Friday, January 1, 2016

New Years Day 2016

Today was another early day with Eric.  He had created 3 loads of laundry long before dawn. Since John and I managed to stay awake until midnight , the 3 hours of sleep was not enough. So today was spent napping instead of getting the display organized for the downtown Libaray. My first nap was from 4:30 am to 7 am.  The second nap happened when I fell asleep during the Rose Parade. So after that nap I found the Rose Parade on another channel and took another nap. Then of course I fell asleep when I put my eye drops in. 

So my take away from this is to pray that Eric sleeps through the night. Hope against all odds that he will not make 3 loads of laundry made in the wee hours of the morning.  Yes I know that in this house 4 loads of laundry in one day is not too bad.  Remember to TiVo the Rose Parade next year. I think even with the naps a solid night of sleep might be better. 

I also finished and cast on another hat today. My total rows knit in the last 4 days was 326. I am also approaching the 50,000 rows knit. I have 18 hats ready to donate to the Flowing Wells Cloths Bank, but would like to knit 6 more before I bring them in so I can give them 2 dozen hats. I just have this quirk that I like to donate even dozens when hats and scarfs go in.  

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015

It has been a very busy and sometimes hectic year around here.  We finished our kitchen remodel. We finished the craft room remodel. We did a lot of decluttering.  Teri thought the house looked like it did 20 years ago with the exception of the new kitchen. A few dozen items were knit for charity.  All in all I think we had a good year despite a few bumps in the road. I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2016.  

Cooking Dinner

Tonight John and I used the broiler for the first time. I kinda guessed what I should be doing, after all it is just a broiler. Well, I have used broilers since oh so last century and this was not like any I have used in the past. John started reading the directions as I was cooking. First of all the broiler has a high and low setting, yes really. Apparently the high setting is used for searing the meat. The low setting is used for standard broiling. Oh and chicken must be broiled on the bottom rack of the oven. Over all it took longer to cook the meat, but it came out perfect.

My question is how the simple act of making dinner has become more complicated over the years? After all we have been using fire to cook with since the caveman days. I think I have the closest version of the 1960's Disney/GE house of the future in Tomorrowland vision of the perfect kitchen that is available today. Although I am still waiting for the table that will clear  itself, wash the dishes and reset the table. Not to mention the self cleaning house. I think that we may have been lead astray as to what would happen to the kitchen of the future. Until it arrives I would recommend that everyone read the manual.

Now if I could just find a manual to explain why my sinuses try to drain every night at bedtime.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Party is Over

We dropped the kids at the airport this morning.  They have arrived at their destination safely. We then headed to Costco to pick up a few items. We put everything away and finished the leftovers for lunch.  Laundry has seemed to have grow exponently today. 

Now that everything is back to quiet, I plan on finishing the rest of the of decluttering. Most is in Teri's room. The down side of decluttering today so far has been finding more partial yarn skeins that I am using for hats.  So I guess I will be making a few more hats.  By the time the house is done, I hope it will be warm enough to work in the garage.  

Monday, December 28, 2015

Car Keys

You know that the visit has ended much too soon when your children return the car keys.  The week went much too quick. I am looking forward to more visits from my very busy daughter Teri. 

A Very Early Morning

This has been a crazy morning so far.  The barametric pressure started dropping around midnight.  By 12:30 I had the beginnings of a very bad headache.  Around 3 am when that began to fade Eric woke up with leg cramps. I took care of that. Then John helped with a full change out.  I hated to wake him, but since the little bump on the 7th I have not been able to do a complete change out of Eric by myself,hopefully pt will fix that soon. 

I am also sure that Eric is doing his part to keep the pipes from freezing this morning by making more laundry. So as my headache fades I will try to fall back asleep to the sound of the washer running.  If the 1st load of the morning does not do it, I have another one ready to go.  

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Teri Time

We are getting a brief visit from our daughter Teri and her friend Tej. Eric and Teri are enjoying their time together. John and I are enjoying the time too.  I have been too busy to blog much.