Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Very Geeky Day

 Today was one of those incredible geeky days for me.  I figured out that if I went over international yarn standards and deviations in my head it would relax me enough to fall asleep.  Things like how many knots are actually allowed in a standard ball of yarn.  The answer is 3.  If you would like no knots in your yarn I would suggest using an independent yarn dyer because even though you pay more, you generally do not get knots in your skeins of yarn.  The knots in yarn are actually what helps keep mass market yarns on the less expensive side. Say $3 to 10 USD versus $25 dollars or more for a small batch skein.  Yes, you get what you pay for.  Yes, there is a large place in the market for mass market skeins.  Think beginning knitters or crocheters. Young kids art projects.  Charity projects.  Table decorations etc….

The day did get even more geeky, yes that is possible.  At knitting guild I explained that each country had its own yarn standards that are different from the international standards.   I did not go into details, but basically before mass yarn manufacturers. There are currently 5 that dominate the world market. All yarn was manufactured in each individual country. Weights and needle sizes were most likely determined by local weather conditions.  Thus an Aran weight yarn could be different in different countries.  Thicker in colder climates and thinner in warmer climates.  That account for the variation of size on knitting needles with the same numbers but the millimeters are different. The current yarn standards make international shopping much easier with numbers for the weight. Each yarn distributor can then label to their country standard. 

The last geeky event of the day was a knitting in public kind of thing.  I was working on a right handed knitting project. The comment made was I don’t knit like that.  With a little discussion I figured out she was a left handed knitter. So I put the project I was working on down. I picked up a left handed knitting project and started knitting left handed. Yes, that is how she knit. A person across the table looked at me and was probably wondering what kind of person brings both left and right handed knitting projects. Also how does she keep track or could use both hands to do the same thing a different way.  After all aren’t all people either right or left handed?  The simple answer is a definite no.  So of us are lucky enough to be able to use our hands interchangeably.  They call that being ambidextrous.  I am sure it bothers a lot of people, even my own family.  I have been know to switch hands in the middle of something as mundane as a meal.  It came in handy when the kids were younger.  I would feed them with my right hand and myself with my left hand.  It did make meals go faster. Also I made special stitch markers for just that reason. I made L and R stitch markers.  Each project is marked.  You would want to ask my friend Louise why that is necessary.  

I hope your day was less geeky.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Very Busy Day

After an early morning doctor’s appointment, where everything was fine and healed nicely. There is also no visible sign of infection or inflammation. My sinuses are finally working again.  I am very happy with that.  

I accomplished knitting and grocery shopping today after my doctor’s appointment.  I finished hat number 7 for the year. Then of course started hat number 8.  I did not want the stitch markers getting lonely.  After lunch it was nap time.  

Also the clouds got in the way of the lunar eclipse tonight.  Not many good pictures.  I did do some spinning while watching the eclipse tonight.  I can spin in semi darkness.  That is my new superpower. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Things For Sale

 In an effort to de stash some more things around the house I am making a foray into eBay and Etsy.  Today I started with listing 5 things on eBay.  Things like collector issues of knitting magazines like Vouge Knitting  20th anniversary of the European magazine and 1st issues of magazines.  These are things that local resellers will not take.  So here is your chance to help me de clutter my knitting room and keep things out of the landfill.  While getting an out of print issue of a magazine  

I will continue with magazines and books on eBay.  Then my curated knitting kits with my patterns, hand spun yarn and stitch markers on Etsy. I will put the highlights on my blog post and the usual social media sites.  I also have a bespoke shawl that is going to be listed on Etsy.  I made it a little too large for my current size.  

So keep an eye out for what I have listed.  

Sunday, September 15, 2024


 I think that I have finally gotten rid of the sinus infection that lasted over a year and caused so much grief in our lives.  It feels wonderful not to be in pain all the time.  I am slowly getting my energy back.

  Today I worked on a spinning project for me.  It will be a shawl. I think I finally got the knack of plying on my e-spinner. I just thought what do I do on my wheels.  It worked.  The 3 skeins on top are from today.  The red is the next spin.  Each bag is its own spin.  I only open one bag at a time.  I am plying it with a llama and silk blend yarn.  This is truly going to be a bespoke project.  

Thursday, September 12, 2024

First Sample Is Finished.

 I made the first of two sample washcloths for a class I am teaching next week.  I like to start with smaller projects for a first pass on a new skill. I like to keep the supplies as inexpensive as possible.  This should come in under $15.00 for 2 different washcloths.  This will be 1 skein of yarn and 2 different crochet hooks  

As a teacher I really hate to see students spend almost $150 USD for a beginner project that they might not like.  So if they don’t like Tunisian Crochet not a lot of money is down the drain. If they like it they have 2 new washcloths to use themselves or give as gifts. If they don’t like it they have 2 different washcloths to show for their efforts. If after making the 2 washcloths they still want to make the expensive shawl we can move forward with the project.  

The next washcloth will be in the same stitch that they want to use for the 3 skein designer shawl pattern.  That I will do tomorrow. In the meantime this is the basic Tunisian Crochet stitch in washcloth form.  I do believe that the picture is sideways.  Do turn you mobile Device 1/4 turn and it will be right side up.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I managed to craft today.

 I am spinning some yarn for myself.  The samples are on the smaller side, so I am plying the wool with a llama silk blend yarn  that I bought for a weaving project that will never happen. This will give me twice as much finished yarn.   I have to use the yarn for something. It might as well be me. Hopefully this will give me enough yarn to make a small shawlet.  I am in the middle of plying the third mini skein.  I have a great rhythm going. First I spin the singles for three bobbins. Then I ply those three bobbins.  I will use my 1 yard knitty noddy to skein them.  Yes, they are very small skeins, but not small enough for the knitty noddy that I use for my drop spindles. 

After I finished spinning and plying the entire set, I will divide them up by color ways and wash them in small batches using Soak Wash.  

There will be no pictures tonight because the antibiotic for my sinus infection has hit my tummy very hard today. I spent most of the day resting. I am half way through a 14 day prescription.  Therefore my knitting/ spinning room is very unorganized.  

Also my knitting hit awesome tonight. I found 2 dropped stitches in a black section of a shawl that I am knitting. I was able to fix both dropped stitches so that I can’t find the repair work at 12 inches. I have come so far in my knitting   I used to rip out something like that  now I just go to the row and fix it without have to rip out hundreds of stitches.  

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Wow, Just Wow

 It’s 5:00 am where I live. I know it’s a little bit early to write a blog post.  Today has started off weird, not the bad kind of weird, but the good kind. I have had a continuous sinus infection for over a year. It has caused an array of health issues. The sinus infection has been going on so long that I don’t remember when it started exactly.  Today I woke up very early being able to breathe freely. My face does not hurt anymore.   My body does not know what to make of it. I have a sudden burst of spoons.  I will try to not overdo it today. I am just going with this is a good thing.  

It has been a very long journey to get here.  It involved 2 new to me doctors.  Lots of lab work and x-rays.  A surgery.  Surgery recovery. My current round of antibiotics.  By the way the antibiotics are messing with my tummy, I am totally ok with that for this result.  

I am really hoping that this is a sign of things to come.  I hope that after I finish the antibiotics, I will have more spoons and less inflammation. That a few weeks after I finish my antibiotics, I will be able to get my fall seasonal vaccines. I can dream about that now.  

In the meantime I will enjoy this new sensation of peace and tranquility until it’s breakfast time.  

Have a wonderful day.