I was given quite a few cones of very fine cotton yarn for weaving cloth. Since I don’t anticipate getting a multi heddle loom any time soon. I decided to try an experiment with the yarn for my warp threads. Instead of threading every other slot on the heddle I put a double thread through the slots and holes. It does take longer to thread. However once the threads are all through, I just roll everything on to the back roll. Then tie everything down and start weaving
The first scarf I tried this with was on a 5 dent heddle. I wove this with a combination of hand spun yarn and yarn that had a hand spun look. That was taken off the loom tonight and still needs finishing work. Tonight’s warp is on a 10 dent heddle that will be woven with sock yarn recovered from last night’s Bye Bye project. I think I will have enough sock yarn to weave at least 3 scarves.
At this point if you are a weaver and are offended by this, sorry not sorry. If I were not meant to experiment like this, the cones of yarn would not have been donated to a Knitting Guild. Also you might just like the way the weave turns out. It is not textbook weaving, but it does create a nice scarf with a pretty texture. So give it a try before you start making the comments that I am doing it wrong. Just weaving outside the box.