Thursday, September 6, 2018

5 Day and Counting

My ankle has recovered enough to start walking again.  If I can maintain my 8,000 steps per day for 25 more days I will increase my step count goal by a slight increase in steps.  I have even starting walking around my neighborhood. This means that I can walk up and down small hills. It is still easier to walk down hill than up hill. I have also found that it is easier to warp the small loom too. I will try warping the larger loom later this weekend.

Eric was up to his old tricks today. He faked sick at his program.  When he found out that daddy was going to pick him up he instantly got better.  His aide tonight and I figured out his con job.  In some ways I am very happy that he got his point across.  That he was bored and wanted to go home  In some ways I had thought we had left this bad behavior behind us.  Some days I just want to throw up my hands and say enough of this Eric and hide out in my local yarn shop.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Moving Down

Today I got into a pair of blue jeans that have not fit for a long time.  That made my day.  Then to out do myself I made my step goal for the 3rd day in a row. So all in all it was a good day.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Whiney Mommy

Now I don’t want to be a whiney mommy, but staying up most of the night without my full sugar, full caffeine drink is hard. No, I am not backing down on the commitment I made to myself on June 6th to  cut back on all sodas and 80% of my sugar intake.  It’s just the first time Eric has had a really bad night since then. For that I am truly grateful. To answer the most obvious question, yes I did have 2 full cups of tea this morning. That just does not equal 12 ounces off caffeine and sugar.

Just because I am tired does not mean that I am going to stop organizing and trying to complete the Zenning project that I started yesterday.  Yesterday I took all my weaving yarn and separated the warping and weft yarns to make it faster to start new projects.

Yes I am going to whine.  Whine. Whine. Whine. Now off I go to clean for a while. Maybe not as long as planed, but I had really planned a movie day, so what does it matter.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Black Yarn

We all have some black yarn in our stash. Weather it has been bought or gifted. We all know it is a pain to knit with. Well my solution is to weave with it. I managed to weave 12 inches in one TV show. This scarf should be ready for tying off tomorrow. Back to weaving and watching TV. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Without futher ado, here is hat number 60 for 2018.


Eric is determined that this knitting bag not go back into the craft room until the bag is empty. I on the other hand was done knitting this style of hat for the season. I was getting ready to put the bag back back into the craft room Closet. Then Eric had a temper tantrum. Guess who won? Yes, Eric won. I cast on another hat this morning. By the way the current hat count stands at 59 with 5 more hats in some stage of progress. My guess is that this bag has at least enough yarn for 20 more hats.

Friday, August 24, 2018


Today Eric has me up at 5:30am. What else was there to do but clean the craft room. So I finished winding so yarn and the went on to try to organize some craft bags. I put all the weaving projects together in on bag. Then it was time to organize the UFO’s of knitting projects. I found a lot of lace and sock weight yarn projects which were put in to a project bag together. I also found 2 more hats in progress, in separate knitting bags, which explains the shortage of 16 inch circular knitting needles earlier this year. The yarn has the equivalent of at least 5 more hats. So instead of sixty hats it looks like it’s going to be more like seventy hats or 6 dozen hats with the yarn currently in my hat knitting bags.

I really think that I need to trim that down to just one bag with hat knitting supplies instead of 3. In some cases I think 1 is better than 3. So the Zenning of the craft room continues.