Showing posts with label smaller dresses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smaller dresses. Show all posts

Saturday, February 3, 2024


 Today was full of serendipity for me. I went to my closet to look at some dresses that I had worn when the kids were much younger. I decided to try on a few and this resulted in some laundry, and about a dozen outfits leaving the house because they were either too big or made of the wrong material. And now I have to find a resale shop for them. I also have less stuff in my closet. Roomba can now enter safely.  

I also have four dresses that I haven’t worn in decades that now fit. They have all been washed and are drying in the garage. That was such a good feeling to get into those dresses. I can’t wait to wear them.

I know the pounds are not coming off as quickly as before. However, I am in a period of losing a lot of inches. That makes a big difference too. I am following the book A Pound of Cure.  It eliminates all junk food and a lot of processed foods.  I don’t  have to count calories or points.  I just make sure that I eat between one to two pounds of vegetables a day. Throwing in fruit and protein.  I have found this lifestyle very easy to follow.