Showing posts with label Happy Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Holidays. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Random Thoughts

 The recovery from food poisoning has been very slow.  The good news is that I am able to eat again.   I am letting my body decide when it wants to eat. Also what it wants to eat.  So far so good.  I am also getting some energy back.

The real reason for this post is really random.  When I was younger and everyone seemed to smoke everywhere, the were always free books and boxes of matches.  I would take them if I wanted to remember the name of the restaurant. I kept them in a little fish bowl that still holds the matches to this day.  Today while getting ready for the holiday, I noticed that the bowl was starting to look a little bit empty.  Meaning that I have not picked up matchbooks in quite awhile.  

Which brought up the question of where does one get matchbooks and boxes in 2024.  I know that I will have a few more years to work this one out.  Since I don’t smoke, I can’t get them with purchase.  Are these businesses who use to give out free matchbooks still in business? Was it a really good form of advertising? Was it a liability issue for giving them out?  Did it just fall out of favor along with smoking? I could ask an AI chatbot, but the companies might get mad if I break their bots with such an irrelevant issue.  

Since there is no one else in this room, I think bringing up 6 relevant points is enough of a start.  If you have any other relevant points please let me know.  

With a blanket Happy Holidays to everyone, because there are just too many holidays and special occasions to keep track of in the next few months.  Before I forget Happy National Eggnog Day.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season.  Since there are about 20 different holidays world wide between Thanksgiving in the United States and the end of January, I choose to make this a general greeting. So again Have a Happy Holiday Season.

Since we don’t celebrate Christmas, we spent the day cleaning and made remarkable progress.  Since everything was closed today charity runs will begin again tomorrow.

The one low spot of the day is that our newer Roomba is dying. It fell in to the hand wash sink a few weeks ago.  Just the electronics fell in.  It just does not pick up like it use to.  John had to use the upright vacuum. I guess I will have to research this, unless anyone has a fix for this.   By the way the sweater that I was washing at the time is fine.  I see a new Roomba in our future.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy Holidays

As I light my grandmother's menorah for the last time this year, I would like to wish you and your families a year of learning and health.