Showing posts with label dog pillows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog pillows. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2019

It’s Official

This afternoon I found out that Eric will be home for another week.  The site where he goes for his day program is under going major repairs to its gym. Air quality is the issue for Eric.  So Eric and I have planned some activities for next week.

So to make this happen for Eric, I will be making dog pillows, with help on the stuffing stage.  Then sewing them up.  These will go to the Humane Society.  I will also go through my knitting bags to find all the tabs I can. We are going to drop them off at the local Ronald McDonald House to help the kids. The tabs pay for the utilities here in Tucson with any leftover money going to help the families. This is Eric’s favorite charity project.

So if I am cranky next week, please forgive me. I also am apologizing in advance.  Now I am going back to knitting.

Friday, February 15, 2019

20,21 and 22

The next 3 projects are dog pillows.  No fiber goes to waste.  The stuffing is made from yarn scraps, fiber leftovers from the carder, left over fabric scraps from sewing, UFO’s that are not worthy of finishing or tinking and mixed with Polly fill to even things out. Nothing goes to waste. I use material from my material stash and material that can be gotten for a good price on the clearance table. They are give to dogs without charge.  This is a great recycling project.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Another Use and a Fond Farewell

If you have been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that my craft room has had a major design change. What most people don't know is that the white cabinet on the wall also hides a Murphy bed.  The bed is now down in anticipation of Teri coming home for a visit.  I really like the versatility of having a multipurpose room, although when down the queen size bed takes up most of the room. The shellfs that John put up elimated all the bags that use to be on the floor, that way we can add 2 chairs and a foot stool in the room for company.  It seems so strange to me that my darling daughter has now been out of the house and on her own long enough to be considered company. 

I would also like to say good bye to the first pair of socks that I knit by hand. They are now amassing wholes in all sorts of places.  I have the skills but not the inclination or matching sock yarn for repairs.   So at this time I would like to say darn, darn socks.  Now they have been darned. They will not be heading for the landfill but rather they will be part of the stuffing for another dog pillow. 

Now to post the pictures and get on with my day.   

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I Step Back

I landed up having to rewash all of the white roving. I did not get enough lanlion off the fiber.  It looks much better now.  The wool will spend tomorrow drying.  Then I will go to the next fleece on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.  Hopefully that will be the last fleece that I find in the storage room.  

Next on the line up are a few dog pillows for my spinning groups dogs. There are a few new puppy's.  I also want to start my next design this week.  There is just so much to do. I will get more accomplished if Eric does a good job of sleeping. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Being Productive

I seem to be in a finishing mood today. I started out the day by crocheting the edging on 2 wash cloths. They were going to be for a fundraiser that fell through. Once the fund raiser fell though I put them on the back burner. So they are now done so I need to figure out what I will do with them.  Any thoughts besides keeping them?

Because the next batch of hats is going to stay local, I gathered up some bits and pieces of cotton yarn and started another batch of 30 hats. I will also make some wool hats too. I think the pattern is so simple it is a little additive. One hat got completed from start to finish and the next hat is 2 inches in.

I did have John put one box of yarn into the garage. I hope to get enough knitting done to bring it in sometime around January. This requires that I actually do some knitting for myself and get caught up on pretty things that I want to wear.

I was on the tired side today so not much housework got done. I see the next big push out of the craft room is going to be pillows. I will make both positioning pillows for Eric's bed, his day program and some dog pillows. This should take out about 1/3 of the clutter.

Well it does seem to be about time to call it a day so please take the time to enjoy your families.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Getting Crafty

I made a lot of progress in the craft room today. I got 2 dog pillows out the door and delivered today so that they are out of the house. Made 3 new pillows for Eric's bed, although 1 will require some sort of modification to keep the pillow inside. Repaired the skirt that got torn at Disneyland, I can't quite remember when that was, but I think Teri was in her 1L year. Its not perfect, but it is wearable. 100% silk is sure hard to repair. Repaired 1 bib for Eric and put it in the wash. That means that 1 of the 2 repair baskets is almost empty.

Outside of the craft room I got 6 loads of laundry washed and 3 folded. The rest of the folding can wait until tomorrow. I also finished 2 more knitted hats today. Took Eric with me to Jo-Ann's after his day program to pick up some clean fiber fill for more positioning pillows for the kids. After making more than 80 over the past 6 years I am beginning to wonder how they walk so fast. Discreet labeling saying Taglit Program or Property of Taglit does not seem to work. So I got some permanent art markers. I am going to have Eric and his aide decorate them so the kids will like them and hopefully this batch will not sprout legs and walk away. It is not that I mind making the pillows for the kids. What I mind is that people know I make them for the kids, they like them and take them home with out payment to me or the program and expect me to make more for the kids. I really think that is very selfish on their part. I also don't get stealing pillows from disabled young adults.

Well if I am going to get more pillows out the door tomorrow morning it is time to call it a night.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wheelchairs, Yarn Crawls and Dog Pillows

Well I did over do it on Monday. Tuesday I paid the piper. Absolutely nothing got done on Tuesday. I had to try to recoup some energy for Wednesdays Yarn Crawl. Nancy, Carolyn and I started out early about 8 am for the Phoenix leg of the crawl. We had a great time, but it was a lot of driving for me, I did not get back home until 10 pm. Next time I am going to bring a friend to do some of the driving. We went to a lot of yarn stores, some were fabulous and I would go to them again if I had reason to be in Phoenix. Others not so much, some look like they had seen better days and were in desperate need of a little sprucing up. There was one were the staff was down right rude and condescending, they seemed all about needlepoint, but had yarn in the store for some unknown reason. There were a few mix ups on the times when stores were open. Did you know that in downtown Carefree Arizona the streets roll up by 4 pm with the exception of a few places to eat and the grocery store? I would also like to thank the Gilbert Honda Dealer for taking care of a check tire light for me and suggesting the most wonderful locally owned place for dinner. I will do a review later this week.

Today we picked up Eric's new wheelchair with the custom molded back. Most everyone including Eric loved it. It weighs half the amount as the last chair and it is easier to move. We did get it in wheelchair green (that's an Eric colorway, we could not get anyone one else to name this shade of green with the same name). You will notice that the laterals are gone. The seat back was molded to fit Eric. We just have to remind him to lean back until he gets used to the laterals being gone. We have only had 1 aide complain so far about the new chair and the lack of lateral supports. Oh well you can't please everyone. I would like everyone to notice how clean this new wheelchair is because this is the very last time you will see this chair so clean. My conclusion is that even though it took 18 months to get through the process we landed up with a great chair for Eric in the end.

I also started to make some more dog pillows for the aides with dogs at Eric's day program. I think I will need a volunteer stuffer. Eric has also graciously agreed to hand them out 1 or 2 at a time until we either run out of stuffing or aides with dogs.