Showing posts with label crocheting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crocheting. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Did I ever mention how much I love crocheting using a size Q hook and bulky yarn.  I was able to start a scarf at 3 pm  today and finish it around 8 pm with all the ends woven in. I still had
time to cook dinner, take a walk and clean up dinner.  It was a bright spot in an otherwise dismal day.

Eric kept me up last night so I was tired to.begin with. Then there is building construction at Eric’s day program which will muck with the air quality, so he will be home until at least Monday.  So besides a much needed nap, all I did was play pick up.  This lead to a cranky mommy day.  Yes, I know in my heart that things could be worse, but sometimes it is hard to see outside my four walls.

So this is what 56 rows of crocheting looks like when you only go through the back of the top loop.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Eric is Still Home

I don't seem to get my entire to do list done when Eric is home sick.  I think that I am a little to tired to care that I am further behind. Though I did manage to get most of the cleaning done today.  By the time I got to me time I landed up taking a nap.  As with the rest of the day that did not go smoothly either.  The phone rang every time I dosed off.  

On the bright side I did manage to make progress on the baby blanket. I hope to get it finished so that I can get the next one started.  The next one is going to be hand knit. I did not think that crocheting  would be so tedious.  It was only eleven years ago that everything I made was crocheted.  I guess that is just part of my artistic evolution.  

I hope to have Eric out the door on Monday. Then I am forgetting about things like laundry and cleaning, then just spending the whole day on me.  A girl can dream can't she?