Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Today’s Hat

May I present hat 13 - 2020.  I am almost out of this grouping of purple yarn.  More colors to come.  Also don’t worry about the knitting needles or stitch markers, hat 14 - 2020 has been cast on and is 2 1/2 inches in.  I go to 7 inches before my decrease begins.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 17 of COVID19 and Counting

The dress I wore today is 2 inches longer than the last time I wore it.  I don’t think it can be classified as an Empire Waist dress anymore either, you guessed right that seam is a good 2 inches below where it needs to be. 

On the knitting front I have decided that I need simple knitting that I can do in my sleep.  I am just so stressed by the uncertainty and people not doing the right thing.  So I pulled out this basket of yarn which will be made into hats and maybe a few scarfs.  I want to finish it before the end of April, yes we will still be home for all of April too.  I will show each hat as it is finished. I really hope we will be able to go out by mid June.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

I Am 3 for 3

Today was a puttering kind of day.  Over breakfast I found out I could get my favorite Trader Joe’s snack food from Amazon, at a slightly higher price. I justified it because Trader Joe’s does not deliver.

I got laundry, walking and cleaning done in dribs and drabs.  Yes, John’s polos came out wrinkled, but I did it so I can’t complain about.  I honestly can’t quite remember when the last time it happened, but I think Teri was in preschool.  Since John is working from home I am the only one who is going to see the wrinkled shirts.

My fiber crafting was quite scattered today also.  I spun 2 ounces out of 16 ounces which means that I have 4 ounces on the bobbin.  I can’t decide if I want to get a bright hot pink silk to ply it with or just ply the yarn back on itself.  Twice as much yardage or the regular 2 ply yardage.  Then it was off to the modular  baby blanket after dinner. I finished 1 square and found a mistake in another that needed to be fixed before I could continue with the blanket.  I fixed the mistake and moved on.  I am decreasing stitches on the current hat.  Since we are not eating out at all or going for car rides not a lot of hat knitting is going on.  So I worked on 3 projects and finished none some that is how I am 3 for 3 today.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Bits and pieces of COVID19

Nothing says the house needs to be reorganized more than “sheltering in place” do to the COVID19 outbreak.  But I am limiting myself in the amount of time that I am spend.  Today the hour before breakfast was spent putting our extra blankets in vacuum bags for John to put up higher in the closet after his work at home shift had ended. This gave me space for things I use all the time at a level that I could reach. Also more baskets and bags off the floor.

Another thing that I have noticed is that I am not eating enough during the day and find myself hungry at night.  I did not have this problem before because we ate most of our meals out.  Now that I am only eating when I am hungry and not planning my eating times around how crowded a restaurant will be I am just eating less.  We are also eating better sized portions and healthier food. Take to day for instance I had only had 560 calories from the time I woke up until after dinner.  This meant that I had to eat roughly 700.calories before bed.  So my bedtime snack was a toasted cheese sandwich, dried fruit and a breakfast bar.

Even worse this is the time when I would normally be shopping for smaller clothes.  Wearing the skirt at the rib cage is uncomfortable.  I am a touchy feely  person when it comes to clothes shopping, gee it must be the fiber arts in me.  I like to feel the fabric before I try on clothes. Today’s skirt was 6 inches above my waist sitting on my rib cage to keep from tripping on the skirt or having it fall as I walk. Real first world problems during a pandemic.

Well it is time to wind down for the night.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Me Over Do It

The quick answer is yes. Yes I did over do it by doing a multi day 2 person job in a few hours by myself. I am not saying that the closet does not look great. I am happy to be sending fiber to a friend. Its what happened 10 hours later that I am not happy with.

The overdoing lead to a really bad fibromyalgia flare followed by a very bad migraine. It's really not fare I really made fantastic progress. So the day was not spent making more progress but allowing my body time to heal.

It was also a bad day for knitting. I had to tink out the blanket square that I started yesterday. Then tink it out again because I screwed up the cast on. There is always tomorrow.

If you talk to me in the next few days my words might be out of order, but listen to the whole sentence and play word jumble. This too shall pass.

Also since we are washing our hands so often I find I must add lotion several times a day. By the way, Fitbits do not like lotion. If you accidentally get lotion on yours an alcohol wipe Followed by a few minutes on the charger will fix the problem.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Really Deep Cleaning

I spent the last hour and half going through my fiber stash.  Don’t worry it will have a new home with a fellow fiber artist. I am hoping she likes the gift.  I really hope she has room.  Now I must decide what to do with my new found space. To give you an idea of how much space that I will gain, there is a double laundry basket to the brim, 2 xxl ziplock storage bag and a twin blanket bag.  I just have to get enough boxes and large shipping bags to mail it.  

I think it is snack time now.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Life with COVID19

I don’t know about anyone else, but lately I feel like I am in an old Rod Sterling’s episode of the Twilight Zone.  With the empty streets and unseen pending disaster.  I hear the old theme song in my head.  With Mr. Sterling saying “Now we are entering a small town in the Twilight Zone.  People are panicked about an unseen danger. There is a rush on for supplies.  The shelf’s are empty.

We are now entering a suburban home with a husband and wife. They are trying to live a normal life. Trying to make sense of the world around them.   In the Twilight Zone.... more ominous music. Cut to wife taking a walk and the neighbor is explaining to his child that we now have to stay away from other people. Stay on his side of the street.   She will stay on the other.

The news of the object called COVID19  is all that is on the television. They even stopped reporting on earthquakes. So the couple escape by watching old reruns on television.  The wife is knitting for a distant event. The husband surfing the web.

Unfortunately this is not an episode of the Twilight Zone, this is Tucson Arizona in springtime of 2020.  Welcome to my life.

On the bright side, you know I have to end on the bright side of life.  Another project bag is empty.