I had an incredibly bad night, followed by a BBD with a pain level of crying. I still managed to sew 2 pillows to be filled and filled 2. This leaves me with one pillow to add my yarn scraps to. The pillows are loaded in the back of my car. Yes this is the 3rd charity trip in the last 7 days. I am on a roll. I thought I would be able to make more pillows but the green one is very large. There is just no comparison on the sizes. Off to the shelter they go tomorrow.
A blog about my life, my fiber arts and pictures of my finished work. I will also throw in the very occasional recipe or shopping tip.
Monday, April 11, 2022
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
I promised myself that what did not sell at the yard sale would be leaving the house on Monday. Well I was exhausted yesterday. So I organized the things to go today. John graciously load up my car so I could drop everything off at Goodwill. At Goodwill the very nice employee unloaded my car. It looks like I was not the only one doing spring cleaning. There was a constant stream of cars
Because it was the beginning of rush hour, a misnomer in Tucson. Rush hour starts at 3:00pm and ends around dinner time. I decided to turn right instead of left. It was a good choice in the end. I took Glen to Stone and went north on Stone. Right at Prince a couple of fire trucks and an ambulance started turning on to Prince. My guess there was an accident at 1st Avenue and Prince. This is because the fire station is at 1st and River. The accident must have messed up southbound traffic too. I was so glad that everyone pulled over and we all let each other back into traffic. This is rare in Tucson.
I came home and vacuumed the back of my car. John loaded the back of my car for tomorrow’s charity drop off. I am too tired to do much. I hope that there will be knitting tonight.
Here is the picture from today. The car is a lot smaller than the van, but I still got a full load in.
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Projects 94 & 95
These are both charity projects. Project 94 is a hat. I tried a new pattern that I saw on Instagram. It is so cool that it is reversible. This is meant for an older child or teenager.
The next project is 95. A 60 inch scarf for an older child or teenager. It is meant to be folded in half or can go over the head and wrapped around the neck. It was knit with 2 strands of yarn on size 17 knitting needles.Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Really Deep Cleaning is Tiring
Today I had a system for cleaning up craft room 1 aka the guest room. I started out with one bag for trash.. one bag for recycling..lastly one box for charity. I spent 1 1/2 hours going through everything that I swore I would never touch again. I had everything in boxes to be ignored forever, I don’t think my family agreed with my plan of moving the boxes out of the way with out going through them. So I meticulously went through everything bit by bit. I threw out projects that were never ever going to be repaired. I put beads in their places. I cleaned off resting places for things that I had just not put away. I put all my broken stitch markers in a box to be repaired. I stacked boxes for future delivery. I worked until I was too tired to move. Most importantly I managed to empty one box. That box will help organize my knitting projects stacked on shelves, so they don’t fall as often I have one more box that I hope to finish tomorrow. At least with that part. The whole process should take about a week to finish. I might even try to get a bit of sewing done before I need to set up the guest room.
At the same time I was washing the last 3 skeins of yarn from Spin Together 2021. Once they are mostly dry and can be moved into the house for the final drying, I will take a picture of all the skeins. Some colors did change drastically, others were about the same. Then I will play with the order of colors to make my next shawl. I might even spin a few more skeins to get the colors just right.
I even had time to add 6 inches to the never ending scarf..
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Day 2 Spin Together 2021
As you can tell from the picture below I am super into Spin Together 2021. On the right side is my Louet Victoria I am currently spinning a white single to ply with my art yarn. I will also doing my plying on this wheel. I have never noticed before that undyed arm is smoother and easier on the hands than dyed yarn to spin. It must be something in the dyes that effects the fiber and how it feels. Now I now why so many spinners spin the raw fiber and dye it later.
In the middle is my Cubii2 so that I remember to get my exercise in. On the left is my LendrumDT for do my first spins. I might even do some art yarn singles on it. On the fireplace are my 2 baskets of warp and weft for weaving. Since all my Spin Together 2021 yarn will be for charity work I had better get my loom running too
I currently have 4 bobbins that need to be plyed. I have also found that 1 1/2 hours seems to be my maximum amount of time that I can sit and spin without hurting. So I am sad to say that I won’t be adding much yardage to my team’s total.
It’s time to get some rest so that I can try to have a productive day tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Waiting for Supplies
I am spending about 2 1/2 hours a day cleaning up the mess I made by wanting a second shoe rack and storage boxes. Today I organized my shawl collection, I really think I need to knit other things. I found a place on the shelf’s for my double pointed knitting needles. Put smaller project bags in a repurposed hanging shoe bag.
In addition to cleaning, I filled up the back of my car with snacks for Eric’s old day program and dropped them off. After lunch John and I made a Goodwill run. The the rest of the day was spent on laundry and knitting.
All and all a good day.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Then it was off to the Flowing Wells School District main office to drop off the hand knit hats, socks and a few school supplies. They were very happy to receive everything. All 3 bags full.
Then off to drive across town to drop off a check and check out a venue. I think the event will be inside. That’s great because it’s supposed to rain on Sunday. Then I went shopping and headed home. A 9 hour work day left me exhausted. Did I mention that I started making earrings and stitch markers at 6 am and forgot to eat breakfast because I was so busy.
After dinner I got in some weaving time on the new scarf. I even managed to empty a shuttle. I am almost at the splash of red part.
It’s 10:30 pm and I am so tired that my body is saying go to sleep. I really don’t know how I managed such long hours with Eric. I guess I am a mere mortal now.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Black Yarn

Tuesday, July 24, 2018
I have finished knitting another hat today and am closing in on 4 dozen hats knit for the year. I was lucky to be able to book my Stitches West 2019 classes and hotel today. I only had to live through 2 computer server overloads. Thank goodness I called and entered my classes when registration opened this morning. By this afternoon the hotel was booked and 1 class that I am taking is filled.
Well it is time to call it a day. Have a very productive day tomorrow.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Busy and Productive

Monday, December 25, 2017
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Goodbye 2015
Friday, December 4, 2015
Eric Paid it Forward Today
Thursday, November 19, 2015
If One Nap is Good then....
I took some homemade chicken soup out of the freezer for lunch. John cut up some fresh carrots and celery to add to the soup. Before it had finished thawing and was warm enough to eat I had fallen asleep. Two hours later, I did not have time to eat the soup, but instead went and picked up Eric at his program. I did manage to cover a person's desk in yarn, knitting needles and knitting books before I left the building. I do love to do a good yarn bombing every once in a while.
We were not home for 30 minutes before I fell asleep again for another long nap. It is my hope that these naps today will help my body heal from both the cold, which is still lingering but also the arthritis flare up that it has caused. John served the soup for dinner along with some fresh bread.
After dinner I packed up some more charity to leave the house tomorrow. This time hats, scarfs and special needs bibs. They will head over to the Flowing Wells School District Clothing Bank.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Fun Hats
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Finishing Things
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
About 2/3 of what Teri had for Goodwill filled up the center of the van. So I dropped that off and debated weather I should finish the job today. I was sore and tired but not ready for lunch, so I thought what the heck and finished tallying and loading Teri's stuff into the car. Then there was still room in the car so I decided to gather our stuff for Goodwill. I managed to fill the van yet again. The guy at Goodwill did not believe that I had managed to fill up the center of the van twice in a few hours. I can honestly say that I got a lot of stuff out of the house that will not come back again.
This left me a little to tired to move let alone cook lunch for myself. So instead of going for my 1st idea, which was a couple of donuts and a cup of tea, I went home. The pomegranate looked and tasted great, but it was still not enough for lunch so I added a couple of Justin's dark chocolate peanut butter cups to top things off. The peanut butter had the protein and who can say no to dark chocolate.
I found a little time to get some holiday shopping done before it was time to pick up Eric. Eric had a great time at his day program today. I am so happy that he is well enough to go to program. I even managed to get a little more cleaning done before it was time to make dinner. I wonder if I am going to be fired for not spraying the casserole dish with Pam? Well it is time to fold the last of the laundry and hopefully knit a few more hats after dinner.