Thursday, July 10, 2014

Monsoon Friendly Roving.

Today I had great success with an alpaca silk roving. I started this roving a few months ago and it was almost impossible to spin.  The fiber flew every which way. I spent most of the time fighting with the fiber. I even tried using a blend of oil and water to try to tame it. That just made the roving feel yucky. 

Fast forward to monsoon season 2014. With the humidity around 40% instead of the usual 5 to 10%, the roving spun like a dream.  So my conclusion is some fiber just spins better in higher humidity. So this is my Tour de Fleece spin of the day. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

You Don't Look Old Enough

I was offered a senior discount for the first time today. Then the cashier said I did not look old enough to get the discount, so I had to pull out my id to get the 20% discount. I felt like I was 30 all over again trying to prove that I was over 21 and entitled to buy a glass of wine.

Age is a funny thing. It not only takes genetics, but a whole host of factors such as how much time did you spend in the sun before 20. How many sun burns did you get? Did you wear sun screen or baby oil while you were out in the sun? Did you wear wide brimmed hats or did you insist on the perfect hair all the time? Do you use moisturizer and sun screen daily on your face and hands even in the winter? Did you try to eat healthy or eat nothing but junk food? What type of life style did/do you lead?

I can say that I have been wearing wide brimmed hats for a long time. I have been using a moisturizer with sun screen since my early 20's. But is that really it. I can remember at 16 when I took my brother and his friend to Magic Mountain for the day. I had to pull out my drivers license to prove that I was 16 and old enough to supervise the 2 boys. The cashier still charged me the 12 and under rate because she said I did not look 16 and was sure that the license was a fake, but she still let us in with me as the supervising adult.  The heck with what the drivers license said.

On the other hand I know people who can pass for 5 or more years older than they are and no one gives that a second thought. Some are taller and some are shorter, so it can't all be the height thing. All I know is that it starts to happen at about 6 months of age. So if you look younger than your age have that id ready and get those senior discounts.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 3 of Tour de Fleece

I did not spend the day spinning so I do not have any finished skeins.  So here are pictures of the work in progress.  

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Tour de Fleece Day 2

2 skeins spun today. The top skein is from  The bottom skein is from Into The Whirled .com.  Both wee fun to spin.  Yes I got all 5 loads of laundry done too. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Tour de Fleece 2014

Day 1.  The second picture is a single ply mohair in red and blue.  The first one is a Cloudlover super wash BFL in Neptune's Wrath.  

Monday, June 30, 2014

S to Z or Z to S

In spinning there are 2 ways to spin and ply the yarn.  I was taught S to Z and find it very easy.  I decided to try Z to S. After spinning and plying 5 skeins, just about a pound of roving, of Z to S, I think I will go back to S to Z.  I just find it easier to spin. My hands and fingers just want to work that way.  My yarn is just a little smoother. So here are the pictures as they were washing.  

Sunday, June 29, 2014


I started the first of 2 baby blankets this morning.  As of right now I am 25% done with the first blanket.  Eric was a big help. He held on to the yarn while I was knitting.  Here is my progress so far.

I also managed to spin a little and get the laundry finished today. Eric is feeling better, but still not 100%.