Wednesday, March 2, 2022

We will Call it a Toss Up

 My body and I were not on good terms today.  This resulted in numerous naps.  I would rather sleep through the pain if I can.  If I fall asleep quickly my body needed recharge time.  So not much of anything got done today with the exception of 2 outings.  

The 1st was to Whole Foods for a few things John and I neeeded.  They we not out of 1 item.  I stocked up on apples and Sumono Oranges. If you have not tried them you really should try this seasonal orange.  I got us a treat of 2 vegan croissants.  F John does not eat his croissant tomorrow just might have to eat it before it goes stale.  Also berries and oatmeal for breakfast. 

Since it was 85f today  no one of our favorite restaurants now opens a 4:30pm   We went out for a lovely dinner. We got there just as they opened and we had our choice of outside tables. We got our favorites   They even remembered that John does not use Teriyaki sauce.  

My body wants to sleep some more  so this is the end of the post  

A surprisingly good day

 If I would have known not all dermatologist office weren’t like the last one I went to. Where they physically lost my file,  said I was responsible for keeping track of it. The P.A. Would Actually listened to me. Also didn’t cry through the entire appointment and had to go fix his makeup afterwards. The doctor did not sound like my mom on a bad day.   I might have made my appointment sooner.  

I found a new dermatologist today.  The experience totally different.  That really surprised me. If you need a dermatologist I will be happy to give you his information privately.  

Also I can’t knit more than an inch of baby blanket at a time on US size 4 knitting needles.  

Monday, February 28, 2022


 I am learning to live with the new quacks my body has thrown at me. If it means it takes all day to do a short list of chores, it will take all day.  I also have started bring something to the other end of the house when I head that way.  I am also resting more.  The house is very slowly getting neater.  Neater, not company ready yet.  

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Just Sunday

 I had a good cleaning spree today. Over the course of the day I got almost 2 hours of housework done.  

I am however completely ticked off by the realtor from California who called my cell phone at 7:30 this morning wanting to sell our house.  Waking me up after a very rough night. First off our house is not on the market. Second my cell phone number is unlisted.  Which by the current time difference she was making cold calls at 6:30 am in California.  What in the blank it ee blank was she thinking? There is something known as common courtesy.  Can someone from California tell me what time your state allows sales calls to begin?  Also to sell real estate in Arizona, you must be licensed in Arizona.  This was so wrong on so many levels.  I am still tempted to file a complaint. 

In knitting news, I got to the 4th color in the baby blanket.  This is the 3rd color change.  It is looking good.  

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Spinning Anyone?

 I spent my afternoon spinning at Grandmas Spinning Wheel here in Tucson.  Need I really say more about my day.  Ok, I guess so.. Some people spun inside and some people spun outside with me.  One lady even stopped to take our picture because she had never seen people spin yarn before.  I was trying out some of my new spindles.  One needed to be fixed when I came home because the hook was bent and I did not bring my tools with me.   It was a 2 minute fix when I got home.  Half of which was walking to get the tools.

Next time I spin out side I will have to remember to bring eye drops.  When my eyes get dry things get a little blurry.  Of course even outside we wore our masks.  This left me a little dry too. When I got my iced tea after we finished, I gulped half of it before I started the car.  

I was also given a charity blanket to sew up.  It is made from the dreaded polyester.  So if anyone wants to sew it up and give it to the charity of their choice please let me know.  There are a bunch of granny squares that were Crocheted.  

Friday, February 25, 2022

Baby Steps

 I am definitely feeling better today. Not yet 100%.  I only took one nap.  Managed to get 2 loads of laundry finished.  I attacked some paper work.  My recycling bin was very happy.  I even managed to knit over  1 inch on the baby blanket using size 4 knitting needles.  I am almost ready for the next color change.  

I still get very tired at times and need to rest more than I want.  But at least I am getting things done.  

Thursday, February 24, 2022


 My body got the better of me again today.  Besides have a very bad dyslexic day, my body was about the same.  I had trouble keeping tracking of time, I felt out of time and space..  I used the 5 minute cleaning rules several times today to get a few things done.  My body laughed at my plans for today.  I can only hope that tomorrow is better.  I hope I am not to tired to knit most of the day again.