Showing posts with label Stitches West 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stitches West 2019. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


I really think that I like my doctor's office scale much better than the scale that I have at home. It shows that I am 2 pounds lighter than my scale at home.  With that being said, I have lost one sixth of the weight that I want to lose. I have only 2.5 pounds to lose before I reach my 1st goal of losing 5% of my body weight. I know it is all about baby steps and moving more. With that being said I have exceeded my daily step goal by over 2,000 steps today.

I have finished knitting another hat today and am closing in on 4 dozen hats knit for the year. I was lucky to be able to book my Stitches West 2019 classes and hotel today. I only had to live through 2 computer server overloads. Thank goodness I called and entered my classes when registration opened this morning. By this afternoon the hotel was booked and 1 class that I am taking is filled.

Well it is time to call it a day. Have a very productive day tomorrow.