Saturday, June 7, 2014

Human Nature an Money

 This is just my random thoughts about people and money.  Sometimes people and money can totally deify logic. Sometimes be transparent can back fire big time.  Let me explain.

I have planned a luncheon. In the past I have taken the cost of the meal, tax and added the 18% tip plus 5 or 10 dollars rounded up to the nearest 5 or 10 dollar mark for the fund raiser portion and people did not blink.  No one complained.  

In a group I belong to money has been an issue all year. Plus the place we are having the luncheon has a nice discount for those over 65, which is most of the membership. If I had paid for all the meals at once, I would have had to pay the under 65 price plus a drink which is higher. So I naively thought that everyone would like to save a little money, since a lot of people I know drink water with meals they would also save the cost of a drink. So I asked for a 5 dollar reservation fee to cover miscellaneous costs of the luncheon with the balance going into the nonprofits bank account, and everyone could choose their own options when they arrived. In this case trying to save people money, a fundraiser and being transparent has turned into a big mess. A lot of hurt feelings and talk about unjust fees. That I am being greedy, please note that the $5.00 will be going into the non-profits bank account. That I don't know the value of money and so on. The funny thing here is that if they take the over 65 price with no drink that would cover most of the $5.00 reservation fee.

My take away on this whole fiasco is too skip the options and being nice. In the future all planned luncheons will be a single price even if it cost people more money. All luncheons will include the cost of the meal, drink, 18% tip and the fund raiser portion rolled into one price. No options on cost. Only main course options from a very limited menu.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Slowly Healing

My hand is slowly healing. The swelling is almost all gone.  Over the last 3 days I have been able to add 120 rows to the new design. I can now knit for about an hour a day. I am not up to my usual speed, but I hope that it will get better. 

Tonight I managed to cook dinner almost solo. John had to open the chicken package.  I managed the green beans and squash on my own.  

It's time to call it a day. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hop, Skip and Jump

The tendonitis has moved to my left wrist.  I feel like I am up a creek without a paddle. I will try the Dragon software to dictate the first pattern. I will also adjust the second pattern to larger knitting needles and a less intricate pattern if possible.  

I suspect that 4 hours a day for a week was just a tad too much knitting during a flare up.  I have my hand in a brace and I want an instant cure. I don't really have time for this. 

I think that this will also delay painting the new loom.  Hopefully I can get that done soon.  I am hoping that weaving will lessen the strain on my joints or at least change things up a bit. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Out and About on Sunday

Today was a very productive day. I got the first pattern finished, now I just need to type it up and photograph it. Out of consideration for my model I will wait until I get the next pattern finished.  I have already started looking at stitch patterns and might have narrowed it down. The sketching will start tomorrow. 

We also got to Phoenix to go shoe shopping.  John got 2 pairs at a great price.  We were ahead even after we filled the van.  The Mills mall seemed empty compared to past trips. Although we could hardly walk without bumping into the kiosks.  I also like the fact that there are 3 lanes most of the way from Tucson. This took about 30 minutes off our drive. It also seemed to me that a lot of people got flat tires at the place where I blew 2 out last time. The shoulder was just littered with parts of shredded tires.  This was the only place that look that way on the whole drive. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Busy is Good

Today has been a very busy day around here. I did three loads of laundry. Picked up my new loom,but I can't use it yet, we have to put a coat up or three of varnish on it. I got to Costco and they finally have mushrooms back in stock I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but it's a big deal to me. 

Eric borrowed a copy of the movie Frost and he is totally in love with it. It is the third time that he watched it today and he does not want me to turn it off so he can go to sleep. I guess I'm going to have to be the mean mom go turn off the movie so he can watch it again tomorrow. Now you know who has to go buy a copy of it. 

I stopped at row 87 of the new design tonight. I guess I will try to finish it tommrow even if I have to leave the house.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

B & B Salad

This is a favorite summer salad for John and I. 

B & B Salad

4 medium size Golden Beets
1 pound English Flat Green Beans
1 cup yellow tomatoes
3/4 cup of lightly chopped Pecans
4 ounces of Cheese diced
Vingerette Salad Dressing

Wash the beets and trim the ends.  Bring to a boil.  Turn down the heat and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes until tender. Drain and rinse in cold water.  Peel and dice.  Be careful the beets will still be hot.  

Rinse the English Flat Green Beans. Trim the ends.  Slice into thirds. Steam for 7 minutes.  Cool. 

Rinse the tomatoes. Dice the cheese if desired. Chop the pecans. 

Place all the ingredients in a large bowl. Toss and serve.  We usually eat this without the dressing.  

If you would like to keep this vegan do not add the cheese.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Small Feet

The sad part about the kids getting older is that I got shorter.  I have only lost 1/2 of an inch since Teri has been born, but they both take after John. Now it appears that I also have the smallest feet in the house. If you sort the socks mine are the smallest. Oh well life goes on small feet and all.