Today I spent 4 hours plying the yarn that I spun over the first days of the tour. I have decided that Shetland Wool is not pleasant to ply when it is spun to a lace weight yarn. Masham Wool is wonderful as a thick and thin yarn. It’s even better plyed. BFL is always wonderful to spin and ply.
I am trying not only to spin as much of my fiber stash as possible. I am also trying to spin as many different breeds of sheep as well. Each breed spins a little differently. I am also trying to spin as many British Heritage Sheep fleeces, batts and braids that I have.
Eight skins were plied today. There were 4 four ounce bobbins and 4 smaller skeins for the 52 Yarn’s to Spin Before You Cast Off Book. I am really too tired to take them all out of their bags tonight, so I hope tomorrow will be ok for pictures.
I think that because of my sore Achilles Tendon I will do most of my Spinning on my classic Louet S-15. I also found out today that the Louet S-96 in Oak is no longer being made and I will have to settle for an S-95. I also found out that it will not ship until Mid-September. That means that I will not have it for the Sheep Thrills Fiber Retreat next month. All I can say is it’s a bummer to have to wait so long for a birthday present.