This is the first block blanket that I completed this year. I crafted six out of the nine blocks. Seed the blocks together. Added a three round crocheted broader. Washed and blocked it today. Considering that our humidity was about 1% for most of the day, I did expect it to dry faster than it did. I did make it reversible with one Tree of Life block face up on each side.
A blog about my life, my fiber arts and pictures of my finished work. I will also throw in the very occasional recipe or shopping tip.
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Friday, February 26, 2021
One Blanket Down
I finally finished knitting one blanket. It will get washed and blocked tomorrow. I am a third of the way through the next blanket in the basket. I have 2 inches to finish knitting on the first strip. Then I will start the next strip. This is the first of two blankets with 3 different size 8 inch blocks. Yes, I have another one of those too. We as knitters either have to standardize what an 8 inch block actually is or all use the same rulers. My take on an 8 inch block is 8 inches wide by 8 inches in length. On the next 2 blankets I have six different sized 8 inch blocks. So I will be knitting a lot of strips. Sewing them together. Then adding Crocheted boarders.
I also started spring cleaning today. I started in the kitchen. I cleaned for 1 1/2 hours and napped for 3 hours. I am sincerely hoping that this is still the surgery recovery process. If it’s not I might have to admit that I am not 30 anymore.
I need to get a good nights sleep. Tomorrow we will be hunting down tree killing mistletoe and removing it. Since we have a dumpster bag we will also get some junk out of the garage. The word of the day tomorrow is Zenning.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Just Another Night in.....
It’s never good when arthritis pain wakes me up at night. I must learn to sleep through throbbing pain in my joints. I really need the sleep. Just waiting for the aspirin to kick in. I have in been knitting less than last year. I am really trying. I really hate arthritis.
Monday, February 22, 2021
Not All Eight Inches Squares Are the Same.
I spent most of the day battling a migraine that started at 1:30 am and lasted until after 3pm. I only got 2 loads of laundry washed and dried, but not folded I also made dinner using a new pan for indoor grilling. The chicken came out great.
I did come to a decision on the blankets. If all the blocks in a project are different sizes, yes it’s very hard to get a bunch of people to knit the same size 8 inch square. You would be surprised at the difference in all the 8 inch squares. So if the squares are really off I will use one or two squares per stripe. I will then knit each stripe 36 inches long and the sew the stripes together. Add an edging and I will have a finished blanket. No redoing any squares. This will be a real time saver.
I am going to try to get to sleep early. I have a lot to do tomorrow.
Sunday, February 21, 2021
The Mission is Finishing a Whole Lot of Blankets.
Ok, this started out really simple. I found a basket with four unfinished blankets, I decided to finish them all so I could have the basket back. Well nothing is simple around the Karobonik household. Today I found two more bags with at least four more blankets that were in progress. Time to finish a whole lot of blankets, I found a new way to Zen the house
I used to knit a lot of baby blankets, when Eric was with us. There used to be a lot of aides who were either pregnant or had a family member who or was pregnant, so I was always needing baby blankets to give as gifts. After we lost Eric, I put all these projects aside. Well I need the space now. So the only solution is to finish knitting the baby blankets up and turning them into lap blankets. I will try to donate them to the Assisted Living for Seniors where John’s dad use to live. I will also try to give them a few shawls, I think I have more than enough for myself. After all how many shawls do I really need?
On to blanket assembly and knitting. I will share finished blankets here.
Ahead of Schedule
I decided in the beginning of January that 100 knitting projects was a reasonable amount of knitting for 2021. About one project for every 3 or 4 days. I am trying not to over use my hands. At the same time I am trying to finish my UFO’s and do a major stash down. At the same time making sure I have at least 5 dozen hats for the Flowing Wells School District Clothing Bank. I have a lot of knitting wishes for the year.
To that end I choose a basket with three partially finished blankets this week. I finished the fourth missing square for the first blanket tonight. I will sew together the blanket tomorrow. Then add the edging by picking out the 3 main colors and adding a Crocheted boarder. Then it will be washed, bagged and labeled. I have started a box for a local nursing home for the blankets and shawls.
Tonight I pick up the second blanket from the basket. I decided not to make a whole bunch of squares, but instead make 3 strips. I am doing this because the three blocks that are finished are different sizes. So as long as the strips are the same length, I should be golden. This means less sewing too. That is the problem with having a blanket project made by so many different people. The thing is that even though five other people worked on the two blankets I an knitting the majority of the squares. Note to self never ever do this again.
I will also go stash diving tomorrow to find stash yarn that will go with the second blanket. I am really hoping that I will not have to buy yarn to finish the second blanket. I do have a lot of cotton yarn in my stash. Wish me luck. I am hoping to find dark blue and purple. A turquoise blue, and medium blue and purple. I already have the white, I just pulled a cone out.
Well it’s time to call it a night.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Toggling Knitting Projects.
Right now I am toggling between three knitting projects. I have 2 in the den. I am knitting squares for a blanket and am knitting hats for the kids. Hats are for when I don’t need to pay attention to what I am knitting. The squares are a little more precise so they are worked on at other times. I am still working on the long scarf when I am on zoom.
For those keeping count I am on hat 18 for the year or 1.5 dozen hats.
I see more knitting in the next few weeks while my foot heals. My feet don’t like cold weather so the tendons are inflamed. So that does limit my walking time. I am doing the right exercises for my foot. I have been here before.
Saturday, February 13, 2021
A Needy House.
Last year was my year of retooling. This year the house is being super needy. It’s only the middle of February. We started out in January having the refrigerator dying on us. That was replaced at the end of January, it took a long time to deliver due to COVID19.
Then in quick secession the washing machine started leaking in two different areas. The first repair took care of half of the leaking. The second leak was from the back hoses, intake and out put. After the third try the washing machine is finally fixed. It wash just in time. Because I have been loosing weight and inches I don’t have a lot of outfits. I had just enough clothing to last through today. So before breakfast the laundry was started. By tomorrow morning everything will be dry.
The the ceiling fan lights went out. Thankfully John was able to fix it the same day. Later that night the guest bathroom toilet decided to die. The parts are on order. Pre COVID19 it would have just been a quick trip to the hardware store, now it’s order the parts and wait.
Honestly there are other things that need to be done around the house like repairing the chips caused by Eric’s wheelchair. Rooms that have not had a new coat of paint since 1994 and other paint touch ups. It’s also time to replace the grouting in two bathrooms. As I am feeling better or after we have our COVID19 vaccines and we can hire someone. It will get done in due time.
Friday, February 5, 2021
Attacking Mistletoe
Today we worked on getting some mistletoe out of a mesquite tree in our yard. It seemed like we took out a lot of tree. I have to admit that I have not been doing much mistletoe removal in the past couple of years. I have instead relied on the gardener, that was a huge mistake. He has not done any mistletoe removal. He is supposed to be here this weekend, so I left all the branches we cut off for him to clean up. It’s my passive aggressive way of say you did not do your job, so John and I had to. So you get to pick up all the branches.
I finished knitting my yellow shawl today. It is a little small for me and I think I am a bit to pale to pull it off. I will weave in the ends tomorrow and take a picture. It will probably be sold. Now to pick the next project.
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Household Repairs
We have spent part of the last three days on household repair projects. The first repair was repairing two of the backyard screens. The second repair of the washing machine lead to the third repair or more accurately the replacement of the water valves for the washing machine water intake. John made it as COVID19 safe as possible by opening the newly repaired screen door window in the laundry room. He then sealed off the room with plastic. Then we left the fan running to create a constant flow of air out of the laundry room into the backyard. Even though we were on the other side of the barrier we wore masks while the repair men were here.
I am absolutely done with household repairs for the time being. I was too tired to do much today. I was to tired to knit which should tell you exactly how tired I am. I did manage to get one load of laundry finished, John did a great job hanging all the clothing.
It’s time to call it a day.