Sunday, September 1, 2024

Baby Steps

 I have been given the medical clearance to start exercising again.  I am going very very slowly.  It’s been 6 1/2 months of just resting.  Being a couch potato is not good for me.  I am doing repetitions of 5 or 10 depending on the core exercises that I am doing.  I can really feel it.  My goal is not to exercise until I can’t move, but to stop when I can feel it in my muscles.  Right now that takes all of 5 minutes. 

I have resumed outdoor walking.  The very first walk I had to stop and catch my breath.  Tonight on the same walk I did not have to stop to catch my breath.  That is progress. Remember the baby steps I was talking about. I don’t think I will increase my distance this week.  I will just try and build up my strength.  

The good news is that I tried my balance exercises today and that is one area that I have not lost ground in.  I can also do those daily.  

I am not sure if I should do chair yoga or Wii Fit yoga. I think building flexibility is a must.  

I might scan the internet to see if there are any programs already set up for reconditioning.  I think I am on the right track regardless of what I find on the internet.  

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hindsight is 20/20

 I am really frustrated.  The sinus infection from hell has reared its ugly head again.  I was up at 2am dealing with the sinus infection. The decongestant took 2 hours to kick in so I could go back to sleep. It has caused me so much grief over the last year or so.  Not even the nasal surgery got rid of it.  I am currently waiting for the lab to figure out what bacteria this is so we can knock this thing out of my body for good.  

My advice to all my readers with chronic medical conditions is to ditch your doctor if they don’t take you seriously or refuse to treat a chronic condition.  If I had really not trusted my previous doctor so much and listened to my family this whole year or so from hell could have been avoided.  They had been trying to get me to switch doctors for a couple of years. 

I finally switched doctors and a lot of stuff that should have been part of my regular and routine care is getting done. The difference between my old doctor and new doctor is light years apart.  My new doctor may not have all the answers, but is willing to send me to the other doctors who do.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Making Progress

 I got the all clear to resume normal activity at my post op appointment today.  So the first things I did was start a load of laundry and the dishwasher.  The dishwasher got emptied. The laundry is still waiting for me in the dryer.  It apparently was not the day to fold 2 loads of laundry.  

I also did a 5 minute Zenning project in the kitchen.  I pared down my measuring cups.  I have lost a lot of measuring cups over the years.  So I kept 1 metal and 1 plastic set of measuring cups.  The excess cups are headed to Goodwill.  I also have a set of glass bowls that have not been used for at least 10 years.  I had to face the fact that I just don’t bake as much as I use too. This might have something to do with kids growing up and moving out. So why waste the space.  My husband immediately put extra tea and coffee cups in the space.  So this is a massive win for 5 minutes of work.  The extra cups are no longer on the counter and the measuring cups are not falling down when I open the cupboard.  

The last of my Tour de Fleece yarn from Hilltop Clouds was washed and thwack.  It is now drying in the garage.  It will take a couple of days to dry due to high humidity.  My current plan for the yarn includes 3 different shawls.  One shawl for each stage.  Pictures once the yarn is dry.  

Friday, August 23, 2024

One Week Out

 I am 1 week out from surgery last Friday and am being to feel better.  I am taking less Tylenol. I am sleeping better.  My daily numbers are down.  Apparently pain and the stress that the pain causes make all numbers go up.  I feel like my old self joking around with my husband.  I am getting faster with my zingers. 

So as much as the first week after surgery was difficult for me, in the end run it was very good to get the repair work done.  Yes, I do for the most part consider surgery repair work.  I still have 1 week of resting to do.  And my 1st post op next week.  I am hoping that things are healing to plan.  

Today I managed to finish plying the last third of my Tour de Fleece yarn.  I even managed to work out chain plying on my Hanson e-spinner, I just wish my arms were longer.  I am almost finished with the brim on the hat that I started yesterday. This one will be a planed scrappy hat.  

At this time blogger is having trouble uploading pictures. I will post the hat to instagram.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Still Exhausted

 I am so over this recovery period.  The supplies that I thought would last for 2 weeks are almost gone.  I am using my last nasal spray. I have ordered another 6 pack which will arrive on Saturday.  I have lost my appetite and finding it hard to hit 20 grams of protein per meal. Not to mention eating my vegetables.  I am also tired of being exhausted.  

To end on a positive note. I completed one charity hat which is very bright and colorful tonight.  I cast on another hat tonight too.  I am only a few rows into the brim.  I am putting the shawl aside until I feel a little better.   I need quick fun projects so hats do fit the bill.  Also the clothing bank I knit for has promised they will find a head for every hat that I knit.  Today’s hat will show up in  tomorrows blog.  You have been forewarned that it is bright and colorful.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The 5 Minute Rule

 I strongly believe in the 5 minute rule for doing larger cleaning projects. Since my surgery last Friday and my very obviously diminished supply of spoons, I have come up with a very effective variation of the five minute rule. 

It goes as follows. If I manage to get up from my very important job of resting I try to put a few things away.  While my tea is brewing, I put things away around the kitchen.  If I need to go to the back of the house for any reason, I try to return things to the back of the house.  If there is nothing to bring forward, I stop and try to un clutter an area for a few minutes. I find it amazing how much I can get cleaned up in 5 minutes.  

As usual the recovery is taking longer than I think it should.  Although it is going according to the doctor’s recovery plan.  As you know I hate the recovery period. 5 days in 9 to go for the hard core recovery. Then I will start to increase my activity.  

I have also started a new shawl. Hopefully I will finish the entire 100 grams of wool before I complete my recovery.  I am using a Zauerball. I find the Zauerball’s very fun to knit with. My husband thinks that I should choose a brighter color for the next one. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Recovering Again.

 Going to through the lastest round of surgery recovery. I will be out of commission for 2 weeks.  So the usual restrictions.  Lift nothing over 10 pounds.  No bending over.  So it’s knitting, spinning and reading.  Resting as much as possible.