Sunday, December 9, 2012


I would like to dedicated this blog post to  Emma S. from Canada. A fan and a regular reader of my blog. Is very much interested to know how I manage the household tasks and the knitting. This is a very good question.

The first thing I would have to say is that I take my knitting absolutely everywhere I go. If I am at the grocery store I have a small project such as a hat or scarf with a very simple pattern. The plus side of this is when the lines get especially long I am usually the first person they take to the new line. I think this is because good customer service mandates that your customers should not be in line long enough to actually be doing a "hobby" and making progress. The only place this has not worked is Walmart.

I also take my knitting to restaurants. We are not the 5 star dining kind of folks. So After I have decided what to order out comes the knitting until the food arrives. The plus side of this that I eat less of the nibbles that are placed on the table. This is a two for. 1 more knitting. 2 less calories are consumed. It also works when everyone is having the desert I so dearly want and choose not to eat most of the time.

When I have to do the carpooling for Eric, I always have my knitting with me. Sometimes they run late in his day program. So I just sit and knit while I wait for Eric. I seem to be one of the only parents that does not get upset with them running long. I also knit while John is driving so I will not be a back seat driver I never knit while I am driving, please don't knit and drive as I feel this is very dangerous.  I have also been know to knit while walking in the mall or at street fairs. My hint for knitting at the movies would be very light colored yarns and a very easy pattern.

I also get a lot of knitting done when Eric is sick. With the children's channels they tend to be on a 6 hour or less repeat cycle. I have to say there are only so many times I can watch the same episode of a show in a 24 hour period. I do keep a fully loaded basket of yarn for scarfs or ponchos in Eric's room by the rocking chair. I also doing a lot of knitting during his breathing treatments ( 45 minutes, 2 times a day), I consider this my down time.

With all this being said, in reality I have 5 hours a day to get all my chores done in between driving Eric. So not much knitting gets done during the day. I am not above running the washing machine, dishwasher and dryer at night while I sleep to free up some time during the day. My biggest chore of the week is still laundry with an average of 20+ loads a week. I also love my I-Robot Roomba and Scooba, this allows me to do other chores while the machines are mopping or vacuuming. Multi tasking is the key. This might sound just awful to most people but one of the advantages to have a child with a lot of health issues is that his aides are responsible for keeping his room and bathroom straight and the rest of the areas of the house he uses neat.

The main part of my knitting gets done when I have time to meet up with friends or while watching TV after dinner.

So yes, I do manage to squeeze in a lot of odd moments of knitting. Each row by it self is not much, but a stolen minute here and there really adds up to a lot of rows.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

3RD KAL Clue

For the final KAL clue you will need your dpn's' and darning needle.

Cast on 3
make and I-cord 24 inches long.

Fold the Rectangle in half, leaving the eyelet at the top with out a seam. Sew up the bottom and side of the rectangle. Turn inside out. Weave the I cord through the eyelet and knot the ends of the I-cord together.

Add a bar of your favorite soap and hang in the shower or tub. This design is also ideal for small bits and pieces of soap.

As promised this will knit up fast and you still have time to make a few presents.

Happy knitting.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving & KAL Clue #2

First of all I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be grateful for this year.  We are all doing very well in our chosen endeavors. Eric is enjoying his day program very much. Teri graduated from Law school and passed the California Sate Bar exam on her first try. Teri will be sworn in to the California State Bar next month. Her chosen field is Intellectual Property Rights and Privacy Law. John has had a very good year at work. My spinning, knitting and designing are going very well. The house is almost totally zenned and just a few spots are left.

My wish is for everyone to have a happy, healthy and fun holiday season.

KAL Clue #2

Row 5. Slip 1 stitch purl wise, Knit 1,( knit 2 together, yarn over)* follow this pattern until the end of the row end with a knit 1.

Row 6 Slip one stitch purl wise, knit across.

Row 7 to 51 You have 2 options.

Option 1 Slip 1 purl wise and knit across for the entire pattern.

Option 2. Slip 1 purl wise and knit 1 purl 1 across. On subsequent rows purl the knit stitches and knit the purl stitches. Always start every row with a slip 1 purl wise.  This will give you a seed stitch.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Hi everyone. I designed and knitted up this pattern last night. This is my early holiday gift to all of you. Happy Knitting. Sheri

Ingredient List.

1 skein Sugar and Creme
US size 8 straight and dpn's
darning needle


Cast on 40 stitches using the long tail cast on.
Rows 1 - 4 slip the 1st stitch purl wise, knit across.

The next clue will be coming soon. Let me know how you like the pattern and if you have and questions.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Birthday Time

Well today was the 1st of Eric's planned birthday parties. A friend of Eric's planned it. I made the cake. His friend helped make the icing and frost the cake. The frosting is an easy

Sheri's Quick Butter Creme Icing

1 stick of margarine
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 ounce of water
1 pinch of salt
1 pound of Powdered sugar sometimes called XXX Sugar

Place the first four ingredients in a mixing bowl. Using a low speed on your mixer or by hand, creme until smooth. Slowly add the powdered sugar with a low speed until incorporated. Now its time to add some air to that frosting. On my Kitchen Aide K5, I turn the speed to 4 which is a slow/medium speed. Beat for 10 minutes, this should leave your frosting light and fluffy.

This makes enough frosting for a small cake. If you double or triple this recipe increase beating time to 15 minutes because of the increased volume. If you would like a white butter creme frosting use a vanilla called Clear Vanilla Extract Available on Amazon. I have included the link.  Most brands are about the same. Link to clear vanilla extract on Amazon.*

Stay tuned to this blog for a KAL. I will tell you it is fast and easy. I designed and hand knit the proto type this evening while watching TV.

*If you decide to use this link to make your purchase on Amazon, Amazon will pay me a small commission.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

On the Road to 1 Million

It has been hinted at by various people that my aspiration to knit a million rows and keep track of those rows might be a bit obsessive. That I might even need "to get a life". How can I not aspire to knit a million rows with all that lovely yarn around. Did you also notice that twice a year new yarn collections are released. That means that there is so much more yarn to fall in love with.

These are just some of the lovelies that I have been knitting in the last few weeks. I know some of you read this on your phones so I will not add all the pictures.

 So my answer is no. I am not be obsessive about knitting, just humour me and there maybe something in it for you too.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Moving Along

Well I would like to say if you have not been to my house in the last 6 months you will not recognize it. With the deep house cleaning almost done I have time for knitting and spinning. This is a very good thing. I am doing a benefit show for Eric's Day Program at the Tucson JCC on November 28.  I will post the details as I get them. This would be a good day to do your holiday shopping and get a snack at the bake sale. I will be donating 100% of my sales to the Taglit program. The young people in the program have also designed a line of greeting cards which will be sold. Stay tuned for further details.

Since dinner is cooked I am off to knit.