Saturday, August 9, 2014

Something Diffrent

This week when Eric got sick, I tried something different. I tried it without as much caffeine as normal. This was something I have never ever tried before. I'm not sure if it worked or not. Today I landed up taking a couple of naps instead of grabbing a couple of sodas or highly caffeinated tea. I guess that this was better for my body but, the house did not get as clean as I had wanted. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

I did the very basics of housework. Then spent some time relaxing by weaving part of a scarf, spinning some new yarn, and working on a new baby blanket. I am much more relaxed but much more tired.

It will take a few more days for me to figure out if this experiment really worked or not. Yes, Eric is feeling better and with any luck he will be out the door Monday morning to his program. I am looking forward to a real day off.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Last week Eric had a 5 day vacation from his day program. All he wanted to do was rest in bed and watch tv. My plans included going to a movie and a haircut for Eric. Guess who won? Did you really need to think about that?

So I spent my days spinning, weaving and knitting. I think I should have spent a little more time cleaning.  Well there is always what is left from this week to clean. 

This week I also started the initial shopping for a kitchen re-do. There are so many decision to be made.  I think the hardest part will be is finding a glass top cooking surface that is compatable with my LeCresut cast iron cookware.  Other than that I seem to be drawn to the less expensive appliances.  

It seems my eyrpy boy has settled down for the night. So I think it is time to call it a day. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Not as Planned

Today did not go as planned.  Eric has a 5 day vacation from his program.  I wanted to go to the mall and take a walk and do a bit of shopping.  Instead we stayed home.  We watched PBS kids most of the day.  

So I caught up on washing the rest of the yarn from the Tour de Fleece. I caught on laundry the started washing a fleece. This was the dirtiest fleece that I have ever washed. It is still washing now. 

I fixed the the error made in assembling the loom, warped it and started weaving. I have found out that I can not use a 20" shuttle when weaving in Eric's room.  There is just not enough room. Almost 3" are already woven.  

I think my foot was not quite up to as much double treadle spinning as I did last week.  My foot is a little unhappy.  So I will give the Ashford a break for a little longer.  

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Baby Blanket

RI finished this baby blanket today.  All 378 rows of it.  I thought it would take a week, but it took a little over 2 weeks. 

The back story on the blanket is that I was suppose to teach the mom to be how to knit so that she could knit a blanket for her baby.  We had a hard time finding a good time.  In my humble opinion we ran out of time. So I went into my stash to pick out some yarn.  I thought it would only take me a week. The most important thing is that it is finished before the baby decided to come.  So here is the blanket. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tune Up

The Ashford Travler needed a tune up. It was squeaky and sounded like it was going over railroad tracks. So one by one I tightened up all the loose screws. I oiled all the areas I could think of.  I got all but a few rattles are gone. I think I might get John to trouble shoot the last squeaks. 

I am almost finished with the baby blanket and I should be able to give it to her Monday.  Actually Eric wants to give this present.  

I took a map instead of warping the loom, so I guess that will get done tomorrow. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014


I have hit a new stage in my zenning. Instead of finding more bags or boxes to get things put away. This week I started condensing things. Getting rid of extra bags and boxes.  I have 2 less bags of projects that need to be started. I am down 1 box on weaving supplies. All my circular needles that are not in current projects are now put away.  I have also filled the recycle barrel for the 3 rd week in a row.  

I also had a lot of help from John in setting up my new loom. He did a great job. Although I did not have time to warp the loom.  Maybe tommrow. 

The up side of all of this is that I have more time to knit, spin and now weave. Who would of thought that this would have happened.  The answer is John ,Teri and Lisa. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Fiber Friday and More

I am almost at the halfway point in the baby blanket I started last Friday.  In spinning I almost finished a single that I am going to try to Navajo ply tommrow.  The picture is below.  

I got to see Eric at his talent show.  He did a great job playing the bells. They were very clever and put them on his afo's so when he got excited the bells went crazy. 

I am exhausted and am hoping for a good nights sleep tonight.