This morning in one of those brief moments of super clarity the thought occurred to me.
Why not weave in the ends of the scarf before I took the scarf off the loom? While the scarf was still under tension.
So I gave it a try using the technique my friends grandmother taught her. You know, the one I thought of on my own. The one that goes against how they teach weaving in the ends in Tucson.
Well to make a long story short. It worked. It was easier. I am sharing pictures of both ends woven in. On my next scarf I will show off the technique. In the meantime just marvel at how clean the woven in threads look. I will trim the ends after the hot bath.
By the way I also wound the yarn on the shuttle from the inside of the skein so that the colors would look very similar to the way I spun the yarn. Otherwise you would have seen a stark green line next to the purple. I am breaking rules right and left this morning.