Friday, January 26, 2018


The funny thing about the color in clothing is there either seems to be not enough or too much for most people. Take this morning for instance. In the supermarket parking lot there was a woman who commented that my clothes were a bit on the colorful side, in the not very nice way. Let's face it, my tie dye skirts are comfortable and maybe just a bit on the colorful side. This morning was not going very well. I needed something cheery to wear. I had run out of the right size bandages to cover my stitches. So that is how I landed up in the supermarket parking lot at 9 a.m. to begin with. So I really did not see the irony in her statement until later in the day.

When I found the time to get to a get sale and bought 2 monochromatic outfits, one in gray and one in black. My thought was they were a bit on the drab side, but I could weave some new scarfs to go with the outfits. Maybe even knit a shrug or two. Which made me think of the lady in the parking lot and what she was wearing. It was 50 degrees in the sun if we were lucky and she was wearing shorts that matched her skin tone and a shirt that matched her hair, a totally washed out look in my humble opinion. The shorts in 50 degree weather said snowbird all the way. It was then I realized how outrages I must have seemed to her.

All I have to say on the subject is that the color in my wardrobe is here to stay. As the song goes “there are so many colors in the rainbow...” and I will wear every one. Maybe at the same time.

When I told John the story, he just smiled.

Monday, January 15, 2018

A Long and Hilly Day

Today started out at 5 am with Eric wanting attention, T.V. and to have the covers put back on. Then I put last night's wash in the dryer and started the laundry for the day. I think it was about 5 loads, but don't quote me on that.

Eric supervised and napped while I worked on his new bibs. I only got 4 finished today. I have 6 more bibs to make. If you would like to make some of the bibs I make for Eric you can find the pattern here. Please remember that this pattern is for personal use. You may not use this pattern to sell these bibs. With that said, if you are in love with the pattern and want to make some to donate to a local special needs program or school please feel free to make as many as you like. Just send or post a picture or two before you send them off.

There was also a final goodbye to my friend Faye today. We need more people like Faye in this world. Faye was always kind and generous in spirit. A wonderful student who also brought a great question  or thought to the Torah Study group. Always had a kind word to say. Was always a lady in the classiest sense of the word.  I wish that everyone could have known Faye. She will always have a place in my heart.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Some Assembly Require

Today I started working on a birthday present that required some assembly. OK, I have to knit the entire project. I have cast it on and knit 1 inch of the pattern. The pattern is called Andean by Mary Gavan. The yarn is Mojave hand dyed by Mary Gavin. You can find Mary’s work here

Saturday, January 6, 2018


I have decided that I do not like knitting momnchromatic hats. The serries of red hats that I am currently knitting for a local charity are driving me nuts. The first 8 went well enough, but at hat number 9. Well that is a diffrent story. I think that I will stop at hat number 12 and go back to colorful hats. I will also work on some other knitting, spinning and weaving. May even something for me.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

More Deep Cleaning

Today I spent the day deep cleaning again. Eric's closet made the to do list today and all the clothes that were too small we added to the Goodwill pile. Books and magazines also made it to the top of the to do list. I filled up the center of the van again. Most was only one layer, but there were some areas where it was 2 layers deep. John was kind enough to make a trip to Goodwill for me. I am needless to say exhausted. I really don't recommend this type of cleaning with a headache though, it will not make it any better.

The next thing on my agenda will be finding uses for all the regained space. This should be the easy part.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


Clothes shopping was a failure yesterday. If the top fit, it was see through. If the tops was not right and the fit or look was awkward it was not see through. Come on clothing manufactures most women I know hate see through clothes. If we wanted that much transparency in our wardrobes we would walk around in a bikini year round. Get it right.

Monday, December 25, 2017


Teri and I finished organizing the fiber by breed. Teri found out that there are a lot of different breeds of sheep. I think everyone learned more about sheep and breeds at dinner than they wanted to.  The fiber is now neatly stored. The only mistake that I made was not labeling the big bags. Oh, well that can happen at a later date. We also went on a deep cleaning spree. The end of the hallway is knee deep in charity for Goodwill. I think it will take me a couple of hours to make a list of everything. I think we are going to try to fill the van.

We also found time to go see the new Star Wars Movie, The Last Jedi.  No spoilers here, just go see it on the big screen.