Showing posts with label Deep cleaning Goodwill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deep cleaning Goodwill. Show all posts

Sunday, November 12, 2023

This and That

 I have been on a finishing spree today.  I finished 2 more projects today. One hat and 1 scarf. Of course I cast on another scarf because I don’t want my knitting needles to get lonely. That leaves me a total of 6 more projects to photograph.  Also I  have been pulling out Unfinished Projects.  Finishing them to add to the pile.

I also took the time to take not one but two naps today.  With the family stress going on I am finding it hard to sleep through the night. When I am both tired and stressed it is a really bad thing for my body.  Hopefully we can get this family stuff done by the end of the year so we can start with a clean slate for 2024. In my humble opinion that would be perfectly delightful.  

Most of the time I can keep a running to do list in my head. Lately I have found it necessary to  write a hard copy of my daily to do lists. This gives me the satisfaction of actually crossing things off the list rather than just deleting them from my phone.  It will also pair down some of my extensive pile of scratch pads.  Scratch pads seem to multiply like bunnies around here. 

Yesterday I also started filling a box for Goodwill with the clothes that keep getting bigger in the closet. The good news is that I only needed to add a few pairs of pants to my wardrobe. We picked the pants up yesterday.  

I will hopefully get some sleep tonight and have a busy day tomorrow.  Wish me luck. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

The Dangers of Shoe Racks

 If you give a mom a shoe rack.

She will find that not all of her shoes fit.

She will want another shoe rack.

So she will have to clean her closet to make room.

She will have to find a new home for her drop spindles. 

Then rearrange another closet before she can move things.

She will find enough stuff to fill three boxes for charity.

She will make the dad drop it off that very day.

Then she will have to organize two baskets full of fiber and a three drawer basket cart full of fiber.

She will find a missing Turkish Drop Spindle.

This will lead to a bedspread needing to be washed, but that's another story.

The cart fits where it is supposed to go. Happy dance!

But wait, there is a pile of stuff that needs new homes, both in and out of the house. 

After two and a half hours mom is too tired to move.

There is still not enough room in the closet for a shoe rack.

One room is clean.

One room is a big mess in progress, watch where you step and turn on the light before you enter.

Just who's idea was it to let mom have a new shoe rack anyway?

We might as well let mom have the second shoe rack.

Let's just wait and see what leaves the house to make room for the second shoe rack. 

More on The Dangers of Shoe Racks tomorrow. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020


We finally got rain today. The bulk of the rain fell in about a half an hour. In that half an hour we got an inch and a half of rain and by dinner time the total was 2 inches of rain. It was a little bit too muggy to do any knitting today. So I spent the morning vacuuming up the dust bunnies and doing some deep cleaning. A lot of Zenning was started. This afternoon I worked on organizing the craft/storage room. I found some yarn that I didn’t even know I had. I also found a couple of projects that I lost. I started a new load of stuff for Goodwill too.   I am sure that I have a volunteer to drop it off for me. Tomorrow I’ll get out the big loom and start a shawl.