I am starting to feel better after my bout with food poisoning. I have got my creative energy back. Now I just need my body to catch up with my creativity. I am on day two of winding yarn for various projects. I also managed to find room in some bins for yarn. That might have something to do with pulling out yarn for projects from the bins.
I have also found that if I sit to the left side of my espinner it has some definite advantages. The first being no sun in my eyes during afternoon spinning sessions. The second being that I get a smoother thinner yarn. I can also see the yarn at a better angle. Did I mention that is also easier to spin that way? If it is written in stone that you must sit facing the orifice of the spinning wheel or espinner, I have just broken that silly stone. However if you must really have it written in stone the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show is going on until February 14th.