Sunday, December 23, 2018

Down Again

Teri and I did a quick dash to J.Jill today. Our mission was to try to find smaller sized pants. The pants I bought a month ago are now too big.  We were very successful. 3 new pairs of pants were acquired.  I know that I am down at lest 5 pairs of pants, but this just means that I will do my laundry a little more often.  This is not a challenge to Eric to make more laundry.

I find it amazing that when I woke up this morning, I was feeling very fat and frustrated. Then less than 12 hours later I am buying smaller sized pants.  Deep down I know that I will never have a model sized body. I would love my goal to be that.  On a more realistic level my ultimate goal is a healthier me.

Lastly, I would like to,wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday.  .

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


I am sitting here wishing that people would be more mindful. On a personal note it would result in less laundry and sticky floors for me to clean up after. I really hate to clean up medicine spills, that would not happen if people would just pay attention.

Outside my house I bet that there would be a lot less accidents and just maybe we would all pay less in car insurance.  If people would be more mindful maybe they might just pick up after themselves.  One can only hope.

Have a very mindful and happy day.

Monday, December 10, 2018

A Rough Start and A Smooth Finish

After a rocky start I managed to get all my errands done.  I also got a home cooked dinner on the table too, albeit leftovers.

Eric is happy with his new jeans. I can’t believe this is the first time since he was in size 5 slims that I bought a regular size 18 for him. He is over the moon that I bought him 5 new pairs of jeans. Truth be told, we just could not do the top button of the size 18 slims up. The 2 extra inches in the waistline should help.

I am still working on the first hand knit project for me the year.  I was hoping it would be done by now. I hope to wear it Wednesday. Wish me luck.

I am calling it a night a little after 10pm. Yes I took something for the arthritis pain with dinner tonight so I am really hoping to sleep until 6am. Night all.


When am I ever going to learn that I can not sleep when the Arthritis pain is beyond being boxed up? Other than not sleeping it was a very good Sunday.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Klutz Gene

I am still waiting for the scientist to find the klutz gene and find a cure. Otherwise I will have to find a way to be less klutzy. Yes I did fall today and I am OK. Just a little sore. I don’t bounce like I use to.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Zenning and More

I am currently zenning my craft room / guest room for company later this month. I am tired of moving things from room to room when company comes and then moving the same things back. So I have gone to Costco twice for storage boxes. It is my hope that once all the extra fiber and fabric is in one place I will be more productive. Just think I can add about a month more creative time to my year.

I am also gathering knitting things that I don't need anymore and hope to sell them to other knitting guild members. My idea is to recoup some space and money. Wish me luck. They will be priced to sell.

Speaking of being productive, I managed to drop off 6 hand knit hats, 12 hand woven scarves, 1 hand knit scarf and other new clothing items to the Flowing Wells Clothing Bank. My part of today's delivery is pictured below. My friend Rita also knit 14 hats for the kids.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


My first ever spinning wheel broke this morning while spinning. See the parts on the right. I hope that John can fix it. If not, i can’t even think about spinning art yarn without my Louet S15.