Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It is Already Wednesday

Eric is feeling better. Today we had our first smiles in over a week. I am still spending most of my time in his room. I am getting a lot of knitting done. I should have the second shawl of the week done tommrow. Not to worry though, I have 2 more shawls in a semi finished state. This is just in one bag of ufo's. I have decided that if I can't remember or find the patterns I will tink the project.

I managed to get a 2 mile walk in today. I also plyed 2 skeins of yarn. My carder was busy today too. I carded 3 batts that I will try to spin tommrow. Talking of carding, I found it to be pretty good excersise, after 1 hour of carding I wash drenched and tired. I wonder how many kcal's a hour ot burns. I will also have to figure out how to get it to attach to the table a little better.

It is fast approaching tommrow and I am so hoping that Eric will go to sleep soon. Night All.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

First Full Day home from the Hospital

Today was Eric's first full day home from the hospital. We both got some much needed rest. In addition I managed to get a little cleaning and a lot of laundry done. I have gone through most of the mail and newspapers that were waiting for me since Saturday. I am very sure that the recycling bin in the back yard was very happy to be feed quite a bit today.

On the finishing of my UFOs I was very scattered today and worked on 3 different projects. Including a hat for John,  another Uncle Harry Scarf in an olive gray for my on line studio and I am nearing the ending of a very large wool shawl. I am in the lace section so it takes almost an hour to do 2 rows. If I had sat down and worked on just the shawl it might have been finished today.

I hear the spindles and spinning wheel calling my name but I just did not find the time today.

I did make a pot of chili tonight for dinner. I was very happy that I managed to get a home cooked meal made today. Since neither of us was very hungry I strongly suspect that I will have enough for at least one more dinner. There is also almost a full pan of homemade corn bread left over too. Maybe even enough for breakfast.

Well it is getting quite late so I think its time to call it a night.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Dance Time.

We are home from the hospital. Eric will be home the rest of the week. I see a lot of knitting getting done. The count so far 1 shawl and 1 hat complete. Pictures when I am less tired.  Night all.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Knitting Needles

The thought occurred to me tonight that I have a lot and I do mean a lot of different knitting needles in different shapes and sizes. Then why is it that I never have the size I need when I want it. Which of course leads to buying more knitting needles.

Am I just like all the knitters with a lot of UFOs. I see something that I just have to make and if I have the yarn in the house it is on the needles very quickly. Not that it will necessarily get finished very quickly. Hence the plethora of UFOs.

I have started carrying a big bag with a lot of my UFOs in it to knitting with the hopes that someday they will get finished before they: A: Go out of style. B: I have forgotten or lost the pattern. C: I run out of yarn and it is no longer available so I have to tink it.  I think I need to make a giant effort this year to finish UFOs including Teri's never ending blanket, hey I have gotten a few more squares done so far this week and any progress is good progress. Right?

So join me in the month of February in finishing as many UFOs as we can. Lets try to really see how many knitting needles we all have. Then just maybe we can get some more yarn. I know the yarn diet thing right, well in my case maybe I can get all the yarn into the house if I just knit enough.

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Idea of Heaven

Today was a simply awesome day filled with knitting, spinning ( on the wheel no less ), fun,exercise, friends and food. Who could really ask for anything more.

Today started off with knitting with friends. I am almost finished with the top down shawl in Blond Chicken's (aka Tara) hand spun yarn. Every one was working on awesome project ranging from doll clothes to cowls and even some sweaters and blankets. We even managed to get a new knitter started today, Carolyn supplied the know how while Liz provided the yarn and needles. That was a great job on stash busting Liz, very creative too.

Then it was off to lunch. Which was kinda of funny most of us could not remember what we ordered and the servers did not know what some of the dishes were. Well you just had to be there to enjoy the moment.

Then it was off to home and a bit of exercise with John. Followed by my best spinning on the wheel since my hand surgery. I had my pod cranked up and was singing in the key of off while I spun. This made me extremely happy, because I had vision's of having to find a new home for the wheel and I really like her.

After I got Eric off the bus we had some time together. Eric even managed to get John to watch Barney. I spent some time working on a commission. Then it was off to Cafe Ole for Talipia taco's for dinner. You know your are eating healthy in a Mexican restaurant when the wait staff says you did a good job of picking the healthy food off the menu. By the way if you have never had grilled Talipia taco's, you must try them with out the cheese and sauce for the best taste experience ever.

Before I forget, I have finished and started another square on Teri's blanket. Well its getting late and I want to try to get to the opening at 505 Miracle Mile tomorrow to see what they have done with Tucson's newest artist venue.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Day Off

Eric went to school today. So I got a day off. The only problem was that I was so tired I could hardly move or keep my eyes open. So I decided to put my eye drops in count to 500 and get moving. Well I don't think I made it to 500 , but I did manage to wake up before noon. I think my body plead exhaustion. Then made the nap time decision.

After a light lunch of figs and goat cheese. I poured a cup of Roobios tea and headed ot the door to the Withers Ranch. Kathy was kind enough to teach me how to use my carder. With a lot of Kathy's help we made a 1 ounce batt. I am going to miss my time with Kathy. She is such a bright and artistic woman. All I have to say is that you folks in Maryland are getting a treasure. So please learn from her and support her artistic endivers.

I still had time to run to the Pharmacy. And Trader Joes. I even had enough energy to make a red pot soup for dinner. This is the first cooked from scratch dinners since my hand surgery. The good news is that we have enough for at least another meal.

Well I think that it is time to call it a night.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nap Time

Today was an official nap time at the house today. Eric and I got some much needed rest. I also got a surprising amount of cleaning done today. 4 bags of trash out and 1 bin of recycling went out the door. It does not seem possible to me the confirmed pack rat, but the more I throw the more I find to throw. Also it takes less time to find things and to clean.

I also found some time to work on 2 different blankets.

Well even though it's only 9:30pm. I am really tired and am calling it a night.