Monday, September 24, 2012

Maybe it's a Good Day

I am still dealing with my recent flare of the Sjogrins Syndrome. I got Eric to his day program fully intending to work around the house this morning, but my body said no. It really did say no and I slept for 3 1/2 hours. I did manage to send a package off to Teri this afternoon. I tried to put a batting in a new quilt for Eric but will have to wait for help. Putting batting in a quilt is a two person job. I did manage to get into a purse that was 2/3 smaller than the last one I was using, but don't ask me for a knitty noddy, spindle or a nosprine, there was just no room. No, not even room for knitting.

Eric and I did some relaxing outside , but there were not many birds chirping today. There was however a butterfly that seemed to like Eric and spent about 10 minutes flying around him. This I think is not usual behavior for a butterfly. Animals tend to react differently around Eric.

I did manage to clean out the fridge today. At about 6 pm or so I decided that the pantry had to be cleaned out TODAY. I started from the top down after I found a step stool. I am feeling very short today, said the woman who had to find a pair of high heels to reach the packing tape. I kid you not.
The common them of today's cleaning was getting rid of expired food tucked into a back corner and a shelf way above my head. I did straighten the shelves as I went.

I also managed to get some laundry finished today. John did bring home some lovely salads for dinner. I am feeling very lucky to have Teri, Eric and John in my life. With that bit of rambling I think I will try to get some sleep.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Good Weekend

This was a lay low weekend for us. We had lots of rest time and a few journeys.  Eric and his friend went to the Tucson Ronald McDonald house to drop off tabs. They had over 8 pounds at 1,600 tabs per pound.  So we need more tabs please.  Then where else do you go when you have been to RMCH to McDonald's of course.

We got to Costco today and filled our bag for Project Issiah.  We also got a few things for the house. Another hat was finished and one more cast on.  A few chores were accomplished too. I managed to complete 2 pairs of  pants in the mending pile, with more sewing scheduled for this week.

The good news is that I am managing to get enough rest so that the flare up will be a short one.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cascade Cleaning

After being up half the night with Eric I still did manage to get a lot of work done today. It was mostly roundabout but it got done. With any luck he will go to his day program tomorrow.

Today was my day for cascade cleaning. You know the type. You start in one area and say I am going to finish this area today, thing leads to another and you have expanded your cleaning range. This afternoon for me it started in the craft room. The box I was working on moved to Eric's room because he wanted company. So there I sorted out a box of mostly makeup. I had the keep pile and the pass it on pile. Well this lead to the bathroom storage area. Where I threw out expired items. Put samples of products that were not quite right for me, along with a lot of eye shadow and lip sticks in the pass it on pile. I found at least a years worth of cotton pads for make up. The shelf's are now in some semblance of order. But the best part is I feel better about the whole process.

I do have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to. Just how long is nail polish good for. After how many years does it have to be tossed or is it considered hazardous waste and needs proper disposal. The first person to answer this question will get a treat sent to them.

Well it is time to go finish making dinner. Yes I did get this written before bed time. Are you amazed?

I am amazed that Lisa W. called me from the park with the answer not even 5 minutes after I posted my blog. Way to go Lisa.

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Need a Redo on Monday

Today did not go as planned. But the most important thing is that we are all home. All a little tired from wear. I am just to tired to write much tonight. Tomorrow I get another go at it.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

La Shana Tova

First off I would like to wish everyone a sweet New Year. May you have a year full of health, happiness and learning. With that out of the way I would like to say that I admire my friends that have spent the entire week cooking for their families for this occasion. I could not pull my self together enough to do any cooking this year. I would like to thank the cooking staff of my local Whole Foods for the wonderful grilled salmon and the side dishes that I served for dinner. Also to Beyond Bread for the bread and honey cake.

It just seems to me that the sicker that Eric becomes the less I am ready for the holidays. This is coming from the person who gets the most excited about birthdays and holidays in this house. So tonight instead of putting the last minute touches on a holiday dinner, I sat at my spinning wheel and plyed some yarn. I still had time so I started spinning another skein. For some reason this gave me more joy than cooking tonight.

I will probably not understand the reason for this for years to come. For right now I will chalk it up to being to tired. Also not having the energy to put into a truly fabulous meal or the shopping involved. With that said my sincere hope is that Eric sleeps tonight.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Eric was home sick again today. Since Eric was feeling better but not quite ready to go back to his day program, I decided to play catch up on deep cleaning.  Today was also my day to work on the filing. Now you might not know this about me but I hate to do filing. So it was a major procrastination day for me today. Instead of filing I did the following chores.

1. Roombaed Eric's room.
2. Unpacked the box from i-robot and put a new filter in Roomba.
3. I put a new battery in Scooba and then charged him.
4. Scoobaed Eric's room.
5. Roombaed our bedroom, twice because he ran out of power half way through the job.
6. Gathered and sorted laundry, but did not do any for lack of a full load.
7. Organized the dining room table. Now I just need to find someone who wants to dust and polish the table. Especially the under the table part. I wonder if the folks at i-robot can come up with something?
8. Loaded, ran and emptied the dishwasher.
9. Filled and emptied the recycling basket twice.
10. Found time to spin at the wheel.
11. Found time to do some knitting.

That brought me to 11 am and my list was done so I had to do the filing. So I sorted, shredded and recycled as I went along. Once everything was sorted the actual filing took 30 minutes. I guess it was just going through everything that I did not want to do.  By 4:30 I had gotten the job done.

By the way Eric slept the entire day. I sure hope he sleeps tonight.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday Really!!

My only question tonight is how it got to be Thursday night. Eric came home from his day program Tuesday and spent the entire night eyrping. Wednesday was a tired blurry day of child care with some knitting thrown in for my sanity. Today Eric's temp made it under 100. This deserves a big yeah!! He also started back on food this afternoon. All of which means that if you were expecting to see me at all on Friday this is my regrets note. Yes I would love to hang out tomorrow, but I will be home with Eric.  Because of the Holidays the soonest he will be back at his day program is Wednesday.

I guess I will use the time at home to do some filling and a little more deep cleaning. The end is in sight and I don't want to do the last bit, but I will play the grown up me and do what needs to be done. I will be planing a low key holiday. No days of cooking for me. Since it is just the two of us and we don't eat like kids anymore it will be a light single course dinner.

Well its getting late and I have a full day with Eric tomorrow so I am calling it a night.