Sunday, March 15, 2020


Life is kind of surreal right now. With the COVID19 virus rampaging literally around the world. Events being cancelled on it seems a daily basis. Earlier this week I had my in box flooded by all kinds of business telling me how they were going to keep things cleaner.  When in reality they should have been doing this basic level of cleaning all along.  But keeping things clean cost money,  that Wall Street Analysts don’t think is necessary, it hurts the bottom line.  What ever happened to cleanliness is next to Godliness?

The news has been filled with warnings to stay home when you are sick.  As if this was some kind of new and brilliant idea.  Really, I have been doing this for decades.  Also on how to call your doctors office if you think you have this new virus.  Not just rush out to the nearest urgent care or emergency room to get more people sick.   This is a totally new virus, literally no one in the whole world has ever had this.  Like every other virus some people will get mild cases and unfortunately some will not survive. I really don’t think that summer will slow it down.  Stay home and read a book or two.

Now I am getting emails telling me about stores closing for a week or two or four.   Some employees will get paid other people will not.  If you are NOT sick or in a high risk group consider volunteering at places like the Food Banks or Meals on Wheels.  See if your community has a fund to help gig workers pay their bills, if they don’t work, they don’t get paid.  This virus is going to cause a lot of hurt. The bill that was passed in Congress won’t help much, it has more wholes than a large Swiss Cheese Wheel.

I also had to order some of my groceries online. I will have to wait for the next store shipment to arrive as a friend has said that the shelf’s are empty.  I will be doing a lot of cooking at home.  We will have to wait for things to settle down before we dine out again.  Can we collectively say we are going to do meal planning?

In the meantime as long as we are home for a few weeks, we will see if we can knock some long term projects off the to do list. I will continue to knit and deep clean. I will continue walking every day, several times a day.  My daily goal is 8,200 steps as of today.

I have several  requests from everyone, please be kind to each other. Wash your hands an awful lot. Be good to yourself as this too shall pass.

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