Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Progress and a Lost Scarf

Today was a very productive day. I filled the laundry drying line. No dryer until next Monday.  I did some cleaning, but still did not find the Chevron scarf. The scarf I finished right before I had to give up knitting for a few months last year. Worked on UFOs - 1 scarf finished and out of the house( it was just the right color for a friend that happened to be here), worked on 2 other UFOs, one is black so it can only be worked on in bright light and lined up more UFOs to finish.

My one complaint of the day is bullies. Why on earth do they think they can get their way by pushing people around. Even more annoying is making multiple phone calls on the same subject because I did not agree with them the first time. This should be a duh moment for them, maybe just maybe what they are offering is not right for me. No the third time is not the charm. Implying that because I am not jumping at what you say or your offer does not mean I lack intelligence, it just means that I think you are wrong or are offering the wrong item  for me.  Oh and I do have a second complaint for today. Cellular type phones can not be slammed down on the receiver for that satisfying moment of I won this round. I ended the call. Pushing a silly little button does not have the same feel.

Eric is still holding his own, but when he took a nap, I took full advantage and took one too. John was wonderful in that after a full day at work he brought home dinner. Well it is getting late and I am tired so its time to say good night.

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