Eric also let me bring weaving into his room this afternoon. I made it 3/4 of the way through a mud rug before my hand needed a rest. The mud rugs seem to serve two purposes right now. The first is that it is keeping my hands and mind occupied. The second, that it is using up some hand spun yarn that is not soft enough to go next to the skin, but that I do not have enough to weave a full sized rug or a full set of placemats with. This is a very portable weaving project. Did I mention that I also get to show off one off my cool handmade baskets too. I did not weave the basket, but it was made by another artist.
I know that I should be sleeping now, but I woke up at 2:30 am with the headache from he double toothpicks. As I am writing this I am waiting for the aspirin to kick. I am also enjoying the rain and lighting show. We are approaching the 3/4 of an inch mark since the rain started around dinner time last night.