Thursday, December 14, 2023

Busy is Good

 I had a busy day today.  I traded in some books for store credit at Bookman’s on Speedway. I used my credit to add 4 more pairs of socks to my charity project for next winter.  Then I dropped off the ai fryer we decided not to keep to a local charity Youth on Their Own.  Then it was off to lunch and knitting with a friend.  

Four dog pillows got stuffed and all I need to do is seam them up.  Then one of us will drop the pillows of at the animal shelter.  I am on the last 3/4 of an inch on a hat before I start the crown.  I am not going to update you on all my works in progress, but there are quite a few.

Tomorrow I need to do the laundry that I ignored all week. Then some general house cleaning and organizing.  Just maybe I can fill another couple of bags to take to Bookman’s on River.  I probably need to start another goodwill box too.  

Have a happy and productive day.  

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

A New Algorithm

There is a new math algorithm that you math people might wanna know about. It involves weight loss and glasses. I have found that for every time I drop a pant size I need to go in and get my glasses readjusted or they fall off my face I haven’t worked out the exact formula, so if somebody would like to work on that, go for it. 

This led me on a while adventure yesterday. I went to Costco. Normally, Monday is a very quiet day at our local Costco, however, this being snowbird season, and I think we have a full stow bird season this year everything was turned upside down. The parking lot was a mess to say the least, when some of the drivers got confused, they just sat there and didn’t move leading to long lines of traffic waiting to park. Inside was just as crazy. I am so glad I brought my knitting with me. I stood there at knit while I was waiting for my turn to get my glasses adjusted , I must say the gal did a fantastic job on getting my glasses adjusted. They are staying right where they need to be. She even had to make the glasses narrower because I have lost inches in my face.

Then I did a little bit of shopping then I did a little bit of shopping. I picked up some of the things we needed for the house. Then I tried to look at the refrigerated meat section and the meat section it was total chaos. There were long lines waiting for the roasted chickens apparently by 12 thirtyish they had gone through two pallets of chickens. The concern was they only had one pallet left, and that was supposed to have lasted them through Wednesday when the next delivery came. Apparently they have not experienced a full snowbird season in quite a while. I gave up looking for the meat and decided it was time to leave. 

I found a very short line and a very courteous check out woman. Getting out of the store was another problem. I nearly got run over by a man using a scooter from Costco. He felt that since he was using the scooter, he did not have to wait in the line and was zipping in and out, and even managed to knock my cart. At least I wasn’t holding onto it at the time.

I was going to use the alternate route to get out of the Costco parking lot and go up to Ina but the road was closed due to construction. The bright side is I did not have to wait through 40 cars making right turns to get out of the parking lot.

John was wonderful and put everything away and then I went on my toys for to run. Target was running a fantastic sale as long as I didn’t come into the store and just ordered everything online. So I managed to fill up the back of my car using only 2/3 of my budget, it was so full it took three firemen to empty the back of my car. And then it was off buy groceries for dinner. By this time, I was exhausted after a full day, and was so glad that John made dinner.

Well, it is time to start my day again. I think it’s going to be very busy again everyone have a wonderful day.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Goodbye Old Friend

 Today we went to T-mobile to replace our old iPhone 8’s with a new version. We got more storage and an upgraded camera.  We got the iPhone 8’s just after they had been released.  So it’s been a few year since we got them.  Both our phones were in the midst of dying. We got tired of carrying around battery packs. I have to admit the caring and battery pack around adds a few ounces to my purse.  You know we got new phones just to make my purse lighter, right? Not for the much better picture quality or extra storage space.

I must say that the transfer process has gotten much faster   They even could do 2 phones at the same time.  It only took 1 1/2 hours for 2 new phones. 

Anyway, here’s a chance to say goodbye to my old phone. I will not miss the scratched screen or short battery life. I will now have to remember to look for a dark blue case, it just does not stand out like the pink case.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Feeling Sad

 I lost my favorite knitting accessories bag on Tuesday when it fell out of my knitting basket. My basket fell over twice and I am not sure where I lost it.  Yesterday I checked both parking lots and it was not to be found.  

The bag was from a good friend. I filled it with stitch markers, cable needles, a crochet hook, scissors and various other necessities.  Now I will have to find another bag and refill it with the same things. I think next time I will leave a business card in my accessories bag so people could return it if found.

The knitting still goes on.  Here is a picture of a project I finished yesterday. My latest one pounder scarf for the boarding school on the Navajo reservation.

Monday, December 4, 2023

A Head Start on 2024

 Since I have delivered all my charity knitting projects it seemed like a fantastic time to start work on the holiday knitting for 2024.  So I already started the big Ziplock XXL bag with a pair of socks and these 2 scarfs.  

Now it’s time to make some dog pillows.  My yarn scrap bin is overflowing.  So it is off to the sewing machine for me.  I think I will make a few extra cases this time.  

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

A surreal kind of day

 Sometimes people say the darndest things. Take today for instants, an acquaintance asked how Eric was doing because she hadn’t seen him lately. I just did not know what to say. It floored me because this is the week he died four years ago. So not wanting to make an awkward situation more awkward, I just told her he’s been very busy, and I haven’t seen him much myself lately. That seem to satisfy her and she wandered off. 

I won a raffle basket of knitting goodies at the Old Pueblo Knitting Guild meeting this morning.  When I got home I went through the basket to decide what I wanted and needed. To tell the truth it was more about want than need.  I the put the yarn that I was going to share back in the basket to take to my next meeting.  I shared the yarn with another group of fiber lovers. I managed to take an empty basket home.  Score one for me.  

Sunday, November 12, 2023

This and That

 I have been on a finishing spree today.  I finished 2 more projects today. One hat and 1 scarf. Of course I cast on another scarf because I don’t want my knitting needles to get lonely. That leaves me a total of 6 more projects to photograph.  Also I  have been pulling out Unfinished Projects.  Finishing them to add to the pile.

I also took the time to take not one but two naps today.  With the family stress going on I am finding it hard to sleep through the night. When I am both tired and stressed it is a really bad thing for my body.  Hopefully we can get this family stuff done by the end of the year so we can start with a clean slate for 2024. In my humble opinion that would be perfectly delightful.  

Most of the time I can keep a running to do list in my head. Lately I have found it necessary to  write a hard copy of my daily to do lists. This gives me the satisfaction of actually crossing things off the list rather than just deleting them from my phone.  It will also pair down some of my extensive pile of scratch pads.  Scratch pads seem to multiply like bunnies around here. 

Yesterday I also started filling a box for Goodwill with the clothes that keep getting bigger in the closet. The good news is that I only needed to add a few pairs of pants to my wardrobe. We picked the pants up yesterday.  

I will hopefully get some sleep tonight and have a busy day tomorrow.  Wish me luck.