Showing posts with label family life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family life. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2019

Getting Back InSync

I have been a little out of sync this past month.  I am trying very hard to adjust to my new normal. I am trying very hard to play catch up.  I have managed to finish knitting  a hat and scarf in the past 2 days. I am knitting up a new sample for a pattern and editing it as I go along.  Hopefully it will be camera ready soon.

Tomorrow I hope to tackle a pile of sewing projects.  I figure the more I get done the closer I will be to getting back in sync. Also the more charity work will be leaving the house next month. . Wish me luck in this endeavor.

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Big Change

You will notice something different about my blog today. I no longer have an Artfire Studio link. As of today I have closed my studio. Yes I will still make and sell stitch markers and hand knit items. I will also be making hand spun yarn. I am also working on the weaving bug. I will have a few select patterns that will come out locally. If you need any of these items you can contact me directly. If I have something spectacular I will show case it on Facebook and Twitter. You can find me on Twitter as skaro964. When I figure out how to do it I will list my patterns on Raverly.

I still plan on participating in Kathy Withers Wool festivals. Anything else will be up to divine providence as I have to put the house and men in my life first. Teri is getting to be pretty independent but still needs me on occasion.

This has been mulled over for quite a while. This frees me up to do more charity knitting. More time to spend honing my crafts. But most of all getting  my house in order. At this time it would also be a very bad time for people to throw new projects my way as I have already over committed myself to a lot of projects that need to get done.

As my life evolves I hope that this will be the beginning of another great chapter in my life.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Pivotial Day

A few days ago I noticed that Eric was having a lot of trouble after his bolist feedings. So I call his doctor and we put him on a trial of no bolist feedings and added and extra can of formula. Since we have made that switch Eric has not wild eyrped once and has slept through the night with the exception of last night. I really think he was ticked off at me for going out on a date with John.

Today was a very pivotal day in my life. Today was the first time in over 20 years that we went out as a family and I was not feeding a child. As I walked across Sweet Tomatoes parking lot I had a really odd thought. Why am I carrying my knitting with me, after all Eric was on the pump and when John and I finished lunch we would leave because we did not have to wait for Eric to finish.

John did notice how lost I felt with no child to feed. I needed to get a new rhythm of eating down. The old one was one bite for me then one bite for Eric until I was done. Then it was one row of knitting and one bite for Eric. I did feel totally lost and some what out of a job. As you all know I feel one of my jobs is to make sure everybody gets enough to eat. Yes Eric was eating via the kangaroo pump, but all I do is set up the bag and add formula during the day. So I my opinion the kangaroo pump was feeding Eric.

I need to remember that feeding Eric is not always our interaction while eating but that Eric get the proper nutrition no matter how the food is delivered. I also have to remember that as a parent not all the roads I cross will be bright and happy events. That I need to cherish every moment with my family because in the end they will not remember what we had to eat but rather the time we spent together.

Enjoy your families and have a great evening.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Being Grateful for Life

It is almost 2 am as I start to write this blog post. Eric is having a very bad night and I can not seem to get him to go to sleep. But as hard as some nights are I find that I must be very grateful for all that I have in my life.

I am grateful for an understanding husband who provides everything we need.

I am grateful for my daughter and her independence. She will change the world for the better.

I am grateful for the ability to do laundry in the middle of the night, while the house is cool. It might not get folded right away but at least it's clean. Thank you power and water company for reliable service.

I am grateful for my knitting, the ability to take bits of string and make warm clothing items for those who are not as lucky as we are. I can sit with Eric and get him through the worst and still have time to give back. We live in the world of Gd's creation and I hope to leave it in a better place than I have found it.

I am grateful for my wonderful husband and children. They help me define my goals in life. Yes even in the middle of the night I am grateful for Eric. He does make me rise to the occasion. I would like to add that G'd does give us more than we know we can handle, but how we step up to the challenge is what matters even if we fall short of Gd's expectations.

I am also very grateful for all my friends. You make my life so much easier.

I would like to know what you are grateful for in your lives. Please feel free to leave a comment.

It is beginning to get very quiet so I hope to be able to get at least a few hours of sleep this morning.