Sunday, March 17, 2024

In 5

 My new working criteria is five minutes of working an hour or so of rest or more. This seems to be what my body likes right now. With this in mind, I am slowly tackling the closet. We nicknamed Fibber McGee and Molly‘s closet. I Have already moved the lot of stuff out of there. Some stuff was thrown out some stuff was charity and you might even find some stuff on eBay.

To give my hands a break, I have some projects that I’m knitting left-handed and some projects that I’m knitting right handed. To keep track of the projects, I am marking the projects with special stitch markers with either an R for right handed knitting or an L for left-handed knitting. I made a dozen today six of each, but I think I should’ve made a few more. Hopefully I can catch up with some UFOs while I’m resting And won’t need as many. Below are the little stitch markers before assembly.  

Friday, March 15, 2024

I over did today.

 I learned today that no matter how good I feel, over doing any activity can lead to jaw pain and a very long unscheduled nap.  It also leads to more consequences like not being able to knit at night. My hands were just too tired tonight to do anything. So tomorrow I plan to slow down again.

I have very big aspirations for tomorrow. Doing one load of laundry and having John help me put back a Closet that I tore apart. Doing some paperwork. Just maybe making some stitch markers or knitting. 

For tonight all I want to do is sleep.  Wish me luck.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The New “Busy Day”

 I had a very productive day. I managed to get 3 things off my to do list.  Found out that a restaurant that we have not been to in a score of years had some really good food and lots of options for me.  We will be going back.  

Yes I am still tired.  I took another nap today.  I seem to have lots of energy right afterwards, but it does not last long.  

I would also like to thank Vicky and Michael from Grandma’s Spinning Wheel for being gracious enough to move me to a weaving class in December. I know that I will not be able to do a full day of weaving at this point in time.  Your kindness is very much appreciated by us right now.  I must have made someone’s day who was on the waiting list.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Snail Won the Race Today.

 I am not regaining energy as fast as I thought I would.  After just 1 hour sitting and knitting with friends today I was exhausted.  I spent the entire afternoon binge watching television or sleeping. I normally reserve television watching for the evening.  I am following doctor’s advice not to over tax myself. It is harder than I thought. I thought it would be really, really hard.  

My plans after knitting with friends, I would just sit at the computer to type and edit new patterns. Not to taxing, not an energy drain. I did not work on a single pattern. Oh well, there is always a few weeks from now.  

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The Calm After The Storm

 Yesterday after talking to the 3rd doctor in 2 days, I finally have my head wrapped around last weekend.  Partly be cause I finally had a definite answer. Be cause of it I am less anxious and can get on with the very slow recovery process.  We are talking months not days. 

I am designing a new shawl.  I will play catch up on a lot of UFO’s, one project at a time.  I will catch up with getting patterns listed.  I do have one question for you though. If I open an Etsy store for my patterns would you use it if you currently do not use Ravelry?  

I also have another question.  Does anyone else knit both right and left handed. If so do you have a different knitting style for each hand? The knitting nerd in me is curious.  

TTFN.  It’s rest time again.  

Friday, March 8, 2024

A Slow Down

 Right now I am going through a medically mandated slow down.  I am going to rest as much as possible. I am going to be honest, this is not going to be easy for me.  However, the more I rest, hopefully it will allow my body to heal faster.  To that end I started writing a new pattern tonight. It is a light weight summer shawl.  

I have frogged it once.  Made some major changes.  Now I like it much better.  When I have a bit more energy I will work on getting other patterns out the door.  

Monday, March 4, 2024

Slowly Getting Thins Done

 Today I managed to fix a whole lot of broken jewelry. My hands are finally feeling better. I changed out earring wires to something more this century for a few pairs that I bought in the 1970’s and 80’s.  New wires just gave them a slightly more modern look.  I fixed a couple of chains, to fix a couple of necklaces.  I am even good enough now to manage the smallest jump rings.  I also unknotted 2 out of 3 chains.  Unknotting chains is a lot like untangling yarn, who would have guessed that.  

Tomorrow energy permitting I will start on a small pile of stitch markers for me.  I have some earring singles, charms and beads to turn into stitch markers.  Not that I need anymore stitch markers.  If I lose a stitch marker a day it would be at least a year before I would run out of stitch markers.  But I like to try new things and make my knitting pretty.  I think of stitch markers as jewelry for knitting.   

I managed to make 3 out of 4 post hospital doctor’s appointments / calls before breakfast.  The last call was put in after lunch.  I got very tired just sitting at the computer looking things up.  The hospital worker said I should start to have more energy by Wednesday. I also binged watched 3 hours of The Crown on Netflix while adding 2 inches to a pounder scarf.  

Below is a picture of the jewelry repairs that I made today.