I really don’t know why I am still using a to do list. Lately I am half way through and have no more energy to finish my list. It seems lately that it is wishful thinking that I can get everything done in a timely manner. I think it is more appropriate to call it my wishful thinking list of things that need to be done. I know some things need to be done in a timely fashion and other things not so much.
I know that I am supposed to give it a month or so for my latest life style changes to kick in. Let’s face it, the last change was 3 days ago snd I should in my humble opinion be up to full speed and then some. My family would say give it time. I am just to impatient.
So I am wondering if I should return to setting priorities and ranking items. I will have to think about that. In the meantime I think that I will call it a day.