Showing posts with label Chores. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chores. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The New Curtains Failed

The new curtains were much to sheer to make them useful. They are now in the Goodwill box. I washed the old curtains with the intent of sending them to Goodwill. So I did not follow the line dry directions and they shrunk 4 inches in length when they were put through the dryer, when I only needed them to shrink 2 inches. The old curtains are back up dispite being 2 inches too short. Guess what John and I will be doing when we can find time to go shopping?

I did not finish my chores today do to waking up with a migraine this morning. It was dark sunglasses for most of the day. I am on the tired side so it is time to call it a day.

Monday, October 2, 2017


This weekend was spent catching up on sleep. With at least 12 hours of sleep on both Saturday and Sunday.  I can say that my body feels a little better. The house looks a little worse. I am behind on laundry and changing out linens, there is always tomorrow for that.

Eric had a very late night asthma episode, so I am trying to relax so I can get to sleep. I think it would help a lot if Eric decided that it was sleep time instead of play time. This always happens when his treatment happens after 10:30 pm. Timing is everything in life. 

John spent the weekend designing 2 new drop spindles for me. I know, who would have thought that he would ever design and 3-D print drop spindles for me. He is now enabling my fiber addiction. I will have two new spindles to play with. Tomorrow I need to find time to do an alpha test on the first model.  I wonder how thin I will be able to spin the yarn, the spindle is very light.  Since the spindle design is his, all I will be able to post is the finished yarn for now.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Blender to Tuesday

Monday evening as I wrote my blog I had such great plans for Tuesday. Well long story short, Eric shared his cold with me. I am not quite sure how Eric and I made it through Tuesday. Did I mention that this cold hit me like a brick wall, hard and fast? Wednesday was a little better, I even had the energy to watch Sesame Street with Eric after napping all morning. Eric was nice enough to nap all morning too.

Today Eric made it back to program and I slept for most of the day. On the sweater that  I am now knitting is about 1 inch below the arm holes in the mid 50's by row count. Now I know why some friends prefer to knit sweaters in the round, no purling every other row. I am also way behind on chores. I know that I will catch up 5 minutes at a time. I need to leave plenty of recovery time.

My sleep cycle is really messed up from Eric being sick and this silly cold. So the first thing I need to do is reset it. I figure with about 5 minutes of zenning the craft room tonight that I will be tired enough to sleep. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Trying to Keep Up

I think that I might be wearing ruts in the tile. I am keeping up with my walking at least 11,000 steps a day this week. Today will top 13,000 or just over 5 miles, and the farthest I got from the house was the mail box. The walking keeps me from craving junk food.

Eric's recovery is going slower than we would like, but he is still making progress. I am starting to get into a rhythm with Eric at home. I still did not finish my to do list today, but I got more finished.

Today I started playing around with a quiche recipe made with duck eggs and goat cheese. When I get the recipe perfect, I will post it on the blog. All I can say now is that the taste was perfect, but the texture needs a little work.

I am going to see if I have any energy to knit now.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

A Lot of Sleep

I find it amazing what 10 hours of sleep twice in one week can do for me. I run on an entirely different level than when I get 4 hours of sleep a night. To that end I have a lot of housework and laundry to catch up on tomorrow, yes the laundry room hit hip high. Thank goodness I am not any taller. So I started the whites tonight because they take 2 1/2 hours to wash with the energy efficient washing machine.

If I say good night now I can still get 7 1/2 hours of sleep tonight.

Friday, October 21, 2016

A New Routine

Well it seems that I am starting a new routine with physical therapy. It goes like this, one hour of physical therapy followed by lunch and a two hour nap. Grrr. This does not help with my to do list. It also leaves me scrambling to keep Eric entertained while I try to catch up on my chores.

Today this lead to white and beige silk drying on one end of the clothes line and ten skeins of yarn from Spinzilla drying on the other with about four feet of empty line between the yarn and silk. I want a good distance between them so the dye from the yarn won't transfer to the silk. I would have finished setting the twist on the rest of the yarn, but I ran out of daylight. Since my left hand is still wonky, they will take longer to dry because I could not squeeze enough water out of them. I am really hoping that the lower humidity of fall will help the yarn dry faster.

I would also like to thank Prayag Verma for his very thoughtful suggestion for a new application for blogspot on my iPad. My post should be more regular now.

Monday, September 19, 2016

A Rough Week

Eric was sick all last week. He even shared the cold and aftermath with me. Poor John has been trying to keep up with 2 very cranky people. Even with the larger washer, Eric has managed to make 2 pretty full loads of laundry a day. Thank goodness for Eric's aides, they have been doing all the folding. I don't know if my hand is up to that much work yet.

I am really hoping that Eric will be back at program sometime this week. When he is at home sick this much, my world feels a lot smaller. I swear that my world can not get that much smaller or I might just fade into oblivion.

My left hand is a little better. I have been able to use it between 30 minutes and 2 hours on most days. I can say for certain that the arthritis flare up post cold is not helping the recovery process in the least. At least 2 out of the 3 fingers are almost, well at least 50% healed. The ring finger is another story. I am really working to get my left hand fully functional again. It will make my life so much easier and neater. I would really like to know, say before a meal, if my hand will work all the way through the meal.

I am hoping that Eric is not real clingy today. Yes I just noticed that it is 12:40 and it is time for a nap before I start my day with Eric in a few hours. By the way, it is getting easier to type too. Not a lot of mistakes. I can even reach for some of the keys.

My goal for the coming week is to have a better week and get a lot of crafting and cleaning done.

Monday, August 8, 2016


Eric's day program finally had enough staff so that he could go to program today.  I skipped my to do list and took a nap.  July left me exhausted between the guys getting sick, surgery and Eric home for 3 weeks, all I can really say is that I could not keep up.  I fell behind and will take some time to play catch up on everything from paperwork, chores and sleep. 

Eric had a great time with his friends today.  So all is well.  I even get to start therapy on my hand this week. I think that I will call it a night.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Sleep is Good

Eric and I had a laid back day. Lisa sent extra help so I got a nice long nap.  I even had enough energy after the nap to tackle a few chores and do some spinning tonight for the Tour de Fleece. I will wash and thwack it tomorrow. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016


Today it reached ,you guessed it 110f tomorrow should be warmer.  So I got the laundry finished before 9:00 am. The grocery store was empty. It is nice shopping in summer. We just had a kick back day.  It is suppose to be warmer tomorrow.  So my plan is to wash a sink full of freshly spun yarn. Then hang it in the garage to dry. It will also keep the garage a little cooler and dry the yarn faster.  I might even warp the loom.  I ran out of energy today. 

Once Eric figured out that I was serious about not being able to knit, he let me bring in a spinning wheel to his room. I spun 2 single ply art yarns.  It was just about right for my hands today. I will wash them tomorrow too. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Rollercoaster

Eric is on the mend after being sick for a few days. What ever this bug was, it brought on a few late night/ very early morning asthma episodes.  I am trying to unwind from the most recent one.  For some reason in the middle of the night they take longer to get under control. This one took about 90 minutes to get under control. Then wave 2 of the series of El Niño inspired storms hit and that took a few more minutes to resettle Eric down.  

It is now just past 2 am and I feel wide away and sleepy at the same time.  I am too tired to knit or spin yet too wide awake to sleep.  The physical therapy seems to be working, I was able to use the spinning wheel for the first time since the accident. 

I think that I am finally unwinding and will try some more sleep. Later today I plan on working on my indoor todo list and then do errands once the rain slows down. Have a wonderful and productive day. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Today was a day for 3's. I worked in the craft room cleaning and decluttering for 3 hours. I managed to fill 3 full bags for the recycle barrel. The last chore I did today was fill, you guessed it 3 boxes for a Goodwill pick up on Friday. So today has been brought to you by the number 3. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Saturday in the Pecan Groves

I started out Saturday morning in the pecan groves of Green Valley at La Posada. It was the annual walk against hunger in Tucson. I managed to do 2.8 miles in 47 minutes. I am happy to say that the food bank exceeded its goal.

Then it was home for a quick shower and chores. I got most of my paperwork done. The mail and Etsy order were dropped off at the Post Office. Which happened to be on the way to Noah's 1st birthday party on Harrison road just south of Speedway. Yes I did a lot of driving yesterday.

To avoid eating too much at the party, I brought my knitting and made 4 mini washcloths for the older girls at the party. I made them promise to read to their younger siblings or parents in exchange for the washcloths. That added 120 rows to the 1 million row challenge.

I stopped at AJ's to pick up a light dinner. John made a wonderful salad with all the fixings. By 9:30 I was so tired and sore that I could hardly move. Eric had decided that I had too much fun and did too much gallivanting around so I can't do that any more. In his opinion Eric is job number one.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

It's Official

I can say with out a doubt that I hate post viral asthma.  I was already to go to bed when Eric flared up.   Meds were give. Eric was cuddled. 90 minutes later he is finally asleep. So to unwind I picked up dishes, washed a pan and started the dishwasher.  I also started a load of Eric's laundry.  

I was also pondering the idea of making the parents who send their young adults to day program when they are sick, to be required to do the night shifts with Eric so I can get some decent sleep.  I know it will never happen.. It's always just allergies, even with a fever and throwing up.  If I had a nickel from every parent who sent their kids to program sick, but saying it was an allergy, I would have some real money for Local charities.  

The house is turning off the lights so I guess it is bed time.  

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Eric made it out the door today.  So I got a much needed break. I got to knit with some friends and they renamed my What Nots into Mini's as in mini washcloths and suggested that I raise my price for 25 cents to 50 cents a piece, I think that they had valid reasoning so I will consider it. I also got 50% of my to do list done.  

Friday, July 31, 2015

Eric's Staycation

This was the second day in a row that Eric got up at a very early hour. Yesterday it was 4:25 am and today it was 5 am.  I am really getting tired of the early wake up calls. I think tomorrow I will let John get up with him.  We did manage to get out of the house for a walk and knitting today.  Eric and I got annoyed at the same person as we were trying to take our walk. She was whining about how bad my life was, because of Eric in her opinion , which was so uncalled for. Eric and I were enjoying a very nice walk, and I did my best to ditch her and go on with our walk.  Really if you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say anything at all. 

Eric was asleep before I finished lunch, so I took a nap too.  It was not the most productive day that I have had recently.  Eric only has 2 more days off before his summer vacation is over.  I think I am more than ready.  It has been a very long week. I am beginning to feel my age creep up on me.  Now I just have to unwind enough to get some sleep.  

So it's time to run the dishwasher, washing machine and dryer. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Eric is Sick Again

Last night Eric got eyrpy and it was a long night.  Today was not much better until after lunch.  Eric was in pain and very clingy.  I was too tired to do much around the house except the bare minimum.  The bare minimum was 3 loads of eyrpy laundry and a full dishwasher.  

The only thing I managed to do was spin a lot of art yarn.  As the day went on the yarn became more artsy.  I also managed to get 10 skeins of art yarn washed too.   Since it is raining tonight, I do not expect it to be dry by morning. 

John was wonderful. He brought home a warm dinner.  

I am hoping that Eric has a good night and sleeps tonight.  If he does we can start Eric back on formula.  Maybe if I get some sleep tonight I will be able to warp the loom and get some weaving done.   

Monday, July 27, 2015

A Productive Day

Today I had a very productive day.  I got through all my high priority items. I am also finding it harder to save more than 25% off my grocery bill. Everything seems stacked against the consumer. I find it amazing at how much work I can get done without a headache.  I ran until I fell asleep.  After a 3 hour nap I played last nights last skein of yarn. 

John and I cooked dinner together. Although I was disappointed that my favorite brand of goat cheese mozerella  is now lighter by about 2 ounces per package. I figured it out when I was shearding the cheese.  So we had less cheese on our pizza. I don't know why they did not leave the package the same size and just raise the price like they have done for the past few years.  

After dinner I spun 2 more skeins of art yarn.  Tomorrow I think that I will have a major change of plans.  Eric has an eyrpy tummy and is clammy. I was suppose to teach someone to knit and do a yarn pick up,for the guild. I will see what tonight holds for Eric and then make what changes that I need too tomorrow.  

Sorry about the scattered blog post, I have been scattered all day. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Feeling Better

Today was my first productive day in a while. I finished 2 loads of laundry before I took Eric to his day program. I was on the go until 2 pm, when I finally got time for lunch. I managed an hour of housework before everything stopped for percussion.  We were a bit short handed this evening so I did part of Eric's nightly routine. Not very surprising to me was that I hit my brick wall at 5:45 tonight. I was even to tired to finish the fingerless mittens I had been knitting. 

Tonight Eric was in a laundry making mode. So I started 1 load before bed and I will deal with the rest of it tomorrow. I think it is time to call it a day. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Day of a Sick Mom

Ok, so I am very grumpy, as this is day 2 of the bug and my tummy is still yucky. In addition my throat also hurts. So this is what my day looks like when I am sick on the second day. 

1. Drive and drop off Eric at his day program.  
2.  Start Roomba off in any given room.  
3.  Gather, sort , prioritize, then start the laundry. It is nearing knee high because I skipped yesterday.  
4.  Start the dishwasher and do the dishes in the sink.  John, can empty the dishwasher later. 
5.  Make a cuppa tea and rest for a bit. 
6. Knit hats, because I don't have the energy to do anything else. I can also knit a basic hat in my sleep. 
7.  Pick up Eric from his day program. 
8.  Watch PBS Kids with Eric until his aide comes. 
9.  I put John in charge of dinner before he left for work, so I can skip cooking dinner tonight. 
10. Help get Eric ready for bed. Tell him he can not have a good night kiss because mommy is still sick and watch him pout.  
11. Hope I get a good nights sleep knowing that I hit day 2 of the cold because my body was back in kilter.  Also knowing that this cold will cause a flare up and that there is nothing that can be done about it.  This is the reason I hate my own body sometimes. 

Time for more rest and tea.  I promise that if I am feeling better tomorrow, I won't be so grumpy.