Sunday, December 21, 2014


I know I have screwed up when at the end of the holidays I find gifts that I bought over the summer.  So I need to say oops.  I forgot to give them to their intended giftiee's. So now how do I explain that I have been so overwhelmed at life that I did not pay enough attention to some people.  That is a really bad thing. I still care a whole lot about about these people. So if you receive a call or package out of the blue, it's me not you.  

I am also finding time to work on some fun knitting projects for me and a fundraiser in the spring. I need to change things up a bit. I think I am a little burned out on hats. Which is odd because I only knit a little over 11 dozen hats this year. So it's time to knit up a storm.  

Friday, December 19, 2014


Right now I'm pretty frustrated Eric has been getting sick on a very regular basis we seem to have been having about four days to recoup between the next time he gets sick. However, this week we got him back to program and then the next day he's home with a cold. I'm really tired of the moms and dads who send their kids to school or day programs knowing that their kids are sick. How do you guys feel about that?

I can't be the only mom in the world with this gripe. Is Tucson just unusual in that the parents always send their kids sick? Is this happening in your neighborhood schools and they programs too?

Part of this frustration is that I am worn down and tired. I would like to be able to get out of the house a little bit more and do things. It seems lately by the time I get Eric back on his feet I'm just too tired to go out and do the shopping I need to do or want to do. I know we're just going through a rough patch right now but I'm still tired. I am hoping things will get better and that he'll be going to his program more often. Right now I just have to cope and be cheerful about it.

I know it's not Eric's fault that he's getting sick. I blame it on the parents who send their kids sick all the time. I wish they wouldn't be so short sighted and only see how it affects them and their days. I wish they would look at the global picture and see that if they send their child sick, that they're going to get other kids sick and other people sick. It's not fair to the rest of the world if you know your kid is sick to send them to program. I guess all I'm asking for is a little common sense. That seems to be in short supply these days.

Well it is time to get back to Eric and squeeze in a few minutes for lunch I hope everybody's day is going well.

Monday, December 15, 2014

A Busy Day

Eric spent half of the night needing attention of one kind or another.  This left me very tired with a full day of chores and holiday planning.  

I finally got to the grocery store today. Between coupons and rebates I did fairly well and saved close to 50%. Then after I got most of the groceries put away, I drove down to World Cate and dropped off Eric's old wheelchair. If you happen to have a wheelchair laying around the house not being used World Care is in need of about 35 to 40 wheelchairs to for people on their wait list. 

 I finished making most of my holiday presents today. Now I just have to tie them up in pairs with ribbion from the never ending roll of ribbion that I bought in the 1990's when the kids were small.  And wrap the rest of the holiday gifts. It looks like it's going to be a very very busy week this week..

My hope is that Eric sleeps tonight.  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Finishing Things

Today was spent cleaning and finishing projects. The gifts are almost done. I finished 2 more hats for charity, I will try to get a dozen done by this weekend.  A friends  son is working at a charity collection center this weekend. This will give him something to put on the bus.  I just have to find out when, because I know where it is.  

I am hoping for a good week for Eric and getting everything done on time. I hope everyone has a great week. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Cleaning Moves On

Today the cleaning moved to the garage. John and I started by deciding which boxes needed to be thrown out. The recycling bin is almost full. Eric's old wheelchair will be leaving the garage to go to the loan chest for medical equipment next week. My plan is 5 minutes a day until the garage is done or it gets too warm to work in there. 

Eric is feeling much better today.  We might even be able to find a Toys for Tots drop off site tomorrow. I will also try to finish the holiday gifts and the cleaning that did not get done this week. I also need to wrap gifts this week and clean the Menorah. 

I am really hoping that Eric sleeps tonight and past 5:30am. I think it is time to call it a night. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Very Busy

It has been very busy around here lately. Between Eric getting sick a lot and me playing catchup. I am only a little behind in the things I want to do.  I am getting all the have too's done.  I have even tried tried to talk Eric into making a little less laundry, he just laughed at me. 

Next week I hope to get all of my holiday gifts finished. I also want to finish wrapping my loom, it's currently half way done. 

 My sewing machine is also fixed, I find it very sad that the factory authorized dealer loosened 1 screw in order to try to up sale me on a more expensive machine. I will never go back there again.  Thank goodness for Kathy's on Speedway who got it fixed today.  If you are in Tucson and need your sewing machine or vacuum cleaner serviced I would recommend Kathy's. 

Well it is getting very late and I want to call it an early night. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

I am Superwoman

Eric is sick again.  I wonder if there is a coralation between my taking Thursdays off to run errands and spend time with friends knitting and spinning.  

I was able to keep up with the 2 eyrpy loads of laundry last night. Today I managed to get 4 loads done and half are already folded and put away.  

I am getting a little tired of Eric getting sick every week after a few months when he was hardly sick at all. For a few months he made it to his program almost every day.  I felt like I was getting my life back.  After being up with Eric most of last night I took time when he was resting comfortably to do a little cleaning and organizing.  It kept me more in tune with everything and gave me something to do other than sit, knit, watch Eric and PBS kids.  

Eric is asleep now so I am going to try to get some sleep. The to do list will be long tomorrow.