Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tucson Festival of Books

I left the guys at home and went to the Tucson Festival of Books.  It was a very nice day with lots of walking and a bag full of freebies. Apples seemed to be the giveaway of the day and I enjoyed 2 while I was walking around.  

I was good and did not buy books. Some looked really good but I have a back log to get through first. I also saw some Native American weaving and figured out how I could I could speed up my weaving.  It was just one of those aha moments. 

As I write this, I am sitting outside Old Main where my dad took classes when he was a student at the UofA. They are in the middle of restoring the building so when they are done it will look a lot like it did when dad was here. 

Well I still have to walk over to the Tyndel garage where the car is parked.  I better get moving before I don't want to move. I still have more laundry waiting for me at home. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Great Day

Last night was pretty wonderful, everyone including Eric slept. Which left me with the energy to pick up around the house. I unpacked some of Eric's supplies And made the pile of supplies smaller. The main thing though was finding a place for everything. Every item no matter how small found a home or an exit strategy. 

Eric also went back on formula today. He is doing well enough to be back at his full night time rate tonight. 

I even got 15 more rows of the shawl knit tonight.  This was made possible by the short rows I am doing. Each row is 2 stitches shorter than the last row for another 23 rows.  Then there will be a pattern change. 

Well it is time to write up my to do list for tomorrow.  So have a great day. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Life as Usual

I came home exhausted from the fundraiser on Wednesday totally exhausted.  John made dinner and I went to bed early. That is when Eric decided that he was not feeling well and kept John up until midnight.

I slept until 4ish in the morning when it was my turn with Eric.  He was sick all day Thursday and today. Including being up all night.  John and I took turns with him so that we could do things. 

I am exhausted, more tired than Wednesday night if that is possible. Please join me in the hope that Eric will sleep tonight.  

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The First Change

Today I finished a 3 day sewing marathon that resulted in 35 bibs for the Taglit fundraiser at the Tucson JCC on Wednesday. We will be there from 8 am to 4 pm. The car wash will finish up at 1 pm. 

So this picture below is the 1st change made possible by clearing the clutter of someone Else's dream for me. That space use to hold the terry cloth towels and wash cloths necessary to make 35 bibs. I have to be honest the first 5 were fun to do. I still enjoyed the sewing yesterday, but my hands were absolutely useless for knitting last night. Today I wanted to avoid the project at all costs but forced my self to finish the remaining 15 bibs. I could not knit tonight either. The bottom picture is of 30 of the 35 bibs. I can say with out a doubt that this is not the business I want to be in. Even using production line techniques I maxed out at 15 bibs a day. I could not see myself sewing bibs day in and day out. 

I will continue to make all of Eric's bibs but I usually only have to do a dozen every year or so. Not such a bad task. I can get it done before I am tired of them.

So I was finally able to un-box the carding board I am going to make rolagaes on. I still have space left over. I got the carding board from Sheep Banks.  You can find her on Facebook.  

Well it is time to call it a day. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Another Big Change

Today I spent the day making bibs. Most were baby or toddler size.  I have started clearing out others peoples dreams of what I should be doing with my life. Even others peoples dreams of the next big money maker. If it really was a big money maker why were they not doing it for themselves? Why did I need to do it? I will be finishing half done projects and clearing them out of the house. I will try to spend 1 day a week doing this.  In this new phase of my life I will only take on  new projects that I want to do. I want to spend time exploring my creative side. I can not accomplish this by doing unpaid work that other people think I should be doing. I will pick my own charity projects.

The upside of all of this is that I will have more space for the things I want. By sewing the bibs today I have cleared 1/2 of a shelf in the craft room.  Less is really more.  I will also have a lot of different things that can be used by the Taglit Day Program for fund raising at the Tucson JCC to benefit Eric and his friends.

So to sum up this change a succinctly as I can here goes. If your name is not Teri, John, Eric, Lisa or Matthew. If you are not the Taglit Day Program at the Tucson JCC. If you are not a charity near and dear to my heart. The answer to most unpaid inquires will be no. I will not buy the supplies. I will not drop everything to get your project done and fall behind on things that really need to get done. After so many decades on this earth I will not be every one's go to  person who always says yes.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spinning Again

I finally made it back to my spinning wheel today. I took John's suggestion and used the Luate  wheel because it had the peddle on the right side. I am giving my left foot time to heal.  I will take a picture and add it to the post tomorrow.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I Survived Tuesday.

Not the most terrific day on record, but we did make it through it.  High lights and low lights in no particular order include getting into a dress that has not fit since Teri was at the U of A. I am losing inches like crazy, but the scale refuses to budge. 

I have tendinitis again in my heel. Just so much fun.  The doctor said it could take up to a year to heal.  She also gave me Excersizes to do. I guess I won't start marathon training any time soon.  So I guess I will work on next weeks fundraiser. 

Someone decided to throw a whole lot of soda on the car while I was shopping. The van landed up with a car wash. After the car wash I saw where they also keyed the car. Really was either thing necessary? I rarely say things like this, but I think that they need a little karma in their lives.  

John made us a lovely dinner of waffles and oranges. He really knows how to take the sting out of a bad day.  

Well I think it is time to call it a night.  And below I included a picture of me in the dress.