Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Rest Day

i took a much needed rest day and kept the chores light.  I even found some mindless knitting to do.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Weaving and more

I have decided that I like highly engerized hand spun singles for weaving scarfs. It makes a nice light scarf with a lot of body.  After I am done spinning up a custom spinning order of art yarn, the rest of my Tour de Fleece 2019 will be some highly engerized yarn.

I am still tired from yesterday, I think I need more than 2 hours of sleep to have a jammed packed day.  After all I can honestly say that I am not 30 anymore and have to make adjustments to my life. Whom ever said that you need less sleep as you get older was wrong.  With that in mind I am calling it an early night.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Super Powers

We all have super powers. Each and everyone of us.  We all don’t have x-ray vision like Superman.  Can I give a collective thank goodness for that. Stopping a speeding train or lifting up a bus, who really needs that? What most people don’t realize is it’s the small things in life that make us superheroes.  Giving a friend a hug when they need it is an awesome superpower. Opening a door for someone pushing a stroller or for someone in a wheelchair, again an awesome superpower. Wishing someone a good day is an awesome superpower.

Today my awesome superpower was repairing Eric’s Wheelchair.  Some how the crossbar had come loose.  So before I ran off to Ace Hardware I did a bit of trouble shooting at home.  It turned out that a screw had come loose and only needed to be tightened.  This involved turning the chair on its side. Pushing the lower half of the chair up to meet the connection while lining up the screw. I took the Allen wrench otherwise known as the Hex Key to tighten down the screw.  Yes, it is as hard as It sounds. As long as the chair was on its side I took off the rear wheels, cleaned and oiled the axles.  I then sent the chair off to be cleaned.

So my superpower today is Wheelchair repairs.  It took me all of 15 minutes and Nick 20 minutes to clean the chair. I would like our health insurance company to know that we saved them an awful lot of money today.  I did not even charge for a home based Wheelchair repair service.

So I would like to know what your superpower is.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Stress Management

If you read my blog on a regular basis you might have noticed that I am doing a lot of cleaning and Zenning lately.  My inner circle knows what all the stress is about.  For right now that is what I am comfortable with.  I am stressed to the point that my creativity has dried up, so new patterns will be on hold for a while. I still need to keep busy.

So I have been turning the house upside down. Digging into the back of closets. Trying to be realistic with my cleaning.  I am never going to get back into my pre kids clothing, so to Goodwill the clothing went.  The Tupperware that was being stored in the garage went to a friends daughter. I have been dropping of delivery’s to Goodwill at least once a week.  If a magazine is a few weeks old it will go to Eric’s day program for the young adults.  Today’s results are 3 empty boxes of paper that at one point I had no time to look through.  I filled the recycling bin to the top this week.

I have also been doing a lot of walking.  My daily goal is 8,080 steps a day.  Most days I leave that number in the dust.  It seems to be helpful.  The only hiccup has been my Knitter’s elbow.  Right now it is one week without knitting, my elbow is better but not good enough to start knitting again.
I hope that it is better soon as I have a hard time finding  the right time to warp the loom.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

More Deep Cleaning

I got my Zenning done before breakfast. I now have another rag tag group of bags to go to Goodwill. Teri and I will never be able to fit into them again.  Teri, because she has almost 6 inches on me. Me because I will never be my high school size ever again.  The 1970 and 80’s are long gone. If by chance I do get back to that size they are not classics that stand up to the test of time. Although I am sure some  rebellious teenager will buy them just to drive their parents crazy.

The best part of this is that I have freed up enough hangers so I will not have to ask the sales clerks for hangers for quite a while. I wonder if I will be able to part with more before my next Goodwill run?

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


I have started a new weaving project on my small loom.  This is so I have a portable project to take with me.   I am letting my elbow rest so that my knitting elbow will heal faster. I am using left over Anne yarn from a yet to be published pattern for the warp.  I am using a single spun during last years Tour de Fleece for the weft.  Even though the weft is lace weight yarn I do believe that this will weave up fast.

Since it will be over 105f all weekend we will be keeping Eric home.  He gets to supervise all my projects this weekend. This weekend I will have John cut some warping sticks down to size for my larger loom and warp the shawl for my sister in law.  It will be a purple shawl with as many purples as I can add.  The bonus to the higher temperatures is that everything will dry fast.  

Here is the start of the scarf.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Extreme Zenning

For the last two days I have been in the extreme zenning mode. Yesterday it was a closet. I have filled three bags of clothes that will be going to Goodwill. There is actually room in my closet now, not much but a little more. Unless I find the time to ride about 100 miles a week on my now nonexistent bike.  Swim laps for 90 minutes a day, six days a week and rock climbing a few days a week these cloths will never ever fit again. I am sure that some very skinny person will love these retro clothes.  As mom to Eric that level of fitness is never going to happen.  I am lucky on most days to walk 8,000 to 10,000 steps, just a small fraction of the steps my younger self took. As a grownup, I do not have as much time as my teenage self to get all that movement in every day.  

The Zenning continued today with old paper work that no longer needs to occupy space in my closet. Eight bags of shredded papers from the 2010’s  made their way into the recycling bin.  I managed to fill it up half way.  We have a 90 gallon bin.  I need to save the rest of the bin for every day recycling. As a bonus I found enough none expired coupons for a free case of diapers.  This has inspired John to find more old papers for me to shred.  

Even though I took most of the day off from knitting to let my knitting elbow rest, the rest of the world knows this as tennis elbow. Let it be known that I no longer play tennis so , therefore I can not possibly have tennis elbow.  I have decided that I must start finishing projects other than hats, which seem to fly of my knitting needles. I am really great at starting projects. Not so much with finishing.   Speaking of knitting needles, I might give some more away to a young mother who home schools her kids and teaches knitting to the next generation.  More space. I need more empty space in my closet. 

Well it is getting late and I need to try to rest, ahem I mean sleep.