Showing posts with label poor customer service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poor customer service. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

Post Pandemic Shopping

 I am really beginning to hate post pandemic shopping.  Big retailers say come to our stores to buy what you need. So I went to the stores only to be told that item that they used to stock in stores is only available on line.  However they will order what they think I want or that they are over stocked with and not what I want.  

So now I try calling the store ahead of time when it literally across town.  I land up at an out of country call center where I repeat my question a minimum of 5 times and the person just wants to data harvest.  If we land up getting through to the store, they don’t carry it in the store. Then we get a callback from the out of country call center saying head on over they have them in stock. 

A Hint to Big Companies. Customers don’t like or need the run around that you are handing out. We don’t have to shop at your stores.  Customer service is job one, yes I said job one.  Without customers buying whatever you are selling you are out of business.  We deserve and demand good customer service.  

I am going down through sizes at a good clip right now.  When I lose a size, I really need to try on what I want to buy instead of just guessing.  Please try to do better.  Running companies has always been hard work.  Companies that are not well run fail.  Poor customer service can cause problems to your bottom lines.  Which leads to Chapter 11 or 13.  Both you may want to avoid if at all possible, it’s really bad for you if you depend on quarterly bonuses to pay you personal bills. 

Please try to make shopping like it was 2019.  When shopping was easier for all involved.  We need a reason to get off the computer and head to the malls.  The extra walking is good for us.  The selection should be awesome.