Saturday, May 18, 2019

Beware While Driving - Staged Accidents

Please be aware that a new/old scam has hit the streets again.  This has happened to me twice this week. It happens every so often. The cars are usually full of passengers, all the seats are full. They like to dart from parking lots or side streets without regards to traffic conditions.   Usually a driver will cut you off and come to a dead stop even when the traffic ahead of them is moving.   These cars usually have rear end damage already. They seem to get really angry when I did not hit them as they had planned. Yes they did flip me off.  This is dangerous for the entire community.  

Their  goal seems to be to get hit so they can soak you and your insurance company for everything that they can get.  They usually work with an  unscrupulous medical clinic and lawyer.  If this happens to you please call 911 or the emergency number in your area.  The only way to stop this scam is to get the lawyers  sanctioned  and the clinic operators charged. 

Be sure to take lots of pictures of both the car and all the people in the car.  Sometimes if there is not enough damage to the car or the people. In this case they rough up the people to make the injuries look worse and  crash the car again to make the damage worse.  If you have good pictures of both the cars and the people in the car, your insurance company will  handed the accident over for prosecution.

I avoided hitting both cars and with the grace of G’d I did not get rear ended.  Both the brick and I are fine. For those that do not know me well, I call my car the brick, because it looks a like brick and is as aerodynamic as a brick. 

Please drive defensively.   

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


After being up with Eric a lot last night the last thing I wanted to do was prepare for Eric’s ISP which is short for an individual service plan.  Better understood by parents as the  quarterly we want to annoy you and tell you how you are not living up to some silly  bureaucrats idea of how we should be living our lives and that our kids are not making enough progress. Can you tell how much I hate the process? Every few years they decided to revise what they want and this was the year.  So instead of taking a much needed nap, I went through 42 pages of regurgitate questions.  Before I even got there to look through the questions, while eating breakfast, I was the very annoyed recipient of 16 robo calls in 32 minutes. I do not pick up calls when I don’t recognize the name and instead let it go to voicemail.  Yes, all 16 calls during breakfast went to voicemail and did not leave a message.   This did not make for a calm start to my day.

I did manage to make a good friend very happy with a box of gluten free cupcakes and a half a loaf of bread.  I also introduced her to goat cheese sandwiches.

With all that was going on today, I forgot about my step count and had to walk 5,000 steps after dinner to meet my daily goal. Well Eric is asleep so wish me luck tonight. I hope I get a full nights sleep tonight.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Bits and pieces

Today was all about making a lot of progress on many different projects and completing none. With any luck Eric will sleep tonight and I will have energy tomorrow.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Zenning and gifting

I was able to zen the house and gift all at the same time, awesome right!  I gave a younger mother of 4 my electric carder.  I gave her daughter a Spinning Wheel that mother and daughter can work on together. I know the Wheel is going to a good home and will be loved.  I also gave a few bags a fiber to go along with the carder and spinning wheel.  My daughter would not be surprised at my request as part of the young spinners commitment to the Spinning Wheel was to learn about the new to her Wheel and do a few minor repairs. This should help keep her busy over summer.

I got the benefit of 3/4 of an empty shelf in my craft room and more room in the garage.  The guys seem very happy too.   I got all this done despite my flare up and sleeping for 3 hours after dropping Eric and staff appreciation treats dropped off.  My gifts from Mothers Day. Well it is time to call it a night.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Project Number 101

Project 101 is a hat. The 16th hat I have knit this year. 14 of the hats have gone to my favorite charity project. Yes, the next hat has been cast on.

Eric has been giving me very little sleep.  I really hope that he sleeps tonight.  I am so tired that my skin hurts. So I close with a picture of project number 101.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

My Watch

My watch started losing time today. It was behind a whole  half hour by pick up time today.  So I did some research tonight. I learned that crystal quartz watches need a near constant temperature to function properly. The human  wrist is almost perfect. There was a cool equation on Wikipedia that I understood most of it, yes I am just as shocked as you.  So I reset my watch and put it on. It has not lost time since I put it on.  

I think I will have to add back one on the links that I took off 11 years ago when I got the watch or just get a new band. I think I keep taking it off because my wrist is a bit larger than it was 11 years ago.  Imagine  that. 

Apparently my watch needs more Sheri time to.  I think I need a sign up list for who needs my time.  

Saturday, May 4, 2019

What to Do With Lace Weight Yarn

For those of you who know me well, you know that after 20 years of knitting I still don’t have time to knit lace or socks. This should read that I usually need mindless knitting.  So I decided to ply my lace and sock weights yarns into yarn for charity hats. 

An elegant solution to having too much lace weight yarn.  I took 2 skeins of lace weight yarn and did the 1st spin in an S ply. It was still to thin to knit hats with. So I wound the yarn into a cake and Z plied from both the inside and outside together. Tomorrow I will skein it and give it a hot bath to set the twist then track and hang dry. Below is a nicely balanced 4 ply yarn. The sock yarn will only need to be plied once. 

Normally I do my plying on my Louet S15, but in this case I used my Louet Victoria for the second round of plying because it was easier on my right leg.  The S15 is a single treadle Wheel, while the Victoria is a double treadle Wheel.