This is the first morning of 2020. This year I will put a few goals in writing. They are in no particular order.
1. Teri would like me to read 100 books this year. A more realistic goal is 12. So I will strive to read 12 books and any extra books read is a bonus for Teri and Bookman’s.
2. I will try to finish 100 craft projects this year. With a minimum of 5 dozen hats, to be knit over the summer.
3. I will try to publish 4 patterns this year. I hope that this is not too ambitious for me.
4. I will try to enjoy my retirement and get out more.
I could add more, but this is all that I am willing to commit to this year. I have not set goals since so last century. This list is doable if nothing major happens this year.