Showing posts with label silk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silk. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Two More Done

 So far I have completed 2 projects this week.  I will show you my spinning. It’s a huge skein.  It came out perfectly balanced too.  It is a wool for the first spin, plyed with a darker silk yarn.  This is a one of a kind spin, so I will not spin more of this.  I will show you the picture.  It is already in the box to mail out. Just one more skein to spin and ply before I mail it.  

The next one I will not show you because it is a new pattern.  I have two more to knit. Pictures to take and a pattern to type up before I send it to my test knitters. Whew, it sounds like a lot of work.  Since I am using larger knitting needles it goes fast.  

I have also made the decision that I will no longer knit with a double strand of worsted weight cotton  it is just to hard on my hands. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

13.5 Inches

 I have taken in a skirt I wore to my daughter’s wedding by 13.5 inches. The new elastic waist band is 13.5 inches shorter than what I took out.  I can still wear it with flats.  Let me say the altering a 100% silk skirt with a loose weave is harder than it looks.  I would like to thank Vicky at Grandmas Spinning Wheel for the suggestion of using 100% cotton thread in the sewing machine.  It worked out well.  

I do not like the special needle that I needed to use with silk.  The eye was too small for the automatic threader. I had to turn my sewing machine on its side to see the tiny eye of the needle.  This was done 4 times.  The needle did not seem to want to hold the thread in between my short areas of stitches.  

The only decision left is do I hand wash it in Soak Wash or take it to the dry cleaners?  

I will say that I really don’t feel like I have really lost that many inches or that much weight.  I am wondering if that is because my weight loss stalled when I got sick in mid February? I am getting really tired of being sore, out of breath and almost nonexistent energy.  I still am open to borrowing someone’s magic wand.  

Although I am knitting more. I am not getting as much knitting done as I thought I would.  Today’s finish project will be featured in a new knitting pattern.  This will come out as soon as I can possibly get it finished.  


Monday, July 11, 2022

Going Old School

 I have been hiding out in my knitting room listening to an audio book alternating between knitting a UFO That was started before Eric went into hospice.  Then was tinked because I should never knit lace work when I am taking care of someone going through hospice.  Then thinking it is time to spin on every drop spindle I currently own.  Maybe even fill up a basket and ply them later.  

I am so totally exhausted and out of sink that I totally forgot about Tour de Fleece. At this point 11 days in I am not going to stress myself.  I will just look at my lovelies as I spin on the drop spindle of the day or 2 it takes to fill them.  I will pull one braid at a time and spin until I run out and then go to the next one.  

I am currently on an Orson Scott Card binge. Currently Invasive Procedures. The last book was Stone Father. Both good reads. 

Below is the first spindle filled in this endeavor. A Golding that has an amazing spin on it.  I did not think I would be able to spin lace weight on a spindle this heavy.  I spun a blend of merino wool and silk.  

Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Last of Day 5

 These are the last 2 skeins of day 5 of Spin Together 2021. With a total contest yardage of 480 yards.  I like the colors of Bees the best.   Bees is the yellow green and light blue color way.  This. brings my contest totals up to 1,578 yards.  Since a mile is 1,760 yards I just might have a chance at spinning a mile of yarn this week.  No wonder my calf muscles are protesting.  

Sorry for the second post you know is coming tonight.  

Friday, January 18, 2019

Night Terrors and More

I just spent one and a half hours with Eric and a night terror.  I am not sure what it was about or what triggered it.  But he is finally falling asleep.  Now for me to unwind and go back to sleep.

There are just a few comments from my day in no particular order.  

If your child’s school or day program say keep them home when they are sick, this does not mean send your kid with a box of tissues to hold onto and use throughout the day.  Sick is sick.  School or day program is not home.

If you are driving on a public through fair I expect you to keep your eyes on the road, not below the dash board looking for things in the consul such as your French fries.  If you can’t drive and eat, either drive or eat not both.

Silk is not an elastic fiber. Silk will not make your surri alpaca stretch or become stretchy.  Silk is a fiber that drapes well.

Just because you are old does not give you the right to walk in front of a whole line at the check out counter like to five people already in line don’t exist.  You might have been raised to think that the color of your skin or religion make you better than the rest of us. That is so last century and it was not true even then.

These opinions are my own.   Night night see you in the morning light.

Friday, July 24, 2015


I made progress on my spinning skills today. I spun 3 different kinds of silk on the spinning wheel today.  Tomorrow I will ply them. Pictures to follow.   

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Over 800 Yards

I just finished spinning and plying over 800 yards of Merino, Alpaca and Silk today.  Now what should I do with it?  

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Monsoon Friendly Roving.

Today I had great success with an alpaca silk roving. I started this roving a few months ago and it was almost impossible to spin.  The fiber flew every which way. I spent most of the time fighting with the fiber. I even tried using a blend of oil and water to try to tame it. That just made the roving feel yucky. 

Fast forward to monsoon season 2014. With the humidity around 40% instead of the usual 5 to 10%, the roving spun like a dream.  So my conclusion is some fiber just spins better in higher humidity. So this is my Tour de Fleece spin of the day. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Things are looking up

Eric is doing better today. After his bath he went back on formula and he's starting to look a little bit better. I'm on the tired side I fell asleep right after dinner , because it's been a long couple days around here.

I got to go to spinning this afternoon and hang out with some friends. I am working on a blend of gray alpaca and silk. It is really, really fun to spin up.  The roving seems to be spinning itself and just wants to be yarn. Its not completely smooth because there are places where the silk bumps but, I guess with handspun yarn that's okay. I can't wait to ply it with the blue yarn that I've already spun up and I can't wait to see how it turns out. 

We are hoping for a quiet night tonight. I hope Eric sleeps well tonight because I think we could all use some sleep. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Fantastic Day

After a very slow start to my day, yes I am sure it had nothing to do with being up with Eric until 2ish this morning. Or getting 3 out of the 5 loads of laundry for the day done before 2 am.  I did manage to sleep in until 6:30. I did leave the folding until 7:30 this morning, after breakfast.  I did take a nap too. That must have been my catalyst for the day.

After my nap I got the computer desk picked up a little. Straightened the kitchen counter of all the odd junk mail, did the shredding, and took out 3 loads of trash. Carded a 3 ounce combination of 75% wool and 25% silk, this is when I found out that my carder can only do a 2 ounce batt. So 1 ounce for me and 2 ounces for a swap. The strawberry's got planted and the flowers got trimmed and re potted in to a bigger pot. I started looking at stitch patterns and after dinner worked on incorporating it into a wash cloth pattern. I am a third of the way through the pattern and I like it very much. As usual I am knitting it while I am doing the design. It will debut at the May OPK luncheon and after that for non-OPK members it will be available on my Raverly Designer page. All I can say is that I am having fun with this one.

I did manage to get some knitting for the World Wide Knit in Public Day done at dinner. This was my first venture out of the house for today.

After dinner we did a quick stop at the drug store, yes I know a great date right? This is where my ganga* of the day came in. I got 2 bottles of vitamins at buy one get one free and a small spray bottle for the strawberry plant. The original cost would have been about $29.00 for the 3 items. After the deals and gift card we paid a  total of .51 cents for the whole shopping trip. Now that is what I call a great shopping trip.

Well it is summer so if I get to bed soon I will have another fantastic day tomorrow.

*Ganga is Tucson speak for a really great deal.