Monday, August 14, 2017

Deep Cleaning

My deep cleaning by the numbers today:

1 car load to taken Goodwill, thanks to John.

2 boxes ready to be re-homed tommrow. 1 box is full of art supplies. 1 box is full of carrier and gift bags and cfl light bulbs.

3 trips to the recycle bin. My recycle bin is now half full and it will not be collected until next Monday.

Countless projects were put together to be finished soon. I need to finish the deep cleaning of the craft room and its closet. I did manage to get about 3 cubic feet of closet back.

I also managed to get 2 loads of laundry finished. I also found time for a long nap.

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Quilt Front.

The quilt arrived safely. The person loves it. So here is a picture of the front of the quilt.

Friday, August 4, 2017


Today before breakfast I got Eric's laundry started. Then I spent 30 minutes picking up the dead branches that I removed from some bushes on Wednesday. I stopped when the trash can was full. I did not think that I had removed so many dead branches from the two bushes. The bushes look a lot better even with only a drizzle of rain.

After breakfast I spent the morning making some samples for next weekend. This was followed by lunch and 3 hour nap for the entire house. Everyone gets super tired when Eric is sick, so picking out a nap spot is very important.

This afternoon after my nap I cleaned my Woolie Winder for the Lendrum spinning wheel. It was the first time that I cleaned it. I layed all the parts down in the order that they came off. After scrubbing the grease and grime off, not to mention a few bits of very greasy fiber, everything went back together and is working. I wish that I had a magnifying glass for some parts of the process. Hen while dinner was cooking I spent time cleaning.

I think that I will spend the evening knitting as my hands permit.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Not As Planned

Today went into the blender by 7:15 this morning. Eric is feeling yucky and will be home for a few days. My hands were to tired to knit for most of the day, so I landed up doing some more deep cleaning. All kinds of things were moved to new homes or tossed. Two bushes also had some dead wood pulled off. It was a great stress buster. One bush actually perked up as the heavy dead wood was removed. I will have to play pick up sticks tomorrow.

What did not happen was laundry, weaving spinning or sewing.

Monday, July 31, 2017


I fell short of my goal of 31 hats in 31 days. Here are the 25 hats that are finished for July, with the last two hats in front of the other 23 hats. I will keep knitting hats because winter is comimg. I will keep knitting hats to use up the yarn my friends are giving me. I will keep knitting hats because the children like them. I will keep knitting hats becasue I like to knit hats and I have many heads to cover.

Now I need to count the rows for the one million row challenge on Raverly. I hope to see a jump in the counter. Then its time to tag and bag the hats.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Quilt

The quilt is done. I am getting it ready to send the birtday gift out in tommrows post. I will only post the back of the quilt until it is received by the birthday person. It looks a little like a Tetrus Game to me.

Saturday, July 29, 2017


Eric had a long and eyrpy night, followed by an early morning wake up for me. Which lead to an early morning snack of cheese and crackers at 4:30 am. Thank goodness he is now feeling better. Yes, he did make a pile and a half of laundry which with the new washing machine was only 2 large loads.

I did manage to get hat number 23 done today. This does not mean that I will go back to knitting a hat a day. I will knit as my hands permit me to knit.