can the service department get me in for an urgent problem. How long does it take to Schedule routine maintenance? 

With this lack of getting timely service for my Volvo, I probably would not buy one again.  This was supposed to be my dream car.  It’s turning into more of why did I think this car was so special? Why is the dealership almost as snobby as the Lexus dealership?  For heavens sake it’s just a car.  

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Logbook - A Work in Progress

 The unfinished projects are much worse than I first thought.  Without going into my unfinished project baskets, yes there are 2. I found 18 projects that need to be completed.  This list so far has taken less than 15 minutes to complete. I did complete number 6, but I still have to write the pattern from Sheri shorthand to a readable pattern by everyone.  Since it has yet to be published, I can’t show the picture yet.  

I will however show you my first 2 pages of my log book which is far from complete.  I also did put the location if it is not in the knitting room.  My goal tomorrow is to try to add the items from the baskets.  Wish me luck. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

I Feel Really Silly

 Today I pick up a knitting project that I have not worked on in 2 weeks. What did I find inside? My “lost” notions bag.  Which leads me to my nearly unattainable goal of having less works in progress, currently standing with least 12 in progress projects. No wonder I miss place things like a notion bag. 

My goal for 2024 is to have less knitting projects going at the same time.  To try to finish smaller projects within the week that they were started.  I will exempt weaving, and spinning projects, because by definition they do take longer.  Wish me luck.  

I will also try to get new knitting patterns out faster.  Meaning from concept to finish pattern in a more reasonable and realistic time frame.  

I find it hard not to start a new project on a whim.  Maybe starting a notebook to keep track of things might not be a bad idea.  Finish multiple projects before I start a new project. It would help me keep track of things.  This is another baby step on the way to being more organized and productive.  Wish me luck.  

Below is the project bag that was hiding my notions bag   

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A Pounder ? Not Quite

 A pound does not seam to be enough for this scarf.  At 1 pound 2 ounces it is still 15 inches too short.  So the only thing to do is knit on. The maybe good news is that I have enough yarn in the basket to make at least 2 more super colorful scarfs. 

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Dog Pillows

 The last of the dog pillows for 2023 we’re finally finished this morning. I think that I will have time next week to drop them off at the shelter.  These are some of the nicest that I have made.  I have also changed the way I do the final seams which gives the pillows a more finished look.