Monday, June 4, 2018

My Hands

Here I sit in the middle of the night with my hands aching and too swollen for the night splints.  Waiting for the aspirin to kick in.  Trying to think of anything I can do around the house without waking the guys.  Knitting and spinning are out my hands are too sore and it would only make them worse.  Weaving is out I do not have either loom warped. I guess that I could do some light cleaning and start the dishwasher and washing machine. Maybe by then the swelling and pain will go away enough to sleep.  I can only hope.

Why does pain always seem worse in the middle of the night?

Friday, June 1, 2018

If You Give Eric A Purse

Eric came home early from his day program for an appointment. In the mists of being given a pile of paperwork, I gave Eric my purse to hold.  Before we went in to see his doctor, I  also gave Eric a choice to go to knitting with my friends or go home and watch television. I gave him time to think about it. In retrospect that was a mistake.

After his doctor's appointment, I asked for my purse back. Eric made his grip tighter. We went back and forth for 10 minutes before Eric finally won. When we got to the car and Eric was sure that we were heading home, he let go of my purse.  His daddy will be proud of him for holding his ground.

No knitting friends for me today. Eric is wondering where I am at the moment.. So it's time to go.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


My Blogger account got hacked by someone in Los Angeles. Sorry hacker the password has been changed. I guess I will go around and change all my passwords now.

So needless to say if you get anything odd from me do not reply. I will never ask for your credit card information or any personal information.

This is my brag and vent space. You may also find the very occasional pattern or recipe.

I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.


Monday, May 28, 2018

Washing Fleeces and Other Things

I spent this weekend washing some very dirty fleeces and tons of Eric’s laundry. Tons is a relative term but in his 5 days off of his day program, I managed to wash 9 loads of Eric’s laundry. As for the fleeces I washed a little over 2 pounds with more to wash next week. I am debating going to Goodwill to get more fleece washing bags.

Depending on how much fleece that I get washed this week, I might consider bring the carderout. Then again it might be in 2 weeks.

No looms got warped or spinning done.

Friday, May 25, 2018

‘‘Tis the season

It’s hat knittting season in Tucson of course. With the spring tempatures looming in the high 90’s to low 100’s it is the pefrect time to knit hats. They are small. They are fast to knit. They can use a lot of bits and pieces of yarn to make very colorful hats. They are a great stash buster. Next winter when the tempature dips below the low 70’s the kids will love them.

So the current yearly count stands at 25 hats with 2 more hats on the knitting needles. I will let you know when the count hits 36. All the hats are going to the Flowing Well clothing bank here in Tucson. I am also weaving a few scarfs too.

Have a safe holiday weekend and remember our Gold Star Famlies.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Surreal Day

I spent the day trying to fix things in my realm. My success rate was about 50%.

On the easy things like John's ink stained shirts I was told that "he needs to stain one more shirt, because the price break is at three shirts." Does this mean that I was suppose to go home and stain one more dress shirt and come back for the better price? I am taking this as a win, the shirts will be ready at 5pm tomorrow.

I got gas for the van before it ran out. Breakfast out at 10:30 am and a lunch of a slice of cheese and some crackers eaten at stop lights at 2:30 pm, I did not mind hitting every red light, at least I got some lunch before I picked up Eric. To make it even better John brought home dinner. So on food I will call it a win.

I thought I had a win on laundry getting three loads finished today. Eric had other plans. He filled his personal laundry basket twice today. So I added a fourth load of laundry tonight. A break even.

On the problem with Eric's formula. The people at Nestle's Ethereal Nutrition were wonderful. At least I found out that there was no recall or plant issues. I even got a case file number to give to the people at Corman.  Corman is an interesting company to say the least. The first person I spoke to swore that Eric had not had a delivery since 2014 and of course the formula went bad after that amount of time. The second person I talked to at least found Eric's file. She would not replace the 8 cases of formula that were mishandled in transit. This resulted in the formula curdling like cheese. Rendering the formula useless for Eric or anyone else. That they would instead send a refund to United Health Care. Insert whatever swear words you want here.  She sent one expedited case so that Eric could eat tonight and the rest of the week. The  rest will be here by Friday. They would also not pick up the bad cases of bad formula, so they sit in the living room. Net loss 8 cases of formula  and no reserves for when things go south with the paperwork snafu's that always happen. This is not even close to break even.

I thought that I had a break even with the issues at Eric's day program. I thought that everything was fairly settled. My personal feeling is that we will never see the program fees that walked away.  So I wrote a check for the missing money and this months fees. Handed the missing paperwork that has been filled out countless times to a reliable person. So I will only write check from now on and have everyone sign for the paperwork they receive for Eric. So I thought that I was good until I opened My email at 5:00 pm only to find a demand for the the money owed,almost like a collection letter. I am sincerely hoping that this was just a lack of communication on their part, I hope that the check I wrote at 9:45am is not lost already. I also doubt that I will see a full accounting of where Eric's fees landed, because he was either sick or stayed back on most of the field trips.  You decide.

No time to make three pairs of earrings for tomorrow. That makes me sad, but I will try to get them made tomorrow for Friday.

Tomorrow will be better.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Catching Up

Today was spent catching up on badly needed sleep. House work was limited to two five minute blocks of time. You would be surprised how much I can get done in 5 minutes without interruption. I managed to fill the recycling bag twice and then take it out to the big bin. I have a pile of boxes for John to break down too.

Surprisingly I had no laundry, so tomorrow I expect knee deep piles in the laundry room. I also finished one charity hat and cast on the next hat. I am not sure where the hat count for the year is yet, but I think I have at least one and possibly 2 dozen knit so far this year. I am off to a slow start this year.

It is time to call it a day.