Friday, July 3, 2009

Yesterdays Adventure with Eric

We left for the out patient surgery appointment at 11:15 am for a 12 pm appointment. The doctors office told us to go to the northeast outpatient surgery entrance. So Teri and I went to the first door that had a sign that said NE Outpatient surgery entrance. When we found the registration desk Eric's name was not on the list and the receptionist told us that this was for unit 600 outpatient surgery. and that Eric's appointment was at the NE outpatient surgery entrance in the middle of the building. Our first thought was what the heck was unit 600 as if we were suppose to know. Our second thought was why would anyone give 2 different entrances the same name? I will ponder that at a latter time or maybe not.

Well there was the usual paper work and waiting. The as usual we were moved to another room for more paper work and waiting. They had to find another anaesthesiologist because the one that they had scheduled was stuck somewhere else. I have to say that I really like Mark the fill in, he had a great bedside manor and got the IV in in one shot on a kid with very small veins. Thank you very much Mark.

While I was with Eric getting the IV, I sent Teri and John to get lunch, they do an excellent job of getting meals, they can handle a hospital cafeteria with the best of them. We figured that Eric would be done soon after we were done eating a leisurely lunch, boy were we wrong. Mark finally came out and said that everything went well and that Eric was in recovery. Dr.LaCorte the dentist said that there were only a couple of fillings, Eric's teeth were clean and now had a nice shine and it looked like there was room for all the wisdom teeth to come in with no problems.

Eric seemed to be in recovery for a long time. I had not only had lunch but was ready to add another skein of yarn to the purple what ever it is going to be in progress. They finally said the we could come back at about 3 p.m. to see him. Eric was so mad at me, but he was recovering nicely. John got Eric dressed and we headed home about 3:30.

Eric was so mad at us that it cost us 2 country music Cd's and a brand new Elmo before he would talk with us. I would like to thank Kayla, Eric's afternoon aide for her help with Eric after a long day. John and Teri whom made a great dinner.

Eric had an uneventful night with no wild eyrps and woke up in a wonderful mood. Well it is time to start the laundry. Have a great day everyone.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our Adventure

Today is the day for Eric's out patient dental surgery. There is a lot to get done before we leave today. If we get to come home I will blog about today,tonight. If we get to spend the night at the "Club" ie TMC peds ward I will tell you about our adventures in dentistry at a later date.

So I am going to pack for the contingency of staying and hope it is for not. After all there is yarn to pack,knitting mags, clothes and toiletries for me. Eric must have his special Project Linus blanket, the one he got when he was 5. I would like to thank that quilter from long ago, you have made a lasting positive impact on Eric's life. Then there is the current favorite Elmo and pods to find. Pod casts to down load.

It is time to get caffeinated and busy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hi My Name is Sheri and I...

Hi my name is Sheri and I am addicted to yarn. You are probably saying to yourselves that all knitters have yarn so what's the big deal. How can someone be addicted to yarn, after all you can't eat it or drink it. Yarn has no calories. Yarn is pretty and soft and comes in so many different colors. This addiction comes from not the yarn it self but the quantities that I have amassed over the past 5 years.

I have yarn stored in my closet, ok so 4 roll aways, a couple of bags and 1- 96 quart container of yarn and all my knitting needles aren't that bad. I have also over taken the entire shelve in the hall closet. There are a couple of baskets with works in progress and 8 - 96 quart boxes and a bag in the garage. This is all the yarn that I am willing to admitting to. There is some more in nooks and crannies that I have forgotten about.

I am sure that if I did not buy another skein of yarn for the next year or 3 I might be able to get it down to a reasonable level of yarn. It's not that I don't knit enough, I carry my knitting every where I go. Doctors appointment's with Eric, lunch with friends, to the mall, in the movies,at night in front of the tv, I think you are beginning to get the picture. I knit every where, all the time. I even keep an emergency stash of yarn in one of my glove compartments of my car.

I can't bare to part with all my yarn until after I have played with it. I find yarn relaxing. I have been known to fall asleep while knitting. John prefers that I knit while he drives, he says I am less of a back seat driver that way.

I do some charity knitting, but a lot of charities want everything made from acrylic yarn, which is not an option for me. Something in the acrylic causes my skin to peel off and I don't like that at all.

So My solution has been to open an on-line store at Art Fire to try to sell what I knit. So far my shop which I opened May 28, 2009 has not had a sale. I have taken the advice of other knitters and on-line shop owners and have re-photographed everything. I have added value sets and have a range of prices. So now it is up to you my dear readers to help me over come this addiction by shopping and letting your friends know about the site. .

Monday, June 29, 2009

Art Fire Shop

I have been told by a couple of people that my Art Fire Shop has photos to dark to see the hand knits well. So I have started to replace some of the photos. Please tell me what you think. Thanks to Maggie D. also Loongirl, and ArtFireJohn on Twitter for there help and suggestions.

As I said in my first blog and on-line store, that this is a learning experience for me so all the help and comments are helpful. So with this in mind please tell me what you think. Keep in mind that not all the items have been updated yet.

My shop is at .

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Last night one of the bed rails on Eric's bed broke. We lost a rivet that holds the bar in place that operates the up down function of the rail. John was able to do a temporary fix but said that if I put the bed rail down it will break again. The question that has been on my mind since last night is will it take a month of a rental bed and almost 2,000 dollars to fix like last time or are rivets cheaper than circuit boards. I sent out a tweet asking if anyone knew of someone who could replace a rivet on a hospital bed, but I have not received an answer yet. If you dear reader know of some one please let me know.

We did manage to get out of the house today. Lunch at the mall and the movies. I really like the cinaplex's because we can divide and conquer. Teri and John saw the new Transformer movie and liked it a lot. Eric and I saw the new Sandra Bullock movie Proposal. Eric was tired and slept through part of the movie. I on the other hand think that it is on of her better movies. When is the sequel coming?

After the movie Eric and I cruised the mall looking for a new Elmo pillow for his bed. I found it very shocking at the number of stores that were closing. It just seemed so dismal. The only part of the mall that seemed to be thriving was the food court. I do hope that the economy turns around soon.

John made great salads for dinner while I feed Eric. Now that Eric is done with his percussion treatment I am hoping that we can watch the Dr.Who special that John Tivo'ed off the BBC. I am hoping for another quiet night, I really do like to sleep.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

Friday, June 26, 2009

We made it Through the Week or TGIF

Eric got the stomach bug that was going around camp. After a long night of wild eyrps on Wednesday. I trudged through a long day of laundry and caring for Eric on Thursday. Trying to get a few naps in at the same time. In between all that I hand made a basket full of 100% cotton make-up remover pads.

I wanted to let you know that the camp bake sale was an over whelming success. They raised over 100 dollars. They had so much fun that they will do one in a few weeks. I will keep you posted. A big thank you to all of you who stopped by and help the campers out.

Friday morning started off GREAT. Eric was well enough to go to camp. I finally had time to meet up with my friends at the Foothills Mall Food Court. This is the most wonderful group of ladies around. There were new projects to be shown off including hand knit doll clothes and scarfs. I known your are thinking scarfs in Tucson,it's over 100 degrees outside right now, but before you know it the temperatures will dip to a chilly 70 degrees and they will be here when we need them. We had a discussion as to what constitutes "vintage yarn" and decided that anything in your stash longer than 5 years should be considered vintage. I got yarned by Suzy, 2 skeins of super wash wool, it is already saying make me into a scarf, with a zig-zag pattern. Before I knew it it was 11:30 and we broke up for errands or lunch.

A group of us went to Mayco's, its been a while since I have been there and they have changed up the lunch menu for the better. You have just got to try "O" on the lunch special menu it was just a little bit of heaven-sigh.

I have added some make-up remover pads that are hand crocheted cotton of various colors. These were added before camp this morning. I have listed a set of 10 but if you want more please let me know. Please feel free to stop by my shop to see everything I currently have for sale at
This afternoon with the help of John from Art Fire.come I got a Rapid Cart working on my blog. Thank you so much John. For those of you who have not used Rapid Cart in the past it is very easy to use. I have 3 items randomly in a box in the upper left hand corner of my blog. If you decided you want the item all you have to do is to click on the image and you will be brought to the check out for my on-line shop, pay with Pay-pal and your item will be shipped to you as soon as I receive confirmation of payment.
To sum up to day there is only one word for it, WONDERFUL. Have a great weekend :p