I got my stitches out today. I am very happy. Let’s see if I sleep tonight. This tension headache is not helping. I am also on square 4 of a nine square modular blanket. Since I can’t go out to knit tomorrow, I will work on this for my 2 to 3 hours of morning knitting before I make lunch and putter around the house for a few hours before making dinner.
While you are thinking what to do with all this time freed up by CONVID19. Please remember your local brick and mortar business. Your local yarn stores are doing all they can to stay afloat. If you need yarn call them first. Some are open and are allowing in store sales. Some will be shipping orders. Some will even bring your yarn order out to your cars. If you want them around post crisis see what you can do to help them now. This goes for other speciality shops and eateries too.